Posts Tagged ‘reynolds’

Report into disgraced cop Paul Reynolds highlights how he was able to groom dozens of young boys for decades

Australia, being one of the members of the FiveEyes surveillance network is among the most surveilled places on the planet. Why?  Because they tell the people that it’s for their protection. So with all this surveillance, in many many cases it fails victims of crime, like over 50 victims, boys that have been groomed by […]

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signs law allowing state law enforcement to ARREST ILLEGALS

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signs law allowing state law enforcement to ARREST ILLEGALS Following the footsteps of Texas, the state of Iowa has approved a bill allowing both state and local law enforcement to arrest illegals who have been previously deported from or denied entry to the United States. Gov. Kim Reynolds, the chief executive […]

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds to endorse DeSantis: NBC News

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) will endorse Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for president at a rally in Des Moines on Monday, according to a NBC News report. Citing sources close to the governor, NBC reported the move as DeSantis’ campaign anticipates a win in Iowa, which holds its caucus on Jan. 15, will keep… […]

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds Scrubs Her Lockdown Record 

It seems that everyone is running from the lockdowns they once supported, and that includes former presidents and governors, and probably mayors too. Apologies would be better so we can at least have an honest accounting rather than an attempt to rewrite the history that everyone knows.  Jack Phillips of Epoch Times alerts readers in […]

Republican Governors tap Reynolds aide as next executive director

The Republican Governors Association has tapped Sara Craig Gongol as the party committee’s next executive director. Craig Gongol previously served as chief of staff to Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, who recently won reelection and is currently the vice-chair of the RGA. “Sara is a talented operative who’s keenly aware of what’s necessary for an organization […]

Iowa Gov. Reynolds stands by Ukraine in critique of Biden

Reynolds criticized the Biden administration’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan last year and suggested it was symbolic of the president’s misguided approach to global affairs. “Weakness on the world stage has a cost, and the president’s approach to foreign policy has consistently been too little, too late,” she said before pivoting to domestic issues. “We can’t […]

Iowa Fast-Food, Hospital Workers Protest Gov. Reynolds

Iowa Fast-Food, Hospital Workers Protest Gov. Reynolds Above Photo: From Fed up with Gov. Kim Reynolds’ attacks on working people and their unions, local fast-food and hospital workers in the Fight for $15 took over the Iowa statehouse to protest during the governor’s Condition of the State address, stressing their commitment to defeating Reynolds.   […]

Actor Burt Reynolds faces foreclosure on Florida home

  Barbara ListonReuters August 1`7, 2011 Veteran actor Burt Reynolds is facing foreclosure on his longtime southeast Florida home, according to a lawsuit filed by a mortgage firm. The 75-year-old is known for starring roles including in films “Deliverance” and “Smokey and the Bandit” from the 1970s. He also won a Golden Globe for his […]

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