Posts Tagged ‘ocean’

YAF to escalate operations in Indian Ocean, Mediterranean: al-Houthi

18 Jul 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen + Agencies Listen By Al Mayadeen English The leader of the Ansar Allah movement touches on the role of the Gaza support fronts, emphasizing their impact and effectiveness, and provides details regarding the YAF’s operations. The leader of Ansar Allah in Yemen, Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi, emphasized the astonishing […]

Yemen’s Indian Ocean checkmate

MAR 21, 2024 Source Ansarallah has single-handedly disrupted global shipping power dynamics. Yemen is launching attacks against Israeli-linked vessels deep into the Indian Ocean to cut off the last waterway route to the occupation state. Khalil Harb Our people are ready to send hundreds of thousands of mujahideen to Palestine. Okay, geography might pose a […]

Marine animals are feeling the heat from ocean warming

We should take heed. Source

Exclusive: IRGC behind attack on Israeli ships in Indian Ocean

17 Jan 2024  Source: Al Mayadeen Exclusive: IRGC behind attack on Israeli ships in Indian Ocean (Al Mayadeen Net) By Al Mayadeen English Al Mayadeen’s sources specify that the one of the ships was targeted off the coast of Maldives and the second was targeted off the coast of Veraval India. Informed sources revealed to Al […]

Bringing the ocean to your garden (Wally Richards)

The first thing too realize is that plants will take up any minerals or elements that are in the growing medium along with any chemicals. For instance you avoid growing vegetables next to an older house as there is a likelihood of lead in the soil from lead paints used in the past on the […]

Scientists Collect Entirely New Type of Virus From Marianas Trench Ocean Abyss

Scientists have discovered a novel marine virus that lives at an astonishing depth of 8,900 meters (roughly 5.5 miles) under the ocean surface, making it the deepest known isolated phage ever found in the global seas, reports a new study. The rare find could shed light on the microbial ecosystems that lurk in the deepest […]

Turkiye third Arctic Ocean expedition transforms into hub for international scientists

This year marked a significant milestone as Turkiye’s third Arctic expedition opened its doors to foreign scientists for the first time, fostering international collaboration in the heart of the Ocean, Anadolu Agency reports. In the spirit of international bilateral cooperation, scientists from Brazil, the Czech Republic and Norway established a unique laboratory in the Arctic […]

Not Just a Drop in the Ocean: China Bans Sale of Japanese Seafood Over Fukushima Radioactive Water Release Into the Pacific – Tokyo to File Appeal at the World Trade Organization

Not Just a Drop in the Ocean: China Bans Sale of Japanese Seafood Over Fukushima Radioactive Water Release Into the Pacific – Tokyo to File Appeal at the World Trade Organization Source

Tiny Metal Spheres Recovered from Ocean Floor Likely Interstellar, Alien-Hunting Harvard Astronomer Says

A team of scientists has proposed that small spherical particles hauled from the Pacific Ocean seafloor are “likely extrasolar” in origin, meaning that they might come from another star system, according to a preprint study that has not yet been peer-reviewed.  The discovery of interstellar material here on Earth would be an unprecedented scientific achievement […]

Fukushima Radioactive Wastewater Released into Ocean May Produce Mutant Animals

Japan’s dumping of treated radioactive waste from the Fukushima nuclear disaster into the Pacific Ocean could result in animal mutations among other severe adverse ecological consequences, a life sciences professor has warned. Describing how a relatively obscure radioactive chemical known as tritium could have profound impacts on marine wildlife, University of South Carolina Biological Sciences […]

People jump into ocean to escape flames as raging wildfires burn in Hawaii: ‘It’s apocalyptic’

(People) – Strong winds and low humidity fueled brush fires in Hawaii that destroyed much of a historic Maui town and sent residents fleeing into the ocean to escape the flames and smoke on Tuesday. In Lahaina, on the northwest side of the island, a number of residents and tourists jumped into the harbor off […]

UN approves large Fukushima discharge into Pacific Ocean, prompting China to ban Japanese seafood imports

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), an international organization within the United Nations system, just approved a large Fukushima discharge into the Pacific Ocean. The pending discharge, which includes over 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools of “treated” radioactive water, will be released from the infamous Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Chinese customs and food safety regulators […]

An Otter Keeps Stealing Surfboards as Great Ocean Uprising Escalates

Otter 841 steals a surfboard. Screenshot Hefti Brunold III / @hefti3 There’s a manhunt underway for a rogue otter who has been stealing people’s surfboards in California—the latest in a growing body of evidence of a sea uprising.  Known as Otter 841 (the lack of creativity no doubt insulting to the animal), the five-year-old otter has […]

Hong Kong Warns Of Japanese Seafood Ban If Fukushima Dumps Nuke Water Into Ocean

Last week, the UN nuclear watchdog gave Japan the “greenlight” to dump ‘treated’ radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima plant into the ocean. The plan upset China, the biggest buyer of its seafood exports, and has since sparked concerns in Hong Kong.  On Wednesday, Hong Kong’s Environment and ecology department head Tse Chin-wan warned if […]

Privatize the Ocean? Big Ag Pushes to Expand Industrial Aquaculture Into Open Seas

Privatize the Ocean? Big Ag Pushes to Expand Industrial Aquaculture Into Open Seas Agribusiness giants are pushing to expand industrial finfish aquaculture into U.S. federal waters, but critics argue the massive fish farms will pollute oceans, threaten wild fish species and destroy small- and medium-scale fishing communities. By    Mongabay   Miss a day, miss […]

Iran, S. Arabia to form naval coalition in northern Indian Ocean: Navy chief

TEHRAN – Iran’s Navy commander has announced that a naval coalition will be formed in the northern Indian Ocean with the involvement of Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Iraq, Pakistan and India, Tasnim reported on Saturday. “Today regional countries have reached the conclusion that if there is going to be security in the […]

French authorities destroy shanty town on Indian Ocean island of Mayotte

France deploys hundreds of police officers to oversee the destruction of a slum on the island of Mayotte in the Indian Ocean in an operation authorities say is aimed at curbing sub-standard housing and illegal migration. Operation Wuambushu started in the early hours of Monday morning when diggers moved in to start knocking down sheet […]

Massive Ocean Discovered Under Earth’s Crust Containing More Water Than On the Surface

The World Economic Forum has declared that “water is not a human right” and ordered world governments to begin rationing water into people’s homes to “fight climate change,” however in reality there is no shortage of water. The elite doesn’t want you to know this, but people are realizing that there’s a massive ocean containing vast […]

‘Ocean Is at Stake’ at International Seabed Authority Negotiations Over Deep-Sea Mining

‘Ocean Is at Stake’ at International Seabed Authority Negotiations Over Deep-Sea Mining  Indigenous activists offer alternative vision for ocean. By: Olivia Rosane Updated: March 29, 2023  Edited by Irma Omerhodzic The 28th Session of the International Seabed Authority stared March 16 with world delegates gathering in Kingston, Jamaica less than two weeks after the Global […]

Terence McKenna : “Humans Are Fish Outside The Ocean … We Need To Go Back”

» French Protests Intensify After Macron Bypasses National AssemblyYesterday at 10:23 am by PurpleSkyz » Utah kids are told to eat bugs to save the earth and get class creditYesterday at 10:12 am by PurpleSkyz » Why is Pfizer Terrified of this Woman?Yesterday at 10:07 am by PurpleSkyz » Another Twitter Files Drop: The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine Yesterday at 9:51 am […]

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