Posts Tagged ‘painful’

All that is beautiful and painful

Abdul Rahman Katanani’s art is not an identification with the refugee camp’s misery, but an attempt to show all that is beautiful and painful in it, showing the camp to those who can’t enter it, those who don’t want to, and those who fear it. Source

Painful Similarities Between the German and Aztec Collapses

January 18, 2023 Painful Similarities Between the German Collapse and the Aztec Empire – with Some Clarification On The Transformation Of Europe Against Mesoamerica Source By Thorsten J. Pattberg JUST IN, so funny: ‘Shove Your Democracy Up Your Ass’ went viral in China and Taiwan. My sense of humor! If you can, grab five mint copies […]

‘Painful March for Freedom’: The Triumphant Legacy of Palestinian Prisoners

“As soon as I left prison, I went to Nael’s grave. It is adorned with the colors of the Palestinian flag and verses from the Holy Quran. I told my little brother how much I loved and appreciated him, and that, one day, we would meet again in paradise.” The above is part of a […]

Zionists Tell Tales of Ansariya: The Saddest and Most Painful Days

Al-Ahed News Staff “It was one of the saddest and most painful days for “Israel” which is currently facing fierce and bitter fighting on two fronts.” With these words, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged the disaster that befell the commandos in his army during the failed landing operation in Ansariya. Netanyahu admitted that the lessons […]

Zionists Tell Tales of Ansariya: The Saddest and Most Painful Days

Al-Ahed News Staff “It was one of the saddest and most painful days for “Israel” which is currently facing fierce and bitter fighting on two fronts.” With these words, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged the disaster that befell the commandos in his army during the failed landing operation in Ansariya. Netanyahu admitted that the lessons […]

France’s Macron urges future with Algeria beyond ‘painful’ history

President Emmanuel Macron indicated yesterday that France and Algeria should move beyond their “painful” shared history and look to the future at the start of a three-day visit to the North African country, Reuters reports. The trauma of French colonial rule in Algeria and the bitter independence war that ended it in 1962 has haunted relations […]

France’s Macron urges future with Algeria beyond ‘painful’ history

President Emmanuel Macron indicated yesterday that France and Algeria should move beyond their “painful” shared history and look to the future at the start of a three-day visit to the North African country, Reuters reports. The trauma of French colonial rule in Algeria and the bitter independence war that ended it in 1962 has haunted relations […]

France’s Macron urges future with Algeria beyond ‘painful’ history

President Emmanuel Macron indicated yesterday that France and Algeria should move beyond their “painful” shared history and look to the future at the start of a three-day visit to the North African country, Reuters reports. The trauma of French colonial rule in Algeria and the bitter independence war that ended it in 1962 has haunted relations […]

6 Months On, Ukraine Fights War, Faces Painful Aftermath

CHERNIHIV, Ukraine (AP) — Danyk Rak enjoys riding his bike, playing soccer and quiet moments with the family’s short-legged dog and two white cats, Pushuna and Lizun. But at age 12, his childhood has been abruptly cut short. His family’s home was destroyed and his mother seriously wounded as Russian forces bombarded Kyiv’s suburbs and […]

6 Months On, Ukraine Fights War, Faces Painful Aftermath

CHERNIHIV, Ukraine (AP) — Danyk Rak enjoys riding his bike, playing soccer and quiet moments with the family’s short-legged dog and two white cats, Pushuna and Lizun. But at age 12, his childhood has been abruptly cut short. His family’s home was destroyed and his mother seriously wounded as Russian forces bombarded Kyiv’s suburbs and […]

6 Months On, Ukraine Fights War, Faces Painful Aftermath

CHERNIHIV, Ukraine (AP) — Danyk Rak enjoys riding his bike, playing soccer and quiet moments with the family’s short-legged dog and two white cats, Pushuna and Lizun. But at age 12, his childhood has been abruptly cut short. His family’s home was destroyed and his mother seriously wounded as Russian forces bombarded Kyiv’s suburbs and […]

6 Months On, Ukraine Fights War, Faces Painful Aftermath

CHERNIHIV, Ukraine (AP) — Danyk Rak enjoys riding his bike, playing soccer and quiet moments with the family’s short-legged dog and two white cats, Pushuna and Lizun. But at age 12, his childhood has been abruptly cut short. His family’s home was destroyed and his mother seriously wounded as Russian forces bombarded Kyiv’s suburbs and […]

6 Months On, Ukraine Fights War, Faces Painful Aftermath

CHERNIHIV, Ukraine (AP) — Danyk Rak enjoys riding his bike, playing soccer and quiet moments with the family’s short-legged dog and two white cats, Pushuna and Lizun. But at age 12, his childhood has been abruptly cut short. His family’s home was destroyed and his mother seriously wounded as Russian forces bombarded Kyiv’s suburbs and […]

Davos Elites Warn ‘Painful Global Transition’ Should Not Be Resisted

As World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab proclaimed that “the future is built by us” at the opening of the annual Davos gathering, two other European elites declared that the global energy crisis is a “transition” that will be “painful” for most, but should not be resisted by nations tempted to preserve their own sovereignty […]

Videos: Davos Elites Warn ‘Painful Global Transition’ Should Not Be Resisted By Nation States

As World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab proclaimed that “the future is built by us” at the opening of the annual Davos gathering, two other European elites declared that the global energy crisis is a “transition” that will be “painful” for most, but should not be resisted by nations tempted to preserve their own sovereignty […]

Ukraine war brings back painful memories to Gaza

Early yesterday morning I woke up to the sound of war. I was half asleep. Trying to understand what was happening, I rubbed my eyes and washed my face. My parents and my siblings were sitting in silence in front of the TV on Al Jazeera live. They were all unblinkingly staring at the current […]

Yemen hits ‘sensitive’ Saudi sites, vows more ‘painful’ retaliation

 December 25, 2021 Yemen hits ‘sensitive’ Saudi sites, vows more ‘painful’ retaliation Yemen’s army has warned Saudi Arabia it will respond with strength after the kingdom launched a “large-scale” assault on the impoverished nation. “We promise the Saudi regime painful operations as long as it continues its aggression and crimes,” said armed forces spokesman Yahya […]

Chile Is at the Political Crossroads: Social Renewal or Decades of Painful Neoliberal Policy

Antonio Kast “If [Augusto] Pinochet were alive, he would vote for me,” said José Antonio Kast in 2017, during the Chilean presidential election when he ran as an independent candidate. This was an especially provocative statement made by him out of the many he has made over the years—he had also said that “Chileans need God,” during his campaign […]

Breaking: Fauci Funded Pointless, Painful Dog Experiments, as He Pushes FDA to Declare mRNA Shots Safe to be Mandated

A report broken by the blog after a Freedom of Information Act request to Anthony Fauci’s division at the NIH, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), shows that Fauci spent $424,000 on dog experiments in which beagles suffered for months, sometimes howling in pain. All the dogs, many puppies, were later euthanized. […]

“The Present” — A Painful Short Film Tells the Whole Story of What It Means to be Palestinian

By Miko Peled Source In “The Present,” as throughout all of Palestine, soldiers, police officers, secret police, or Shabak agents, have the power — indeed they are instructed — to harass, humiliate, and take the lives of Palestinians in the most arbitrary fashion. OCCUPIED PALESTINE — “The Present” — a Palestinian film directed by Farah Nabulsi, with Saleh […]

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