Posts Tagged ‘garden’

Grow your own feast: Top crops for your home vegetable garden

(NaturalNews) Adding a top crop or cover crop to your home vegetable garden can help boost your harvest and improve soil quality.Read on to find out about the… Source

More tips on dealing with pests in the garden (Wally Richards)

The tomato/potato psyllid has caused a few headaches for gardeners when the populations of this relatively new pest build up and they affect not only potatoes and tomatoes but also a number of other host plants such as tamarillo, capsicum,, chili and peppino. The nymphs are so small and you need a magnifying glass to […]


Gardening should be a pleasant pastime and not just another chore that has to be done. If you find it a chore then maybe there are too many things you are doing and the pleasure of working with plants and the soil is lost. There are things that we gardeners must do to keep everything […]

Dealing with stressed plants in your garden (Wally Richards)

Stress affects plants as well as all life forms as far as I am aware. We suffer stress in our day to day lives and this time of the year is especially stressful for some people. As there are different forms of stress which humans can be affected by, there are also different forms of […]

Pestie Pests in the garden (Wally Richards)

Insects that eat, or feed off, our garden plants we call them pest insects but they are just part of the Natural World we live in and if there were no pest insects then that would also be the end of the beneficial insects that live by eating the ones we call pests. Unfortunately there […]


I was asked a very interesting question a while back which went like this, ‘How come my parents and grandparents had such bountiful gardens? Everything thrived and I never saw any great problems with pests and diseases, but on the other hand I have to use fertilisers and sprays just to maintain a mediocre garden. […]

Growing giants by encouraging your children to garden (Wally Richards)

We need to encourage our children and grandchildren to appreciate Nature by including them in some gardening activities. I believe that young children have a natural infinity with plants and insects when they are allowed to explore our gardens. Children learn many things by mimicking their parents and are often keen at a young age […]


It is that time when fruit is setting and soon to be attacked from the grubs of moths; Codlin and Guava. Guava moth is mostly in the upper north island but there has been a few cases in other areas likely as a result of fruit been brought south from infected areas. So share with […]


Several years ago in the place where I was living; I had given over the back yard to a flock of chickens which made it awkward to grow vegetables in that area. Being a back section down a long driveway I decided to construct a raised garden in the end of the turning bay. A […]

Bringing the ocean to your garden (Wally Richards)

The first thing too realize is that plants will take up any minerals or elements that are in the growing medium along with any chemicals. For instance you avoid growing vegetables next to an older house as there is a likelihood of lead in the soil from lead paints used in the past on the […]

Book Garden to commemorate Jalal Al-e Ahmad’s 54th death anniversary

TEHRAN-On the occasion of the 54th death anniversary of the celebrated Iranian writer Jalal Al-e Ahmad, a conference will be held at the Book Garden in Tehran on September 11. Source

This Week’s Coolest Drops, From The North Face Gore-Tex to Noah Garden Gear

Welcome back to our weekly roundup of the best new drops, collabs, and interesting new products making their debut this fine first week of September 2023, just as we’re recovering from all of the jalapeño margaritas we drank in the sun over Labor Day weekend. How is that summer always seems endless, yet fleeting? Eternal, […]

Tomato Psyllid problems in your garden (Wally Richards)

True to form spring started on the 1st September across New Zealand and with it a surge in gardeners visiting gardening shops and buying up plants and stuff to get under way in their gardens. Now at the beginning of the season is a good time to review previous articles on the Tomato/potato psyllid that […]

Garden Rockery Decorative Piece Turns Out to Be Rare 600-Year-Old Hand Cannon!

A seemingly ordinary cannon purchased for a mere £20 ($25) from a flea market in Hertfordshire, England, and repurposed as a decorative piece for a garden rockery has turned out to be a valuable medieval artifact!  Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Only a few weeks until the shortest day – prepare for the new season in the garden (Wally Richards)

The year is slipping away and now there are only a few weeks till the shortest day which heralds in a new season for gardening. While its quiet gardening wise you have ample time on those nice days to prepare for the coming season of gardening. Lets start off by those that are fortunate to […]


With some areas experiencing a lot of rain lately it is a good time to look at how to prevent damage and losses in your gardens. There is a range of plants we call bog plants and they just love living in wet soil and even in water which makes many of them suitable to […]

The importance of phosphate in your garden (Wally Richards)

Phosphorus stimulates budding and blooming. Plants need phosphorus to produce fruits, flowers, and seeds. It also helps make your plants more resistant to disease. Phosphorus helps plants gain more energy from sunlight and with cloudy, hazy skies we are seeing too often; plants need all the advantages possible to gain energy from sunlight. Phosphorus doesn’t […]

About sprayers and spraying in your garden (Wally Richards)

Gardeners and horticulturists can at times take things for granted as we are often doing certain chores and don’t stop to realise that what we do and why we do it, is not common knowledge with everyone who gardens or are attempting to garden. One of these is spraying plants for whatever reason we spray; […]


There are a number of items that can be used in your garden to the benefit of plants. For instance a year ago I wrote the article about using Apple Cider Vinegar on fruit trees to increase their performance and to reduce disease problems. The formula is 250mil Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) mixed with 5 […]


This week I noticed a distinct chill in the air, first thing in the morning, which could be described as a very light frost. Others must have noticed it in their localities as orders started coming in for Vaporgard, the spray on frost protection. Now if you think back to Marches in the past years, […]

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