Posts Tagged ‘reclaim’

Reclaim the Elites’ Frame

One of the reasons corrupt governments love war so much is that it’s an all-access excuse to do the unthinkable. You can direct it abroad or focus it at home. You can fund and staff foreign battles or you can wage campaigns upon your own people and the potential to grab more power, misbehave more […]

Boris Johnson Jets Back To UK Amid Rumors He’ll Run To Reclaim Former Job

LONDON (AP) — The lightning-fast race to replace Liz Truss as British Prime Minister got even wilder Saturday as former leader Boris Johnson jetted back to the U.K amid speculation he will run to reclaim his former job. Johnson was ousted by a series of ethics scandals just three months ago, but boarded a flight […]

Suheila’s Story: The Two-Year Quest to Reclaim and Bury Her Martyred Brother’s Body

By Miko Peled Source “You must keep out of our ranks all who do not belong to them, all mercenaries and skeptics, all who join the revolution for private gain.” — From the Will of Palestinian revolutionary Ali Taha JERUSALEM — Suheila took out the gold, heart-shaped medallion she wears and showed me the images engraved […]

Polish musicians reclaim Warsaw’s Jewish past with song

 When classically trained flutist Ania Karpowicz and pianist Marek Bracha play works by composer Wladislaw Szpilman in the Warsaw neighborhood of Muranow, they are doing more than honoring a well-known Polish composer. They are placing him back in a Jewish-Polish framework that many in the audience – local residents of the neighborhood where the Jewish […]

Attempt to reclaim Polish building leads to gigantic underground Nazi factory

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Did Wildlife Really Reclaim Cities?

A new Israeli study assesses whether wildlife really “took over cities” during pandemic-related lockdown periods or if reports were simply exaggerated.  Neta Nissim, ZAVIT* Science and Environment News Agency  When the coronavirus pandemic first began and the streets became nearly devoid of people, the media often published stories about wild animals taking advantage of our […]

Indigenous peoples reclaim the National Bison Range

After 113 years, the 18,800 acres of grassland, woodland, and wildlife that make up the National Bison Range will be returned to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Native American Tribes (CSKT) of Montana’s Flathead Indian Reservation.  “It’s a reconciliation,” said Chairwoman Shelly Fyant. “We are such a place-based people. To have this land back, to […]

Wider Meanings of Indian Farmers Movements to Reclaim the Republic and Beyond

In the darkness of nights, the Hindutva fascists and their trained henchmen are trying to attack farmer’s protests and provoke violence with the help of police. The objective of the BJP government is to discredit the peaceful and democratic movements of the Indian farmers. All slanderous campaign by the ruling classes against farmers movements have […]

The Mystics – Uncover Ecstatic Wisdom and Reclaim Your Own Connection to the Sacred: FREE 5-Day Online Event

What does it mean to be a mystic in our time? In this modern era brimming with technology, complexity, and noise, have we lost our connection to mystery and mysticism? With the chaos of our contemporary world, can we still access poetic states of bliss and the experience of the sublime? Mystics across time have written […]

A Time to Redefine Thanksgiving and A Time to Reclaim It

Thanksgiving used to be the single holiday of the year that was a given. Absolute. Sure. Dependable. Predictable. Throughout my elementary school years, our classes were equally divided into Pilgrims and Indians, and we made headdresses and Pilgrim hats to match our roles. Wearing our colorful construction paper creations, we reenacted the peaceful dinner when […]

Embracing the Feminine Evolution – 9 Ways to Reclaim Your Feminine Power!

April 15th, 2018 By Nanice Ellis Contributing writer for Wake Up World To all women who have ever been suppressed, restrained or disempowered, I’m here to say, it’s time to reclaim your Feminine Power! However, to do so, it’s important to first understand how this power was lost… Throughout the course of recorded history, competition and survival […]

Polish PM Vows To Reclaim Poland From ‘New World Order’

Poland’s new prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, has vowed to reclaim Poland from the clutches of the New World Order by banishing the EU and George Soros from the country. In a speech to the Sejm, the lower house of Polish parliament, Morawiecki laid out his heroic vision for Poland, calling on ordinary Poles to unite and ‘reclaim […]

4 Ways to Reclaim Your Vital Energy in Relationships

November 1st, 2017 By Diana Beaulieu Guest writer for Wake Up World You are by nature a relational being. You need relationships and you invest significant amounts of your vital energy into connections with those you love. Whether you are single, in a romantic union, in partnership, and with or without children, the quality of your relationships is […]

Reclaim Online Privacy: Alternatives To Facebook, Twitter & Google

Above Photo: Activists hold protest signs during demonstrations against the inauguration of Pres. Donald Trump on January 20, 2017. (Flickr / Joe Catron, CC NC license) Kit O’Connell and Eleanor Goldfield co-wrote this segment of Act Out! Moving on to our main story today … Imagine a police state so bent on repressing dissent that people were targeted by […]

British company manager supports lifting of Western sanctions on Iran

Tehran, May 21, IRNA – A British company manager has said that while the US continues with the sanctions imposed on Iran, Europe has showed it is really willing to see lifting of sanctions on the country.  Christoph Wunsch, a senior official at Global Logistics and Engineering Services (GLES Ltd), told IRNA that the grounds […]

2 toddlers found tied up in backyard as 8 children found abandoned in Texas home

     Two crying toddlers tied or chained down in the backyard of a home in San Antonio, Texas, were among the eight children, ranging from ages 10 months to 13 years old, found by police in what authorities have called a “horrific” case of child abuse. Around 11:45pm on Thursday, Bexar County sheriff’s deputies arrived […]

Cops Lose It — Beat Man to a Bloody Pulp With their Flashlights in Front of Walmart

Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Beaumont, TX — Earlier this month, DeMarcus Brown allegedly made the poor decision to shoplift an item from Walmart. Stealing the property of others is unacceptable, however, the punishment doled out by the cops who caught him was far worse than any […]

Minister Orders Troop Deployment Across Germany After Sex Attacks

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has called for armed military troops to take to the streets of Germany following the sex attacks of hundreds of women by migrants two weeks ago.  “We will have to deal with the question of why almost all other European countries have clear legal regulations enabling them to use their armed forces to support the police — […]

“Mouse” Spotted On Mars By Curiosity Rover?

According to a video recently posted on YouTube, on November 1st a picture was captured by NASA’s Curiosity Rover that appears to show a mouse on the surface of Mars, close to the ridge of the 154-kilometer-wide (96 miles) Gale Crater. As IFL reports, no official announcement about the picture has been made, but Joe White, […]

Cop Dislocates Girl’s Shoulder for “Trespassing” at Friend’s Home She Was Invited To

The Orange County Sheriff’s office deputy involved in a highly publicized case of police brutality against a 21-year-old woman student in Orlando, has been relieved of his law enforcement responsibilities and is currently on an administrative reassignment; Richard Nye is waiting for the results of a Professional Standards investigation. […]

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