Posts Tagged ‘postal’

Postal Service accused of sharing private info of 68M households obtained from COVID-19 tests

(Natural News) The United States Postal Service (USPS) is being accused of sharing the private information of up to 68 million households with labor unions. The USPS delivered more than 270 million free Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) tests to over 68 million American households back in March 2022. For these COVID-19 tests to reach American homes, families had to […]

New Canadian Postal Veep Has A Plan To Revive Militancy Coast To Coast

A letter carrier who helped organize a militant campaign of refusing forced overtime has won national office in the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, with the goal of taking that direct action approach nationwide. Roland Schmidt, president of the local in Edmonton, Alberta, won a national election in May to became CUPW’s third vice president […]

US Postal Service wants to provide digital ID and collect more biometric data

In a new report on the role of the US Postal Service (USPS) in identity verification, the Office of the Inspector General for the agency has pushed for it to have an expanded role in the collection of biometric data and the rollout of digital ID.

FDA Colludes with US Postal Service to Destroy ‘Horse Dewormer’ Shipments

    The US Food and Drug Administration is colluding with the US Postal Service to intercept inbound international shipments of Covid wonder drug ivermectin, reports circulating on social media claim. According to letters from the FDA being shared online, the federal regulatory agency blocked shipments of ivermectin from reaching their intended recipients as they […]

Senior Republican warns postal reform at risk if DeJoy’s job is threatened

While the postal bill is likely to pass regardless of Comer’s vote, thanks to filibuster-proof support among Senate Republicans, losing one of the top relevant committee leaders in both the House and Senate would hurt Democrats’ attempt at bipartisan unity as well as threaten the support of other House Republicans. And given that Comer is […]

Norway Makes Santa Gay for Ad Promoting… Postal Service?

The Norwegian postal service Posten has released an annual Christmas video featuring Santa Claus falling in love with another man to mark the 50th anniversary of Norway’s decriminalisation of homosexuality. The video, entitled “When Harry Met Santa,” is a four-minute short film in which the main character interacts with Santa Claus several times, before writing […]

Postal Banking Test In The Bronx Yields No Customers

Above photo: While 9.4 percent of New York City households have no bank account, in the Bronx that number nearly doubles to 17.7 percent. Anthony Behar/SIPA USA via AP images. From September 13 to October 31, not a single customer put a paycheck on a gift card in one of the four test locations. New […]

Postal Banking Is Finally A Reality In (Some Of) The United States

Above Photo: Getty Images A Pilot Postal Banking Program Has Been Implemented In A Number Of U.S. Cities. Next, Let’s Rapidly Expand It—And Take It Nationwide. The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed that, while we’re all interconnected — through the air we breathe, our public health systems, the economy — the government is largely absent in American life, leaving us to […]

‘Ten Year Plan’ Will Destroy The Postal Service; Why We Must Save It

The current US Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, and the head of the Board of Governors, Ron Bloom, launched a ten year plan that will slow mail service and raise prices. This is the final blow to defund and destroy the US Postal Service so it will be ripe for privatization. DeJoy and Bloom have financial […]

USPS Begins Postal Banking Pilot Program

Above Photo: Jandos Rothstein. The test allows customers to cash business or payroll checks at the post office and place them onto a gift card. The United States Postal Service (USPS) has taken the most dramatic step in a half-century to re-establish a postal banking system in America. In four pilot cities, customers can now cash payroll […]

20 State AGs File Suit Over Plan To Sabotage Postal Service

Above Photo: A postal worker gives a thumbs-up to demonstrators protesting the Trump administration’s sabotage of the U.S. Postal Service on August 22, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. Rich Fury/Getty Images. Amid Calls to ‘Fire DeJoy.’ “Millions of Americans depend on the mail every day,” said Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson. “One political appointee […]

Josh Mandel Falsely Claims US Postal Service Is Unconstitutional, Vows to Eliminate It

Ohio Republican U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel spoke Saturday at a “Party In The Park,” an annual event hosted by Ohioans for Concealed Carry in Powell, Ohio, where he once again declared that if elected to office, he’ll work to ensure that Americans with “Judeo-Christian values” are “instilling God” in all aspects of society. “In […]

Going Postal: American Postal Workers Union REJECTS Biden Vaccine Mandate

Australians who merely post anti-lockdown information online could face fines of up to $11,000 under a draconian new piece of legislation. Under the proposal, which is being pushed by the opposition in in New South Wales, protest organizers would be fined a whopping $20,000 and people who attend would be fined $5,500. However, the law […]

Canada to Follow USA Down Postal-Ballot Rabbit Hole

How the “pandemic” is being used as an excuse to snuff out what little democracy is left in the Western world. by Kit Knightly The government of Canada is getting ready to amend its election laws to allow the counting of mail-in ballots after the polls have closed, and massively increase the country’s reliance on […]

Green Spying, Postal Media Spying, Decentralization Summit – New World Next Week

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube This week on the New World Next Week: MI6 admits to spying on the world…for climate change! Also, the USPS is reading your social media posts and the D3 Tech Summit forwards decentralized solutions to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. CLICK HERE for show notes […]

US Postal Service Running ‘Covert Operations Program’ To Spy On Americans’ Social Media Posts, Share With Agencies

Lissa’s Humane Life: Exposing a Nation of Traitors… Human Rights be Damned by Tyler Durden Thursday, Apr 22, 2021 – 04:22 AM The US Postal Service (USPS) has been running a secret program to track and collect Americans’ social media posts – including those about planned protests, according to a document obtained by Yahoo News. […]

US Postal Service Is Monitoring Right-Wing Social Media Posts For ‘Wrongthink’

A new report shows that the U.S. Postal Service has been illegally spying on American users’ social media posts and reporting right-wing ‘wrongthink’ to the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. According to a document obtained by Yahoo News, the law enforcement arm of the U.S. Postal Service has been engaged in a covert surveillance […]

It’s Been A Long Nightmare Before Christmas For UPS And Postal Workers

It’s Been A Long Nightmare Before Christmas For UPS And Postal Workers Above photo: For postal and UPS workers, the peak season started in March with the pandemic… and it never let up. Photos: IMF Photo Cory Hancock (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0), Michael Shea. Every year, workers at the Postal Service and UPS expect to work […]

“US postal worker reveals he was instructed by a superior to backdate late Ballots.”

Here’s the Bing search engine result for the above very important title:

California Is Ready To Pilot A Postal Banking Solution

By Thomas M. Hanna and Jeff Olson, The Hill. October 14, 2020 Above photo: Greg Nash. The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is under attack and at grave risk. But with that many Americans are awakening to both the value of the USPS and the manifest dangers of privatization. The crisis has also sparked renewed interest […]

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