Posts Tagged ‘encouraging’

Growing giants by encouraging your children to garden (Wally Richards)

We need to encourage our children and grandchildren to appreciate Nature by including them in some gardening activities. I believe that young children have a natural infinity with plants and insects when they are allowed to explore our gardens. Children learn many things by mimicking their parents and are often keen at a young age […]


We need to encourage our children and grandchildren to appreciate Nature by including them in some gardening activities. I believe that young children have a natural infinity with plants and insects when they are allowed to explore our gardens. Children learn many things by mimicking their parents and are often keen at a young age […]

Reports – U.S. Laments Iran Response to Latest Nuclear Deal Offer: ‘Not at All Encouraging’

The government of Iran issued a formal response to a draft text for a renewed nuclear agreement between Tehran and the United States, among other parties, on Friday that anonymous U.S. officials dismissed as “not constructive,” “not all all encouraging,” and “backwards.”

Great Reset Accelerated: governments declaring red meat carcinogenic, encouraging humans to eat insects and eliminating private car ownership

Great Reset Accelerated: governments declaring red meat carcinogenic, encouraging humans to eat insects and eliminating private car ownership Date: January 13, 2022Author: Nwo Report    Source: TheCOVIDBlog.comGENEVA — We’ve all seen the creepy, dystopian video produced by the World Economic Forum (WEF). You’ll own nothing and be happy by 2030. You’ll eat much less meat, except […]

Gradual encouraging moves to use natural gas efficiently

Gradual encouraging moves to use natural gas efficiently – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – To reduce consumption of natural gas by households in cold seasons there are signs in Tehran metro that instructs citizens to keep the temperature in houses between 18-21 degrees and that the natural gas is not “infinite”. This is a very encouraging move […]

Upset He Got Caught, Ali Alexander Denies Video of Him Encouraging ‘Rebellion’

Trump loyalists were storming up the U.S. Capitol steps, fighting with police, when the far-right leader of the Stop the Steal campaign, Ali Alexander, left the Capitol steps for the terrace of One America News Network’s building on Constitution Ave. Overlooking the Capitol, Alexander pointed to the Trump loyalists streaming across the Capitol grounds, past […]

Police uncover 455 social media accounts encouraging Belarus-to-EU migration

Hundreds of social media accounts have been flagged for encouraging illegal immigration into the EU from Belarus, Europol announced on Monday. The bloc’ law enforcement agency said a total of 455 social media accounts were targeted by the large-scale referral action which involved authorities from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and Germany. The social media accounts […]

Canada’s New Starvation Policy. Government Encouraging Citizens To Loot And Eat

Grocery stores in New Brunswick, Canada have been given the power to ban unvaccinated people from entering, meaning the unjabbed could be prevented from conducting the essential activity of buying food. Yes, really. The province’s health minister Dorothy Shephard said businesses will be given the option to either enforce physical distancing or check for proof […]

Media: Joe Biden’s Afghan Migration Encouraging Fraud, Sex Abuse

Afghan families paid Afghan men during President Joe Biden’s Kabul airlift to marry their daughters in transactions that would give the Afghan families a chance for chain migration into Americans’ society, according to media reports. A September 2 report by CNN said: U.S. officials processing Afghan refugees abroad recently alerted the State Department to instances […]

Pro-vaccine conservatives face one big obstacle in encouraging vaccines: their own leaders

As many Republican elected officials and conservative media figures are encouraging people to get vaccinated, they continue to face the fact that some of their most prominent voices continue to muddle the waters. During a press conference on Thursday, members of the Republican Doctors’ Caucus were quick to note the role they have played in […]

Scott Walker cuts ad encouraging Covid vaccination

In a new public service announcement to air across Wisconsin television beginning this week and shared with POLITICO, Walker and Doyle banter back and forth. “Let’s do a commercial together, reminding people in Wisconsin how important it is to be vaccinated,” Walker says in the ad. “That may be the best idea you’ve ever had,” […]

Spanish police arrest ‘terrorist’ trio suspected of encouraging attacks against France over Charlie Hebdo Mohammed cartoons

Police in Spain have arrested three people on suspicion of encouraging terrorist attacks against France after the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo republished cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in September last year. The EU’s law enforcement agency Europol said on Thursday it had helped Spanish police smash the so-called “terrorist cell” in the southern city of […]

Gov. Abbott: Biden ‘Open Border Policy’ Encouraging Illegal Immigration, Enriching Drug Cartels

Joe Biden finally addressed the American people Thursday, for the first time in almost two months, and decreed that if they continue to follow CDC rules they might be able to have a barbecue in their own backyards in four months time. But in the same breath Biden threatened to take away that monumental freedom […]

Assad’s wife under investigation in U.K. for encouraging terrorism, report says

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Syria’s first lady facing prosecution in UK for encouraging terrorist acts

The first lady of Syria, 45-year-old Asma Assad, might lose her British citizenship and could face prosecution charges in the UK for being an “influential actor” in inciting and encouraging acts of terrorism, Sky News reported on Saturday.  Allegations have been directed at the wife of Syrian President Bashar Assad, prompting a Metropolitan Police investigation.  Sky […]

“Who ME?” – Maxine Waters Denies Encouraging Violence Against Republicans

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters played dumb during an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday, claiming she has never encouraged violence against Republicans. In a video clip, waters said to MSNBC host Ali Velshi, “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up, and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, […]

CNN’s Blitzer: ‘Encouraging’ Biden Admin ‘Wearing Masks’ and Showing You Have to

During an interview with Surgeon General nominee Dr. Vivek Murthy on Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” host Wolf Blitzer said it is “encouraging” that the Biden administration, is “wearing masks. They’re showing the American public you’ve got to do this.” Blitzer began the interview by questioning Murthy on the Biden administration’s plan to administer […]

Perdue: ‘I’m Encouraging My Colleagues to Object’ the Electoral College Certification

During an appearance on FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) reaffirmed his support for objecting to the Electoral College certification set to take place on Wednesday. Perdue told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo he supported efforts by U.S. Senate colleagues to object to the certification and encouraged other members to do so as […]

Trump Issues Proclamation Encouraging ‘Adoption as an Alternative to Abortion’

WASHINGTON — President Trump issued a proclamation on Friday in recognition of National Adoption Month, citing the value of human life and encouraging “adoption as an alternative to abortion.” Trump identifies as pro-life but also supports the exceptions of rape, incest and the life of the mother. “Adoption also offers a loving option for women […]

Tenn. District Deletes Post Encouraging Residents to ‘Park and Pray’ at Schools Following Complaint

ALAMO, Tenn. — A school district in Tennessee has deleted a post encouraging residents to park at schools, administration buildings and bus lots and pray for officials and students alike after receiving a letter from the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF). The atheist-led self-described Church-State separation group wrote to the Alamo City School District […]

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