Posts Tagged ‘collect’

A new wave of wearable devices will collect a mountain on information on us – we need to get wise about the privacy implications

Web and mobile services try to understand the desires and goals of users by analysing how they interact with their platforms. Smartphones, for instance, capture online data from users at a large scale and low cost. Policymakers have reacted by enforcing mechanisms to mitigate the risks inherent in tech companies storing and processing their citizens’ private information, such as […]

Scientists Collect Entirely New Type of Virus From Marianas Trench Ocean Abyss

Scientists have discovered a novel marine virus that lives at an astonishing depth of 8,900 meters (roughly 5.5 miles) under the ocean surface, making it the deepest known isolated phage ever found in the global seas, reports a new study. The rare find could shed light on the microbial ecosystems that lurk in the deepest […]


Collect Trump Cards’ December 16, 2022 By tuteditor ed note–as usual, ladies and Gentile-men, a much deeper, darker, and more dangerous game taking place beneath the surface than most realize or even want to consider. First, let us begin today’s discussion with some definitions, namely the often-used term TRUMP CARD –which is defined thus– A valuable resource […]

US Postal Service wants to provide digital ID and collect more biometric data

In a new report on the role of the US Postal Service (USPS) in identity verification, the Office of the Inspector General for the agency has pushed for it to have an expanded role in the collection of biometric data and the rollout of digital ID.

Report: Amazon and 3rd Parties Collect Voice Data from Smart Speakers and “share it with as many as 41 advertising partners”

Despite all the bad press reported about Amazon’s smart speaker devices – and the high levels of biologically harmful wireless radiation they emit – people are still buying these devices and using them in their homes and businesses.  In fact, they’re even being used in nursing homes, sometimes with disastrous results.

Dr. Ricardo Delgado: Graphene oxide can map our brain, and “collect information such as memories, local thoughts, sensations, emotions, or feelings.”

Dr. Ricardo Delgado: ” Good afternoon everyone. My name is Ricardo Delgado and I am the founder and director of La Quinta Columna. All the vaccines tested (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen and Moderna), contain exclusively nanotechnology. We have found nanorouters, which also emit MAC addresses that can be registered with Bluetooth wireless technology by just using your own […]

VIDEO – Nine-Year-Old Forgoes Birthday Gifts to Collect Presents for Children in Hospital: ‘One Amazing Girl’

A nine-year-old girl recently delivered a huge amount of Christmas gifts to Golisano Children’s Hospital in southwest Florida. On Raegan Banker’s birthday, she did not ask loved ones for things she wanted. Instead, “Reagan just decided that because her birthday was so close to Christmas that she didn’t need her presents and that there were […]

How to collect rainwater for plants and garden as the summers get hotter and dryer

How to collect rainwater DIY Collection of rain water at your hobby farm can be done in many ways. Most setups collect water from the roof of a house, garage or small building using the rain gutter diverting the water into holding tanks. Once the water is collected in a storage container the water can […]

HUNDREDS of Cops Convicted of Child Rape & Murder Still Collect Millions in Taxpayer-Funded Retirement

Imagine for a moment that your job description involves arresting people for murder and rape. Then imagine that you violate that description by committing murder and rape. Then imagine that you are convicted, sentenced, and serve time in prison for those murders and rapes. Then, once you get out of prison, imagine that this job […]

Australian Council SHOT SHELTER DOGS Dead Instead of Allowing Volunteers to Collect Them, Because… Covid

A government probe has been launched after officials in New South Wales, Australia, shot and killed shelter dogs that were due to be rescued by volunteers – allegedly in an effort to prevent the volunteers spreading Covid-19. © Reuters / James Redmayne The dogs, one of which had just given birth to puppies, were housed […]

‘We Don’t Have The Capacity To Collect Large Numbers Of People’, Says Administration With Thousands Of Kids In Cages

‘We Don’t Have The Capacity To Collect Large Numbers Of People’, Says Administration With Thousands Of Kids In Cages WASHINGTON, DC—Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin explained to the press that the world’s greatest military superpower will simply have to cross its fingers that Americans can get out of Afghanistan alive because we don’t have things […]

Why Does China Collect Americans’ DNA?

As a Technocracy, China’s Technocrat scientists believe that the future of mankind lies in the engineering of its collective DNA. Nevertheless, China’s agressive collection of American DNA should be doubly-alarming because it can only spell one ultimate outcome: bio-warfare. That is, genetically engineering viruses or other diseases that will be selectively harmful to U.S. populations. […]

AirDNA: Scientists Find Way to Collect Human DNA From Air

It has been detected previously that animals shed DNA, known as eDNA from their bodies into the environment. It was also previously detected in water, snow and soil, but not in the air. Now, scientists have found that human and animal DNA can be collected from air too. Scientists say this study can prove beneficial […]

How Netanyahu’s Likud uses this popular free app to collect voter data illegally

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

‘Mank,’ Aaron Sorkin, Sacha Baron Cohen Collect Critics Choice Nominations

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Thousands collect trash from shores and seas in Israel’s biggest beach cleanup

Thousands of people equipped with trash bags and disposable gloves joined an effort on Friday dubbed as Israel’s biggest beach clean up, hoping to not only clear the shores, but also draw policymakers’ attention to the need to better protect marine life. Organizers estimated that between three and five tons of garbage would be collected […]

Dem Mayor Launches Study That Will Collect Blood Samples From Randomly Selected Houston Homes

In an appearance with Bloomberg Tuesday, Bill Gates once again dismissed anyone who questions the motives of his global coronavirus vaccination push as a ‘conspiracy theorist,’ calling them “so crazy”. Host Erik Schatzker stated that “The conspiracy theorists who believe that you helped to create and spread the Corona virus might be easy to dismiss. […]

Social Media Now Being Used by Police and Intelligence Agencies to Collect Biometrics

April 17, 2018 By Nicholas West Amid the ongoing Facebook/Cambridge Analytica debacle over their general surveillance and misuse of users’ private data, there is an emerging trend that is infinitely more disturbing. The first story popped up in the UK yesterday where police admitted to using a photo sent through WhatsApp […]

China Will Use Blockchain To Collect Taxes

This article was written by Mac Slavo and originally published at The Chinese government listed blockchain in its “Thirteenth Five-Year” National Informatization Plan from 2015, and since that time the nation has been working diligently toward the incorporation of the technology into daily life. China has just announced that it will use blockchain technology for social taxation and the issuing of electronic […]

Americans Are Paying $38 to Collect $1 of Student Debt

Americans Are Paying $38 to Collect $1 of Student Debt May 19th, 2017 Via: Bloomberg: The federal government has, in recent years, paid debt collectors close to $1 billion annually to help distressed borrowers climb out of default and scrounge up regular monthly payments. […]

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