Posts Tagged ‘lockdown’

What Really Happened: Lockdown until Vaccination

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Four years later, many people are investigating how our lives were completely upended by a pandemic response. Over my time on the case, I’ve heard countless theories. It was Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Finance, the Green New Deal, the CCP, Depopulation, Get Trump, Mail-In Ballots, and so on.  There […]

Real People Taking Action – Interview with Rosie who during Lockdown stepped up to the plate – link below Tuesday, 30th April 2024 In 2008, UK Column—which at that time was a print newspaper—published an article entitled The White Rose. We began that article by stating that it had been prompted by a recent conversation with two … Read the rest Source

Theft by Lockdown

Five or so years ago I was clear across the country from my home in eastern Washington State, having flown to Baltimore for a meeting. At the same time one of our daughters and her family lived outside Washington, DC, so I spent a couple of days with them. As part of that visit, we […]

February 27, 2020: The Lockdown Plan Goes Public

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL February 27th, 2020, was a very strange day. I did not know it at the time. I was preparing for a trip to Utah with my husband. I was vaguely aware that there was a virus of concern in China, but I wasn’t too worried about it. I was not […]

Life After Lockdown: Introduction

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL My last published book was Liberty or Lockdown, originally printed in September 2020. It was written in a mad fury over what happened to the world in March 2020 and delved deeply into the history of infectious disease and the lockdown idea. At this point in publishing, I still believed […]

Life after Lockdown: Foreword by Rand Paul

[The following is Senator Rand Paul’s foreword to Jeffrey Tucker’s book, Life after Lockdown.] In Life after Lockdown, Jeffrey Tucker paints a picture of the living hell that was the government lockdown and outlines a roadmap for never again allowing such a police state to occur. During the multiple winters of the Covid lockdown, I […]

Four Years Later: Lockdown “Deaths of Despair”

In the second week of March 2020, the Trump administration announced “15-days to flatten the curve” based on the misguided notion that shutting the economy down temporarily would reduce hospital admissions and thus lower the Covid death toll over the medium and long term. As you know, in some places the lockdowns of schools and […]

BBC Lied About ‘Covid’ Risk to Boost Public Support For Lockdown Inquiry Told

Government adviser Professor Mark Woolhouse has told the UK Covid Inquiry that the BBC was allowed to “misrepresent” the risk posed by Covid to boost public support for lockdown. Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease […] The post BBC Lied About ‘Covid’ Risk to Boost Public Support For Lockdown Inquiry Told appeared first on The […]

WHO’s Edict Caused the Lockdown Disaster

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, supported by Bill Gates and his money, was the WHO director when the organization decreed China’s lockdown solution should be emulated by every nation. As Dr. Meryl Nass keeps warning us, the WHO might soon have far more power over our lives. Jeffrey Tucker of Brownstone Institute […]

Why So Many Countries Followed China’s Lockdown Example

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL A novel coronavirus that was 10 times deadlier than the flu had gripped the world in 2019. Without a compass to navigate the Covid-19 pandemic, all lessons learned from previous viral pandemics were thrown out the window. The World Health Organization was adamant, “This is not the flu.” Tony Fauci […]

The Dual Citizens Who Pushed the Deadly COVID Lockdown and VAXX

HOME // BAD SCIENCE Video reveals that shocking number of CDC officials who pushed COVID death jabs are JEWS with dual Israeli-American citizenship 11/02/2023 // Ethan Huff // 2.6K Views Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, big government, Big Pharma, CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, conspiracy, corruption, covid-19, deception, deep state, drug cartels, dual citizenship, insanity, Israel, Jews, medical fascism, Medical Tyranny, Palestine, pandemic, traitors, Twisted, vaccine wars, vaccines, White House, Zionists   Despite representing just 0.2 percent of the current global population, Jews overwhelmingly hold many of the top […]

Anti-Lockdown Goes Mainstream

It’s a shift worth marking. New York Magazine is featuring an article called “COVID Lockdowns Were a Giant Experiment. It Was a Failure.” The authors are two excellent journalists, Joe Nocera and Bethany McLean, who have also written a new book called The Big Fail, which I have not read but intend to. The ascent […]

Professor Lockdown Denies Ever Calling for Lockdown

In one of the more bizarre moments at the Covid Inquiry so far, Professor Neil Ferguson, the architect of Britain’s lockdown, today denied ever calling for the first national stay-at-home order – in the latest instance of lockdown backpedalling. The Mail  has more. Professor Neil Ferguson’s terrifying March 2020 models warned that 500,000 Brits would die unless tougher […]

The Lockdown Has Changed People

People Are Different Since The Pandemic Is it just me? Makow – Whether it’s COVID, Migrants, Trannies, Ukraine, or Gaza, the Satanists have found many ways to slice and dice society. It’s time to UNITE around our common enemy, the Rothschild WEF, which is responsible for most of our woes. Focus your anger on their […]

New Zealand Ousts Leftist Lockdown Loons After Conservative Wins Election

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School lockdown? No. When the shit hits the fan, run for it.

Dear Bursar, Thank you for your reply.  It seems that ‘someone’ has decided that a lockdown is required as a policy, and then you have tried to imagine scenarios which would make such a response necessary. While a fire drill seems eminently advisable, with the emphasis on escape, the other scenarios you mention would not […]

A letter to be Sent to Parents of School Children – Another Lockdown in The Making?

From a friend in the West Midlands I am writing to let you know that next week during their assemblies, all pupils will be learning about our emergency lockdown procedure. Just as with our fire evacuation rehearsals, it is important that we all practice what to do should a lockdown be necessary. There are many […]

A Pandemic of Lockdown Denialism 

There is an old expression: “Success has a thousand fathers but failure is always an orphan.”  It’s a spin on Tacitus: “This is an unfair thing about war: victory is claimed by all, failure to one alone.” We can judge the results of the pandemic response, then, by the number of people who claim it […]

The Next Crisis Is Anyone’s Guess, But the Government Is Ready to Lockdown the Nation

In light of the government’s tendency to exploit crises (legitimate or manufactured) and capitalize on the nation’s heightened emotions, confusion and fear as a means of extending the reach of the police state, one has to wonder what so-called crisis it will declare next. Source

The Empire Was Striking Back on Covid Lockdown Critics & Vaccine Critics

Parliament Decides is enemy website #1: (in royal blue font 2/3 of the page down) COVID-19 Disinformation & Misinformation Call for Evidence UK Parliament › html Anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was started by the Israeli state. UK Setup Unit to Target Critics of Lockdowns and Vaxx By infostormer  – June 3, […]

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