Posts Tagged ‘mainstream’

Citizens in Ireland Can Be Jailed for 5 Years if They Share Non-Mainstream Content Online

Citizens in Ireland can be imprisoned for five years if they share or comment on non-mainstream content on social media, according to an authoritarian new “hate speech” law set to be passed in the next […] The post Citizens in Ireland Can Be Jailed for 5 Years if They Share Non-Mainstream Content Online appeared first […]

EI live: Mainstream media catches onto “mass rape” lies

Join the Electronic Intifada livestream right now for our ongoing coverage of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and the Palestinian resistance to it. As well as YouTube, the stream will also be live on Twitter, Facebook and Twitch. This afternoon’s lineup: Our colleague Omar Karmi will discuss the failure of what the US purports are […]

After Censoring Damning Autopsies, Mainstream Media Admits COVID Vaccines May Share Blame for “Unprecedented” Excess Deaths

Above image: COVID vaccine victims website Real Not Rare Biden: Our “patience” for the unvaccinated person is wearing thin [embedded content] The UK Telegraph is a 160 year-old British institution, equivalent of the New York Times “newspaper of record.” Now picked up by MSN, Yahoo News, and the New York Post. With excess deaths, i.e. […]

CIA, WEF run the entire mainstream media empire-Rothschild’s run Israel, Mossad, CIA, UK, UN, US, WEF, ICC, IBS, France, Russia, China, Iran & African Slave Trade

Source of original headline: Source

Right Wing Round-Up: From The Fringe To The Mainstream

Matthew D. Taylor and Paul A. Djupe@ Religion News Service: How Trumpism has pushed a fringe charismatic theology into the mainstream Charismatic Christian prophets have gained new influence since becoming identified with the former president. Jerod MacDonald-Evoy @ The Arizona Mirror: Anthony Kern can no longer use broadcast facilities after using them to join a […]

The mainstream media distorted our anti-Vietnam War protests 50 years ago. They’re following the same strategy today

Fifty years ago, I joined in protests against the Vietnam war. Today the mainstream media is smearing pro-Palestine student protests in ways that are even worse than how we were slandered back then. Source

Mainstream Media Warns ‘Wanting To Have Children’ Is ‘White Supremacist’

Wanting to have children and perpetuate the human race is a “far right” position that reflects “white supremacist” values, according to a disturbing report published by Politico this week. Leftists have become so completely and […] The post Mainstream Media Warns ‘Wanting To Have Children’ Is ‘White Supremacist’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The mainstream U.S. media is hiding key truths in its coverage of Iran’s retaliatory attack

Mainstream U.S. media coverage of Iran’s retaliation for Israel’s April 1 attack on an Iranian embassy building in Damascus was poor, but could have been worse. Six months of widespread media criticism may be having a modest impact. And there was a welcome surprise on cable news. CNN naturally rousted Wolf Blitzer last night to […]

Mainstream media finally reports on Gaza famine but won’t admit Israel is deliberately responsible

With each passing day, the alarm sirens about famine in Gaza are screaming louder than ever, but the mainstream U.S. media continues to hide or downplay Israel’s responsibility for the mass starvation. Just the other day, one of the world’s leading experts on mass hunger, Alex de Waal, said, in the Guardian: “We are about […]

Mainstream Measles Mongers

If you’ve been following reporting from mainstream media outlets lately you could not have missed the flurry of stories about the resurgence of the measles in Canada or the US. Stern-looking public health officials with wrinkled brows are quoted as saying we’re about to be swallowed by a highly infectious disease that is vaccine-preventable. Apparently […]

U.S. mainstream media ignores ‘Guardian’ exposé on CNN’s pro-Israel bias

A week has passed since the British Guardian newspaper ran its remarkable exposé of how CNN’s top leadership deliberately distorts the cable network’s coverage of Israel’s assault on Gaza — but so far, the rest of the U.S. mainstream media establishment has not said a single word about the scandal.  Nothing at all on MSNBC. […]

Bill Gates Orders Govt’s To Blacklist Citizens Who Share ‘Non-Mainstream’ Content Online

Bill Gates’ Microsoft is now threatening to disable the computers of users who share so-called “misinformation” online as Bill Gates and the WEF continue gearing up for the 2024 election season in the only way they know how – by working on an authoritarian plan to censor all opposition, criminalize so-called “misinformation”, steal the US […]

Mainstream Media admits ‘Alt Media Was Right, COVID Jabs ARE Causing Heart Problems’

The mainstream media has finally admitted what alternative news outlets have been reporting for years: COVID jabs are causing serious heart problems for millions of people around the globe. According to a new FDA study, there is an increased risk of stroke, heart attack and death for people who receive the COVID booster shots. The […]

White House Orders Apple To Censor ‘Non-Mainstream’ Messages in Users Texts

The Biden administration has ordered Apple and Android to begin monitoring and censoring users’ private text messages that contain ‘non-mainstream’ content. The White House is secretly pumping millions in tax dollars into “censorship mercenary firms,” […] The post White House Orders Apple To Censor ‘Non-Mainstream’ Messages in Users Texts appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Public loses trust in mainstream media, causing outlets to drastically reduce cut their operations through LAYOFFS

(NaturalNews) According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the U.S. suffered 98 percent more layoffs in 2023 than in 2022. The Chicago-based global outplacement… Source

Mainstream media covers up Israeli calls to drive two million Palestinians into permanent exile

The mainstream U.S. media is almost totally ignoring incendiary statements by powerful Israeli officials who say openly they want to push Palestinians out of Gaza forever. Source

Time for some history, which – naturally – isn’t in the mainstream books.

Many of you are probably aware of the film “300” of the King of Sparta, Leonidas. This marked the first resistance of Hellas/Greece against Xerxes’ Persian Empire. What you may not be aware is who started the entire ordeal. During the peak of the Persian civilization, there was a Chaldean Jew under the name of […]

Mohammed El-Kurd and Ahmad Alnaouq on the complicity of mainstream media in Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza

In this episode, Mondoweiss’s Culture Editor Mohammed El-Kurd speaks with journalist and co-founder of We Are Not Numbers Ahmad Alnaouq. Source

Digital ID will go mainstream across Australia in 2024. Here’s how it can work for everyone

n a world promising self-driving cars and artificial general intelligence, the prospect of a new form of digital identity verification can feel … less than exciting. And yet digital identity is about to be unleashed in Australia and around the world. In 2024, many years before most of us experience the joy of commuting in […]

Google Announces Largest Ever BAN of Non-Mainstream Content Ahead of 2024 Elections

Google has announced its largest ever purge of non-mainstream content ahead of the 2024 US presidential election. According to Google and YouTube, they are both planning to censor content they deem to be “harmful” to […] The post Google Announces Largest Ever BAN of Non-Mainstream Content Ahead of 2024 Elections appeared first on The People's […]

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