Posts Tagged ‘uncover’

Investigators Uncover Link Between Moscow Terror Attack and Ukrainian Operatives

The suspects in last week’s Moscow concert hall attack were linked to Ukrainian operatives, the Russian Investigative Committee declared on Thursday. The terrorists had received “significant sums of money” from the Ukraine government, the law enforcement agency said. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can unsubscribe any time. […]

CATCHING THE FRAUD: Check My Vote Investigators Uncover FAKE MI Addresses On Voter Rolls—One Address Has 19 Registered Voters—8 of Them VOTED In 2020 and 2022 Elections

CATCHING THE FRAUD: Check My Vote Investigators Uncover FAKE MI Addresses On Voter Rolls—One Address Has 19 Registered Voters—8 of Them VOTED In 2020 and 2022 Elections Source

“Scientists Warn ‘Doing Your Own Research’ Is ‘Dangerous’ (you might uncover a lot of lies)

Check out our sister site for other news Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 30, 2023, #438 From Geoengineering Watch “Scientists Warn ‘Doing Your Own Research’ Is ‘Dangerous’ and Turns People Into ‘Conspiracy Theorists’”, according to a new report published by Journal Nature. The climate science community is sounding the alarm about the grave dangers […]

House GOP lawmakers uncover evidence of coordination between Democrat J6 panel, Georgia prosecutor

Reported by: Just The News Two key House GOP lawmakers on Tuesday launched an investigation into possible collusion between Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and the Democrats’ Jan. 6 committee after uncovering evidence the prosecutor pursuing criminal charges against Donald Trump asked for evidence from Congress. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., […]

Feds uncover records of brothel ring catering to government and military officials

Feds uncover records of brothel ring catering to government and military officials Federal investigators have uncovered the “impeccable” records – including daily activities and financial logs – of a prostitution ring allegedly catering to politicians, military officials and government contractors. Special Agent Zachary Mitlitsky of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) disclosed these perfectly kept ledgers in […]

Archaeologists Uncover 2,000-Year-Old Maya Burials with Decapitation Marks in Mexico

Archaeologists from Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) have made an exciting discovery at the Moral-Reforma Archaeological site in Balancán, Tabasco. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Peruvian Archaeologists Uncover Two-faced Moche Men with Cosmic Connections

Painted on a pillar within a ceremonial hall, archaeologists have found a 1,400-year-old “two faced man”, with cosmic associations. The Moche culture was a pre-Columbian civilization that thrived between 100 BC and 700 AD, farming and fishing, in the northern coastal region of Peru. Known for their exquisite pottery featuring animals, people, and scenes from […]

Biblical Archaeologists Uncover Mix Tape Jacob Made For Rachel

HARRAN — Archeologists working in the Middle East say they’ve uncovered the world’s oldest cassette tape, which they believe was used as a mix tape by the biblical Jacob in his lengthy courtship with Rachel, as detailed in the first book of Moses called Genesis. “This is a profound discovery that confirms the biblical account,” […]

Archaeologists Uncover Glitter Still In Early Church Carpet From VBS Held In 150 A.D.

JERUSALEM — Archaeologists have discovered glitter still hopelessly stuck in the carpet dating back to the first known Vacation Bible School in the year 150 A.D. Source

BREAKING: Experts Uncover Evidence that Voting Machines in Wisconsin Were Connected to NGO During 2020 Election

BREAKING: Experts Uncover Evidence that Voting Machines in Wisconsin Were Connected to NGO During 2020 Election Source

Archaeologists Uncover Missing Chapter Of Job Where He Has To Put Together IKEA Furniture

Archaeologists Uncover Missing Chapter Of Job Where He Has To Put Together IKEA Furniture IRAQ–Buried under the sands of Babylon for thousands of years, a chapter of the book of Job was discovered by archaeologists in what is being called the most incredible find since the Dead Sea Scrolls. The new chapter sheds new light […]

Police uncover 455 social media accounts encouraging Belarus-to-EU migration

Hundreds of social media accounts have been flagged for encouraging illegal immigration into the EU from Belarus, Europol announced on Monday. The bloc’ law enforcement agency said a total of 455 social media accounts were targeted by the large-scale referral action which involved authorities from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and Germany. The social media accounts […]

Archaeologists Uncover Cool Whip Containers Pilgrims Used To Hold Leftovers

PLYMOUTH, MA—Archaeologists have uncovered a “cool” new discovery: the Cool Whip containers used by the Pilgrims to keep their leftovers after the first Thanksgiving. The 400-year-old Cool Whip containers are reportedly “remarkably well-preserved” and still contain leftovers of mashed potatoes, turkey, ham, and cranberry sauce that are “as fresh as they were back in 1621.” […]

Chapel of Hatshepsut Reliefs Uncover Master-Apprentice Relationship

Scientists have published fascinating new research into the reliefs found within the Chapel of Hatshepsut, an ode to the 5th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty who ruled between 1479 and 1458. Each of these whopping 13-meter reliefs, was painstakingly documented over the last decade, in order to understand the working relationship between a master and […]

Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Evidence of Biblical Earthquake Referenced in Amos, Zechariah

(Christian Headlines) — Archaeologists in Israel say they have uncovered physical evidence in Jerusalem of an earthquake referenced in the biblical books of Amos and Zechariah that struck during the divided kingdom and after the reigns of David and Solomon. Zechariah 14:5, seen by many as a reference to the second coming of Christ, says, “You […]

Archaeologists Uncover Preserved Ancient Pottery Workshop in Egypt

Archaeologists digging in the Aziza hills area of the Beheira governate in northern Egypt have recovered the remains a pottery workshop dating to the Graeco-Roman period, Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities  announced on its Facebook page  on July 6th.  The Graeco-Roman era in Egypt covered the years from approximately 332 BC (when Alexander the […]

Scientists Uncover Secrets of the Germanic-Viking Alchemists of Ribe

Archaeologists at sites in Ribe, a Danish trading port in southwest Jutland, have published a new study in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences related to the evolution of metalwork skills and craftsmanship of early Viking craftspeople in Denmark in the 8th and 9th centuries. Founded in the early 8 th century during the Germanic Iron Age, […]

Archaeologists Uncover Mix of Greek, Roman, And Coptic Ruins In Egypt

Archaeologists exploring a site in southern Egypt unearthed a mixture of ruins and artifacts that chronicle human activity during three separate eras in Egyptian history. During excavations at the Shiha Fort in the Aswan Governorate, in southern Egypt, members of the archaeological mission of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities found evidence that proved […]

The Mystics – Uncover Ecstatic Wisdom and Reclaim Your Own Connection to the Sacred: FREE 5-Day Online Event

What does it mean to be a mystic in our time? In this modern era brimming with technology, complexity, and noise, have we lost our connection to mystery and mysticism? With the chaos of our contemporary world, can we still access poetic states of bliss and the experience of the sublime? Mystics across time have written […]

Archaeologists uncover ancient street food shop in Pompeii

Archaeologists in Pompeii, the city buried in a volcanic eruption in 79 AD, have made the extraordinary find of a frescoed hot food and drinks shop that served up the ancient equivalent of street food to Roman passersby. Known as a termopolium, Latin for hot drinks counter, the shop was discovered in the archaeological park’s Regio […]

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