Posts Tagged ‘trash’

A stray dog as thin as a bat in the trash pile, an angelic woman who take it home and cared with love

A stray dog as thin as a bat in the trash pile, an angelic woman who take it home and cared with love

SSSniperWolf: A Liar, Internet Trash, Google’s supported Cash Cow

Over the past few weeks the internet or more accurately the platform YouTube, has been ablaze with regards to trash content creator Alia ‘Lia’ Shelesh better known as SSSniperwolf and more importantly Google’s reaction to a very big no-no of doxing.  Taking online content and running with it offline is a violation of Ts&Cs, yet […]

Who wants to watch this Hollywood trash when……


Sheriff Slams Burning Man Attendees Who Abandoned Cars and Left Behind ‘Trash for Miles’

The sheriff presiding over the Nevada county that hosts the annual art and music festival Burning Man slammed its tens of thousands of attendees over their abandoned cars and piles of trash they left behind as they fled the desert amid a brewing storm. Source

10,000 tonnes of uncollected trash in Paris as unions call for more action against pension reforms

There’s an estimated 10,000 tonnes of uncollected trash piling up on the streets of the French capital, as unions call for more weekend protests and strike action against controversial pension reforms.  Hundreds of people have been arrested in Paris after two nights of protests, according to the Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, while demonstrations spread to Rennes, […]

James Carville Goes Off on “White Trash”

It is massively hypocritical (and genocidal) for these talking heads to continuously denounce “racism” and then reference White trash Source

MAGA Die-Hards Trash Jan. 6 Committee for Referring Trump for Criminal Prosecution

The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection released a 150-page summary of its findings and voted Monday to send the Justice Department criminal referrals for former President Donald Trump and others who assisted his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Right-wing political groups and leaders generally responded either by […]

More Fake News Trash: NBC News Suggests Parents Keep Their Kids Away from Unvaccinated Individuals for Protection

More Fake News Trash: NBC News Suggests Parents Keep Their Kids Away from Unvaccinated Individuals for Protection Date: November 16, 2022Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: Jim Hoft On Monday, NBC News aired a report about the human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), offering “tips for protecting your kids.” One of the suggestions was that kids “avoid […]

Study: Most Trash Polluting Galapagos Islands Comes from Illegal Chinese Fishing Boats

Illegal Chinese fishing boats are responsible for the majority of man-made ocean waste found near or in the Galapagos Islands Marine Preserve, which is located off Ecuador’s Pacific coast, the Latin American news site Infobae reported on Monday. Source

WATCH: Utah Garbage Man Folds American Flag He Pulled from Trash

Video captured the moment a Utah sanitation worker, who is a Marine Corps veteran, retrieved an American flag from a garbage can and proceeded to fold it with dignity at the side of his truck.

CNN Tries to Trash Talk Libertarian Children’s Books—Causing Sales to Surge

Outlets such as CNN may be opposed to libertarian content, but their opposition is good for business.

Eating trash … the NWO folk really care about you & your health

DARPA Funds Soylent Green as Empty Shelves in USA – #BareShelvesBiden Trends Thanks SeaShell for the links: By Ice Age Farmer DARPA is funding the creation of 3D-printed food from “mixed waste,” to be served “when traditional food is unavailable.” #BareShelvesBiden is trending as empty shelves are found across the USA, and the LA Times […]

Exclusive — Mitch McConnell Led Effort to Trash Bob Dole Aide’s Career over Peripheral Tie to January 6

Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell personally led an effort to damage the career of a longtime aide to former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole over the aide’s peripheral and obscure link to January 6, Breitbart News has learned. Tim Unes, a longtime Dole aide who runs a Washington-based event planning company called Event Strategies, Inc., […]

Plastic trash in the ocean is a global problem, and the US is the top source—a new report urges action

Image Credit: Newburgh Gazette Plastic waste of all shapes and sizes permeates the world’s oceans. It shows up on beaches, in fish and even in Arctic sea ice. And a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine makes clear that the U.S. is a big part of the problem. As the […]

Trash Pile At Temple of Hatshepsut Yields A Heap Of Hathor Artifacts

Polish archaeologists in Egypt were supporting a tomb ceiling when they realized that beneath their feet lay an unknown treasure trove. They had inadvertently discovered an ancient temple dump and strewn among the shattered ancient objects they excavated hundreds of votive offerings to the mistress of love, the goddess Hathor. In 1961, the Polish professor […]

The Path to a Livable Future Or Will Rich Corporations Trash the Planet?

by Noam Chomsky and Stan Cox This month will mark a critical juncture in the struggle to avoid climate catastrophe. At the COP26 global climate summit kicking off next week in Glasgow, Scotland, negotiators will be faced with the urgent need to get the world economy off the business-as-usual track that will take the Earth […]

America’s Satanic Trash Culture as Described By a Satanic High Priest

by Admin · Published August 27, 2021 · Updated August 28, 2021 In order to achieve their aims they are corrupting societies across the globe: Breakdown the family unit, breakdown national pride, destroy the educational system with common core, promote sexual promiscuity, deviance, pedophilia, abortion, a drug culture. Co-opt and corrupt political leaders with bribes. […]

Team USA’s Gwen Berry Vows to ‘Trash America’ if She Wins Olympics

Team USA’s Biden-supporting hammer thrower Gwen Berry has vowed to completely trash America if she wins medals at the Olympics in Tokyo. Berry, a self-proclaimed “activist athlete,” made headlines last June after she turned her back on the American flag during a medal ceremony at the Olympic Trials. During a post-qualifier interview last Saturday, Berry […]

Trump trash-talk lying backfires, replaying his disgraces while confirming our need for truth

Image Credit: ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP via Getty Images The world’s worst liar dramatizes how reasoned sanity must offset his corrupt ‘truthiness’ Nothing like boorish, endless lying to reinforce the absolute need for truth and accuracy. Nothing like today’s predictable COVID surge to expose the irrational defiance of germ theory, allegedly taught in high school. After unconscionable […]

The Martinez Perspective (June 13, 2021): Trash Wiggers, More Anti-White Incitement, & Latest Globalist Covid Scam


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