Posts Tagged ‘vital’

Seeking Green Utopia, The US And EU Are Quietly Killing Vital Industries

Authored by Mike Shedlock via, German CO₂ emissions are the lowest since the 1950s. Is this a success or a failure? Agora Energiewend reports Germany’s CO₂ Emissions Drop to Record Low. The details and results are interesting, emphasis mine. Last year, Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions fell to 673 million tonnes of CO₂. Emissions thus fell by […]

RFK Jr. Spotlights Two Vital Questions No One Is Asking

Originally Published on Vigilant News Network “Why are so many Americans dying early?” asked Gateway: Beyond The Headlines host Ivory Hecker. This question seems to be kryptonite — one that hardly any government official wants to address. However, independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. didn’t shy away from the subject by sharing the above clip […]

SCO national currencies instead of the dollar – a vital need

The upcoming session of the Council of the SCO Leaders in July will include discussions on boosting the usage of national currencies in trade between member nations. This topic was previously addressed, and a plan was established during the organization’s summit in Samarkand in September 2022. The SCO is currently one of the most extensive […]

Biden Exposes EUA Manipulation, Pfizer Falsified Key Data, Vital “Long COVID” & Myocarditis Studies

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/5/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Hungarian women must hear ‘vital signs’ of their foetus before abortion under law change

Hungarian women wanting an abortion will be made to listen to the foetus’ heartbeat before going through with the procedure, according to a new change in the law announced on Tuesday. The measure, signed off by Interior Minister Sandor Pinter, obliges pregnant women seeking a termination to first obtain a report from an obstetrician-gynaecologist, stating […]

Inclusive govt. vital to win back peace for Afghanistan: Iran FM

TEHRAN- Establishing an inclusive government in Afghanistan has been emphasized as one of the main requirements to restore peace and stability throughout the country, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian has said. Amir Abdollahian made the comments at a webinar on Monday that was conducted by his New Zealander counterpart, Nanaia Mahuta. The two senior […]

Halt to military activities around Zaporizhzhia is vital, says expert

IAEA chief Rafael Grossi said “we’re playing with fire” as he presented his report on conditions at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

Raisi cherishes agriculture as vital to national economy

TEHRAN – President Ebrahim Raisi on Monday referred to agriculture as a vital and privileged subject. Raisi made the remarks at an event in Tehran marking the start of the agricultural year 1401–1402 and honoring successful persons in the agriculture industry.  The president highlighted that the Ministry of Agriculture is the main upholder of self-sufficiency […]

Saudi Arabia energy deal makes Greece vital energy hub for Europe

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman met with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at Maximos Mansion on Tuesday evening, ahead of signing crucial bilateral agreements on Wednesday. “We are also interested in hydrogen and how to turn Greece into a hub for Europe in terms of hydrogen, which is something that will… […]

Ukraine and Russia to sign vital grain export deal on Friday

The deal would take place amid soaring food prices and growing concerns over worldwide food shortage and famine – as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues. Source

Ukraine Bans Wheat & Grain Exports Vital To Global Food Supply, Citing Citizens Under Siege

(ZH) Ukraine, known as the “breadbasket of Europe” given it’s long been among the world’s top ten wheat exporters and supplied over $6 billion in agricultural products to the European Union in 2020, has issued an emergency order Wednesday banning the export of grains and other products. The ban includes the export of wheat, oats, millet, buckwheat, sugar, […]

Ukraine and Russia Are Vital to Global Food Supply, Accounting for 25%+ of Global Wheat Trade

Ukraine has earned the nickname “breadbasket of Europe” for its rich dark soil, vast wheat fields, and other farm goods. The Russian invasion has cut off the world from cheap and abundant wheat supplies. Ukraine and Russia are vital to the global food supply, accounting for more than a quarter of global wheat trade, about […]

Compliance, mandating the world to honor Resolution 2231 vital to revive, sustain JCPOA: analysis

Compliance, mandating the world to honor Resolution 2231 vital to revive, sustain JCPOA: analysis – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – In a commentary on December 7, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists proposed two steps to revitalize and of course “sustain” the 2015 nuclear deal, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). It says first, all […]

Yemeni Armed Forces Target Military, Vital Sites in Saudi Depth: More Ops to Come

December 7, 2021 By Staff, Agencies In response to the escalation of the continuous US-Saudi aggression and siege on Yemen, the Yemeni Armed Forces has implemented the 7th of December Operation on military and vital targets in Saudi Arabia. “In response to the crimes of the US-Saudi aggression against our people and the continuation of […]

Taliban seeking vital Chinese investments to rebuild Afghan economy: Video Report

September 13, 2021 [embedded content] Original link: Description: News report on the Taliban movement’s efforts to secure vital Chinese investments to rebuild Afghanistan’s economy and infrastructure. Source: Al Jazeera (YouTube) (Please help MEO keep producing independent translations for you by contributing a sustainable monthly amount Transcript:  Reporter: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s reception of leaders of […]

A Rare And Vital Win For The Future Of Our Planet

We’ve won. Government has today announced its new policy for the future of energy production in the UK following our legal challenge last year. We are pleased to say that the proposed new policy is better for our planet, for our children and for our grandchildren. Coal and oil-fired generation are out. Gas is being phased out. Fewer fossil fuel […]

What Are Coenzymes and How Are They Vital to Your Health?

May 3rd, 2021 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World Coenzymes are required in many enzymatic and metabolic processes in your body, in plants, and in animals. Without coenzymes, inactive enzymes would be unable to convert into their active forms to catalyze reactions, such as breaking down food for energy. Coenzymes are essential […]

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Vital Revelations About How Masks Damage Children (Permanently)

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Vital Revelations About How Masks Damage Children (Permanently) Tap News / Weaver Dr Vernon Coleman – Truth Comes To Light March 6, 2021 Original video is available at Dr. Vernon Coleman BrandNewTube channel. — [As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are […]

WHO vaccine chief says ‘crushing transmission’ of Covid-19 is vital to avoid further mutations amid global vaccine roll-out

The global transmission of Covid-19 must be drastically curbed to ensure that the virus does not mutate further, potentially undermining the current deployment of vaccines, a World Health Organization (WHO) expert said on Friday. The agency’s immunization and vaccines chief, Professor Katherine O’Brien, said she wanted to emphasize the “importance of really crushing transmission” of […]

In Times of Uncertainty, Courage Is Vital, Algemeiner Editor-in-Chief Says at Annual ‘J100’ Gala

Algemeiner Editor-in-Chief Dovid Efune. In uncertain times such as today, courage is vital, the editor-in-chief of The Algemeiner said on Tuesday night at the 7th annual “J100” gala, held virtually from the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City. “We’ve been reminded this year of just how much we can’t control in life,” Dovid […]

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