Posts Tagged ‘season’


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Experts claim 2024 Atlantic hurricane season could be one of the most active ever (but they always say that)

(NaturalNews) Phil Klotzbach, a senior research scientist at Colorado State University (CSU), said a very warm Atlantic favors an above-average hurricane season,… Source

Declare Open Season On the RothsRats & Their Globalist Flunkies, Scamdemics Will End & Peace Will Break Out

It is my firm belief when Jesus called these hairless with pigs fornicating sheep monkeys sheep, it was not a term of endearment. The sheep have exasperated me life after life. They are gullible, opportunistic, easily made to make war against God, the Earth and their own kind for the benefit of the jackals. But […]

Where Americans spent the most money this holiday season

Americans spent notably more money during the holiday shopping season as the U.S. economy powered through high inflation and interest rates. Retail sales in the U.S. excluding auto sales rose 3.1 percent from last year, according to data released by Mastercard SpendingPulse on Tuesday. “This holiday season, the consumer showed up, spending in a deliberate… […]

Departure season descends on Congress

Retirement toasts are on the menu around Capitol Hill. On Thursday, four members of Congress announced their plans to leave their posts or had their exit confirmed to POLITICO, adding to the dozen-plus legislators who have said they will depart elected office in 2024. More are almost certainly in the pipeline. The exits come as […]

It’s a date: Gaza’s harvest season gets into swing

Palestinians farmers in Gaza have begun climbing their date palms to reap the fruits of their labour Source

Hurricane Lee Barrels Through Atlantic Waters As Season’s First Category 5 Storm

The hurricane is not expected to make landfall, but meteorologists warned it would generate dangerous waves of up to 15 feet across the northern coast of Puerto Rico. Source

Fully Jabbed Whoopi Goldberg Misses ‘The View’ Season Premiere After Getting Covid Again

It must be that time of year….the Covid narrative is being forced down our throats yet again! “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg was absent from the show after coming down with the covid virus for […] The post Fully Jabbed Whoopi Goldberg Misses ‘The View’ Season Premiere After Getting Covid Again appeared first on The […]

Croatia says latest figures show it is having a bumper tourist season

Figures released by Croatia’s Ministry of Tourism on Monday show a 12 per cent increase in visitors compared to 2022. Source

US Honeybees Suffer Second Deadliest Season On Record

Figures published today reveal beekeepers in the U.S. lost an estimated 48% of their honey bee colonies in 2022-23. Source

Time to plant new season’s strawberries (Wally Richards)

New seasons strawberry plants are now available in garden centres. The nurseries that grow the plants lift them after the autumn rains have moistened the soil sufficiently, then they are distributed to garden centres. I find that the sooner you can get your new strawberry plants into their new beds the better results you have […]

Only a few weeks until the shortest day – prepare for the new season in the garden (Wally Richards)

The year is slipping away and now there are only a few weeks till the shortest day which heralds in a new season for gardening. While its quiet gardening wise you have ample time on those nice days to prepare for the coming season of gardening. Lets start off by those that are fortunate to […]

Californians Announce Discovery Of Strange New Season ‘Winter’

CALIFORNIA — In a groundbreaking announcement, Californians have declared the discovery of a strange new season they’re calling “winter.” Source

Mike Francesca: Tom Brady Wasn’t the Greatest Regular Season or Super Bowl QB

Tom Brady led his teams to an astounding seven Super Bowl wins out of a whopping ten appearances in the big game, more than any other player in history. Still, now that he is retiring, legendary sports talker Mike Francesca isn’t convinced that Brady was the best when it mattered most. Brady announced his retirement… […]

‘Dizzyingly Beautiful’: Shen Yun Opens in Nation’s Capital for 2023 Season

WASHINGTON D.C.—On Jan. 24, opening night for Shen Yun Performing Arts at The Kennedy Center Opera House, first-time audience members and repeat Shen Yun fans alike were moved by the beauty of classical Chinese dance. “Oh, it was amazing. Beautiful dancing, costumes, colors, movements, just a beautiful display,” said Beth Swankler, director of communications of […]

Canadian Officials Warn ‘After Flu Season Comes Stroke Season’

Canadian officials have warned the public this week that the sudden rise in strokes among the population is due to the influenza season causing “systemic inflammation.” Dr. Raj Bhardwaj of the University of Calgary appeared […] The post Canadian Officials Warn ‘After Flu Season Comes Stroke Season’ appeared first on News Punch. Source

After unusually warm start to season, snow brings traffic jams to parts of Croatia and Austria

Wintry showers brought traffic jams to roads in mountainous parts of Austria and Croatia. Source

Tom Brady Has First Losing Season Since 2002, Still Going to Playoffs

Tampa Bay Buccaneers QB Tom Brady hit a career milestone on Sunday when his team lost to the Atlanta Falcons. Source

England Reports 94 Deaths Due to Scarlet Fever so Far This Season

England reported 94 deaths, including those of 21 children, from scarlet fever and invasive strep A infections so far this season the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said on Thursday. The British government last week said it was enacting protocols to ease shortages of penicillin medicines used to treat strep A infections, allowing pharmacists to […]

Deadpool Makes Surprise Cameo Appearance In ‘The Chosen’ Season 3

HURRICANE, UT — In a stunning announcement, Disney has revealed “The Chosen” will be incorporated into the Marvel Multiverse following a cameo appearance by Deadpool in the show’s upcoming third season. Source

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