Posts Tagged ‘guardian’

U.S. mainstream media ignores ‘Guardian’ exposé on CNN’s pro-Israel bias

A week has passed since the British Guardian newspaper ran its remarkable exposé of how CNN’s top leadership deliberately distorts the cable network’s coverage of Israel’s assault on Gaza — but so far, the rest of the U.S. mainstream media establishment has not said a single word about the scandal.  Nothing at all on MSNBC. […]

The ‘Guardian’ exposes how CNN slants the Gaza news

The Guardian reveals CNN’s pro-Israel bias is no accident, but a conscious and complex effort directed from the very top of the network.  Source

The Guardian DELETES Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America” 22 years after the fact, after waves of American youth call it “mind blowing” and “game changing”

The Guardian DELETES Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America” 22 years after the fact, after waves of American youth call it “mind blowing” and “game changing” On Nov. 15, 2023, the popular United Kingdom-based The Guardian media outlet removed Osama bin Laden’s infamous “letter to the American people,” first published on Nov. 24, 2022, because […]

The Guardian Deletes Osama Bin Laden Letter After TikTok Panic

The Guardian has taken down a letter written by Osama bin Laden after it inspired social media posts co-signing his critique of the United States. The outlet replaced a transcript of the jihadist’s 2002 “letter to the American people” with a context note after a surge of related TikToks made it the second-most-viewed page on […]

NFL Exec: Guardian Caps Could One Day Become Required in Games

Those giant mushroom-looking helmet covers that some NFL players are required to wear during practice could one day become required for all NFL players in games. Source


The Guardian: It’s Antisemitic To Use the Term ‘Globalist Elite’

Opposing billionaires and using the term “globalist elite” is “anti-Semitic”, according to a new article published The Guardian on Tuesday. Per The Guardian, “Avoid phrases that link negativity with blackness, anti-racism report recommends”: Phrases and words […] The post The Guardian: It’s Antisemitic To Use the Term ‘Globalist Elite’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The Guardian: Avoid Using The Term ‘Wealthy Elite’ And Instead Say ‘The Powerful Few’ to Not ‘Trigger Antisemitism’

Reframing Race has put together a report titled Contains Strong Language to equip anti-racism and racial inequality campaigners with the words that have proven most effective in persuading people of the “harm and structural nature of racism”. Source

PBS covers up pro-Israel campaign spending, ‘Intercept’ and ‘Guardian’ focus on it

As you surely know, two days ago Donald Trump issued a venomous warning to American Jews to back him because of what he did for Israel that many have seen as antisemitic. Trump trumpeted what he had done for Israel and how popular he is in Israel, and bewailed the lack of reciprocity of Jewish […]

Left-Wing Guardian Review Trashes ‘My Son Hunter’: ‘Fiction-Laced Retelling of Hunter Biden Laptop Nothingburger … for Fringe Lunatics’

It was a forgone conclusion that mainstream movie critics — virtually all of whom are far-left radicals — would trash “My Son Hunter.” Throwing himself onto what will inevitably be a left-wing pile-on, The Guardian’s assigned reviewer Charles Bramesco led the charge on Tuesday, delivering a snide pan while also playing white knight to Hunter […]

Left-Wing Guardian Triggered by ‘My Son Hunter’: ‘Stop Trying to Make Hunter Biden Conspiracy Theories Happen’

Britain’s left-wing The Guardian has attacked the upcoming movie “My Son Hunter” in a column claiming the movie is trying to elevate the Hunter Biden laptop scandal beyond a fringe conspiracy theory. But the article ignores the fact that the laptop and its contents have been authenticated as real by multiple mainstream news outlets, including […]

US secretly issued subpoena to access Guardian reporter’s phone records

The US justice department secretly issued a subpoena to gain access to details of the phone account of a Guardian reporter as part of an aggressive leak investigation into media stories about an official inquiry into the Trump administration’s child separation policy at the southern border.

The Guardian Angels Helping Greek Children in Need this Holiday Season

Credit: Together for Children The NGO “Mazi gia to Paidi,” or “Together for Children,” has been supporting Greek children facing all forms of difficulty, including bullying, disease, poverty, hunger, mental illness, and abuse, since its formation in 1996. Speaking to Greek Reporter, Alexandra Martinou, President of “Together for Children,” stressed the organization’s motto: “Power through […]

New Normal Newspeak #2: “Vaccine”, from Off-Guardian

STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC If by definition vaccines are supposed to confer immunity, then Covid-19 “vaccines” don’t make the definition of vaccine. From If the Covid19 shots “reduce symptoms”, but don’t prevent infection or transmission…are they truly “vaccines”? “Vaccine” is a word a with a simple meaning. I’ll quote it to you, from the Oxford […]

Saudi Arabia to allow women to live alone without male guardian 

In a landmark move, Saudi Arabia is to allow unmarried, divorced or widowed women to live alone without the consent of close male relatives who are normally their guardians, or wali according to Islamic law. The judicial authorities in the ultra-conservative Kingdom have abolished Paragraph B of article 169 of the Law of Procedure before […]

Leader’s support for Guardian Council ‘heartens us’: Jannati

TEHRAN – Guardian Council secretary Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati on Wednesday thanked Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for backing the Guardian Council, saying the Leader’s support has heartened the members of the vetting body. “It is necessary to announce my thanks and praise and those of the members of the Guardian Council to […]

Campaigns forbidden before candidates are confirmed: Guardian Council

TEHRAN — The Guardian Council said on Saturday it is trying its best to announce the names of the qualified and disqualified candidates until May 27, stating that presidential candidates must not start campaigning before May 27. “The third session of the qualification review was held today and the files of the presidential candidates were […]

Guardian Council: News circulating on candidates are “fake”

TEHRAN— In a tweet on Wednesday morning, Abbasali Kadkhodaei, spokesman for the Guardian Council, dismissed rumors that a few of the presidential candidates have been disqualified, calling them “fake news”. “There is a lot of fake news these days about qualifications. Some by speculation, some by confidential news, and some by citing informed and credible […]

‘Operation Guardian of the Walls’ Will Not Fix Israel’s Apartheid Walls

May 13, 2021 An Israeli airstrike on Gaza. (Photo: Fawzi Mahmoud, The Palestine Chronicle) By Jamal Juma Israel has once again gone on a killing spree. Over 83 Palestinians, including 17 children, have already been killed in Israel’s bombings of Gaza as of today, 13 May 2021. Israeli forces have escalated their repression and attacked the […]

Israel-Gaza: Operation Guardian of the Walls

Browse > Home / News / Israel-Gaza: Operation Guardian of the Walls May 12, 2021 by TPS Read on for article Reports, photos and video from TPS as we get them. Times relate to the report and not the incident. Continuing story Wednesday   5:47 pm   Anti-tank missile fired from Gaza Strip at a […]

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