Posts Tagged ‘beautiful’

2,000-Year-Old Roman ‘Wow Glass’ Morphs Into Something Beautiful

Two millennia ago, delicate glass vessels that potentially served as containers for wine, water, exotic fragrances in ancient Rome, shattered and met their untimely demise. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Scottish Bagpipes – Celtic Music with Beautiful Views of Scotland, Ireland and Wales

There is something about Scotland Bagpipe music that can stir a deep emotion in people. Play this beautiful Source

Celtic Music with Beautiful Views of Ireland, Wales and Scotland

Enjoy over an hour of moving and uplifting music as you soak in incredible views such as the Cliffs of Moher, Isle of the Sky, Scottish Highlands, Castles and many more throughout Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Source

All that is beautiful and painful

Abdul Rahman Katanani’s art is not an identification with the refugee camp’s misery, but an attempt to show all that is beautiful and painful in it, showing the camp to those who can’t enter it, those who don’t want to, and those who fear it. Source

METEORA: Greek church among the 17 most beautiful in the world

Meteora is home to one of the 17 most beautiful churches in the world, the Monastery of the Holy Trinity, according to Conde Nast Traveler. “As if still-standing monasteries from the 15th century weren’t impressive enough, the buildings of Meteora are famously situated on nearly inaccessible sandstone peaks in central Greece. Brave travelers can pay… […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Our Beautiful Christianity

Anna Perez declares that she’d be willing to take a bullet for former President Donald Trump “because President Trump would take a bullet for me”: “What he’s doing is actually Christlike.” Scott Lively says that Trump’s arrest “is above all else a Lefty Sieg Heil to the Rainbow Swastika.” Pete Santilli reacted to Trump’s arrest […]

Ancient Nordic Chant to Call Cattle is Hauntingly Beautiful (Video)

Kulning, the ancient Nordic chant to call cattle, is a singing technique that has been passed down through generations. Historically, it was used by Norse women in Sweden to call their cattle back home from the pastures in the evenings. The high-pitched sounds were able to travel over long distances and were also used as […]

‘The Art of Spirituality Is Absolutely Beautiful’ in Shen Yun, Says Theatregoer

OTTAWA, Canada—Band singers Pushpa Rani Piner and Brahmata Michael watched Shen Yun Performing Arts at the National Arts Centre on March 18. “It’s beautiful, so beautiful,” Ms. Michael said. “[The] costumes are amazing. I was crying in the beginning, it was just so moving. It’s absolutely gorgeous—it really touched my heart.” Based in New York, […]

ACH (2083) Mark Dankof And Dr. Patrick Slattery – The Dankof Report #29 – Good Morning Beautiful!

In today’s show originally broadcast on March 7 2023, Andy presents “The Dankof Report” with its hosts Mark Dankof and Dr. Patrick Slattery for a show entitled, “Good Morning Beautiful!” We discussed: Mark and Patrick’s current analysis of the geopolitical situation; the latest enemies of the USA; the Jewish Virtual Library’s Library’s article on Jews […]

‘Dizzyingly Beautiful’: Shen Yun Opens in Nation’s Capital for 2023 Season

WASHINGTON D.C.—On Jan. 24, opening night for Shen Yun Performing Arts at The Kennedy Center Opera House, first-time audience members and repeat Shen Yun fans alike were moved by the beauty of classical Chinese dance. “Oh, it was amazing. Beautiful dancing, costumes, colors, movements, just a beautiful display,” said Beth Swankler, director of communications of […]

World’s 10 most beautiful cities (beauty score) See where Athens ranks

Venice: 83.3% Rome: 82.0% Barcelona: 81.9% Prague: 78.7% New York: 77.7% Athens: 77.5% Budapest: 75.9% Vienna: 75.8% Bordeaux: 75.3% Milan: 75.1% Why Athens, Greece ? Of all the cities on this list, Athens is where you’re most likely to see some winter sun. With temperatures reaching the low 60s, it’s actually perfect weather for exploring… […]

The Beautiful Casket that Killed Mary, Queen of Scots

Mary I of Scotland, or Mary, Queen of Scots is one of the most iconic monarchs in British history. She had an incredible impact on both Scottish and English history, and her life was one of tragedy, romance, and drama.  Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History Famous People Read Later  Source

Anna Vissi talks to her mirror: “Which one is more beautiful”- Watch the video

Anna Vissi has become an active user on social media and often posts photos and videos from her daily life, tours and the night club where she appears. Lately, the singer has been taking to TikTok to share various humorous, among other things, videos with her social media followers. In one of her most recent… […]

Amber Through the Ages: Origin Myths, Medical Uses, and Beautiful Baubles

Amber, or succinite as a mineralogist might call it, hails from simple beginnings. It is simply fossilized tree sap. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News Read Later  Source

The Beautiful Rayyan and the ‘Israeli’ Beast

30 Sep 2022 By Zeinab Abdallah As a mother goodbyeing her children going to school every day, her biggest concerns would be how anxious they are, how much comfortable they feel without her being with them, how concentrating they are in their classes, and whether the food they took with them was enough or they […]

Donald Trump: Queen Elizabeth a ‘Grand and Beautiful Lady’ — ‘There Was Nobody Like Her!’

Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump reacted Thursday to the death of Queen Elizabeth II, remembering her legacy. “What a grand and beautiful lady she was — there was nobody like her!” Trump wrote, noting that he and the former first lady were “deeply saddened” by the news of her death […]

2 Beautiful Australian Barbie Dolls Get Permanent Heart Problems after Drinking Poisoned Juice

    2 Barbie dolls from Australia get permanent heart damage and possibly fertility damage after drinking a glass of poisoned orange juice. Nobody knows who poisoned the juice but everybody is suspecting the manufacturer of the juice probably put poison in the juice by accident or deliberate. As you our most faithful readers already […]

‘Instead Of A Dark Lord, You Will Have A Queen! Not Dark But Beautiful And Terrible As The Dawn! All Shall Love Me And Despair!’ Says Acting President Kamala Harris

‘Instead Of A Dark Lord, You Will Have A Queen! Not Dark But Beautiful And Terrible As The Dawn! All Shall Love Me And Despair!’ Says Acting President Kamala Harris WASHINGTON, D.C.—The White House confirmed that presidential powers will be briefly transferred to Kamala Harris while President Biden undergoes a colonoscopy to find out what’s […]

Thanatos: The Beautiful Reaper of Death in Greek Mythology

Son of night and darkness, and brother of the god of sleep, Thanatos was the personification of death in Greek mythology. Analyzing the scant stories in which he appears can help us understand the way the ancient Greeks understood and dealt with inevitability of death within their pantheon.   Before the birth of science, ancient […]

Beautiful EVIL…..Cabal Owned Political Prostitute Pushes Clot Shots; Take One and Die!

by Admin · Published August 15, 2021 · Updated August 15, 2021 Pam Keith, Esq.@PamKeithFL·Jul 30 Here’s a good way to move people into getting vaccinated: Condition all federal benefits on proof of vaccination. That includes Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, military pensions, VA benefits, fed subsidized housing… ALL OF IT! I bet THAT will move […]

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