Posts Tagged ‘signs’

80-Year-Old Grandpa Placing Trump Signs in Yard Brutally Mowed Down By Liberal Activist

A Michigan grandfather who was placing Trump signs in his front yard was brutally run over by a 22-year-old liberal activist who jumped the kerb and plowed into the 80-year-old man after tearing the signs […] The post 80-Year-Old Grandpa Placing Trump Signs in Yard Brutally Mowed Down By Liberal Activist appeared first on The […]

Biden signs 2-year extension of FISA warrantless surveillance program

Senate Approves Section 702 Reauthorization, Keeps Only The Bad Stuff Source

No escape from the meat grinder: Zelensky signs tyrannical mobilization bill that lets no man escape

(NaturalNews) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has affixed his signature to a tyrannical military mobilization law, which means all Ukrainian men can no… Source

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signs law allowing state law enforcement to ARREST ILLEGALS

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signs law allowing state law enforcement to ARREST ILLEGALS Following the footsteps of Texas, the state of Iowa has approved a bill allowing both state and local law enforcement to arrest illegals who have been previously deported from or denied entry to the United States. Gov. Kim Reynolds, the chief executive […]

Why Do Ambulances Now Post Warning Signs of Sepsis, Not Covid-19?

Why Do Ambulances Now Post Warning Signs of Sepsis, Not Covid-19?  Tue 6:12 pm +01:00, 9 Apr 2024  1 posted by pete fairhurst 2 I’ve no idea if this is correct, but it certainly made me think that it could be….. The money shot: “COVID-19 is a social fiction, but the institutional reality of COVID-19 […]

Occupation of Republic of Texas Guvnor Khazarian Jew Greg Abbott Signs ‘STATE OF TEXAS’, Sub Corporation of Illegally Occupying US CORPORATION Executive Order to Punish ‘Antisemitic Rhetoric’ on College Campuses In Illegally Occupied Republic of Texas

Occupation of Republic of Texas guvnor Non Semitic Khazarian Jew Greg Abbott (R) CEO of ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ legal fiction Sub Corporation of the Illegally Criminally Militarily Occupying ‘UNITED STATES’ CORPORATION signed an Executive Order on Wednesday to require “all higher education institutions in the illegally criminally militarily occupied Republic of Texas to “review […]

Biden Admin Signs WEF Treaty To Ban Gas Powered Cars in America

The Biden administration has signed a World Economic Forum treaty that promises to phase out gas powered cars in America by the year 2030. According to a Bloomberg report, Biden is “preparing to roll out […] The post Biden Admin Signs WEF Treaty To Ban Gas Powered Cars in America appeared first on The People's […]

Gov. Kristi Noem Signs Unconstitutional ‘Hate Crime’ Bill To Stomp Out Criticism of Israel

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem on Thursday boasted that she signed an unconstitutional hate crime bill to stomp out criticism of Israel and “ensure the security of God’s chosen people.” South Dakota has passed legislation to stop antisemitism. This will be model legislation that other states can implement to stand with our Jewish brothers and […]

7 Signs You’re Missing Key Nutrients — And How to Fix It

(Note: Thank you for supporting this sponsored message, which helps keep this Substack running to bring you uncensored news.) Over recent decades, obtaining all the necessary nutrients from diet alone has become more challenging. Soil depletion and agricultural practices focused on maximizing yields have reduced the nutrient content of fruits, vegetables, and grains. This phenomenon, […]

7 Signs You’re Missing Key Nutrients — And How to Fix It

(Note: Thank you for supporting this sponsored message, which helps keep this Substack running to bring you uncensored news.) Over recent decades, obtaining all the necessary nutrients from diet alone has become more challenging. Soil depletion and agricultural practices focused on maximizing yields have reduced the nutrient content of fruits, vegetables, and grains. This phenomenon, […]

A second interview with an Exorcist – Part 1 “What are the signs of possession?”

Steve is interviewed for the second time in the public domain. After almost twenty years as an exorcist, including working for the Church of England Deliverance Team, Steve discusses some of the truly shocking encounters he has experienced as well as describing his own personal journey. He describes the principals and faith required to persevere […]

Tennessee governor signs bill allowing public officials to refuse to perform same-sex marriages

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) signed a bill Wednesday allowing public officials to refuse to perform same-sex marriages. State lawmakers approved Tennessee House Bill 878 last week. The legislation states people “shall not be required to solemnize a marriage” if they refuse to doing so based on their “conscience or religious beliefs.” According to the Tennessee… […]

Putin Declares USA’s Ownership of Alaska ILLEGAL, Signs Documents to Take Alaska Back

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an executive order which some say effectively declares Alaska belongs to Russia. Not only Alaska but all countries that once belonged to the former Russian Empire and then later on to the Soviet Empire (USSR) all these countries still should belong to Russia today according to him. So for example, […]

Jan 21 – All Signs Point to Wider War

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Yemen’s Houthi Ansar Allah movement has announced plans to close all major waterways in the Middle East, including the Suez Canal and the straits of Hormuz and Bab al-Mandeb. This initiative, called the Al-Aqsa Triangle, will be implemented in the event of a large-scale attack on Yemen by […]

Trump’s win in Iowa shows big strengths and hidden warning signs

He showed striking weakness in suburban and urban areas: In more than three dozen precincts in the suburbs, Trump received less than a quarter of the vote, even while achieving blowout wins of 90-plus percent of votes cast in a similar number of rural precincts. That pattern, hidden under Trump’s commanding overall performance, echoes a […]

Hidden Signs of the Revolution. Also commentary on Taylor Swift, the Houthis, and the new FAA DEI.

“First published January 15, 2023 In this old paper from 2015, I exhibited some naive hope that Taylor would realize what a bunch of phoenies she was surrounded by and bow out of her “career”, finding a real life somewhere. As we all know, that hasn’t happened. From the picture above, we can see she […]

Sarah Huckabee Signs Law Banning ‘Woke, Anti-Woman’ Language In Arkansas State Documents

Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed an executive order this week that will see ‘woke, anti- woman’ terms such banned from Arkansas State documents and replaced with the proper terms. On Thursday, the Arkansas governor announced that […] The post Sarah Huckabee Signs Law Banning ‘Woke, Anti-Woman’ Language In Arkansas State Documents appeared first on The People's […]

10 Signs You Have a Vaccine Injury and What You Can Do About It: Insights from Top Doctors

(Note: Thank you for supporting this sponsored message, which helps keep this Substack running to bring you uncensored news.) More than 1 in 4 Americans think they know someone who has been killed by the COVID-19 vaccines. And more people than not believe there are legitimate reasons to be concerned about the safety of these […]

Klaus Schwab Signs Order Drafting US Men and Women to Fight For Globalists in WW3

American men and women are set to be imminently drafted to fight for the globalists in World War 3 if Klaus Schwab gets his way, after the World Economic Forum leader was heard boasting that […] The post Klaus Schwab Signs Order Drafting US Men and Women to Fight For Globalists in WW3 appeared first […]

They’re coming for your CHILDREN: California Governor Gavin Newsom signs “anti-parent” law

(NaturalNews) Children as young as 12 can now be relocated to government-funded “residential shelter services” in California for mental health treatment or… Source

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