Posts Tagged ‘memories’

The Vitaliano’s want to delete your memories to absorb you into the Collective Consciousness ripe for Harvesting.

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanism Agenda” from the top. SPM The closer you are to the Collective Consciousness the more memory you lose. The Vitaliano’s are […]

Burundi Drums Beat the Ancient Memories of Unity (Video)

The tradition of Burundi drums holds a profound cultural significance that stretches back through the ages. Read more Section:  News Videos Read Later  Source



A story within a triptych: on Vera Tamari’s family memories

Vera Tamari’s intimate story of her family’s life before 1948 allows us to dream of how life might have been in Palestine if the Nakba had never happened. Source

Farha brings back the horrifying memories of Nakba

December 8, 2022  Source: Al Mayadeen By Aya Youssef  By watching Farha, every Palestinian will get to see their own families losing their homes, families, and land as the Jordanian movie recounts the horrors of the 1948 Palestinian Nakba. Farha brings back the horrifying memories of Nakba Imagine that you prepared yourself to watch the movie […]

OPD girls and an Abadani woman’s interesting memories

This book contains the memories of Mina Kamaei, an Abadani woman who lived through the rough times of the imposed war. Leila Mohammadi conducted the interview and put together the compilation, which was then published by the women of the Art Bureau of the Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization. The narration in this book takes place during […]

Tanks For The Memories: Germany, Poland Negotiate Armour Deliveries for Ukraine

Germany rejected suggestions it is reneging on a promise to provide Poland with tanks to make up for those that Warsaw delivered to Ukraine.

Stop saying that Ukraine rubble reminds you of ‘memories of the past’

Last weekend in a speech in Europe, Joe Biden hit one of the major themes of the Ukraine war. We thought these pictures of rubble were memories of the past. Of all people, you, the Russian people, as well as all people across Europe, still have the memory of being in a similar situation in […]

Memories Of An Ancient Goddess At Sintra’s Mountain Of The Moon

Nothing about magical and mysterious Sintra is straightforward, including its name. Sintra can refer to a small town in western Portugal, a short distance north and west of Lisbon, or the large and populous municipality that surrounds it, or finally the Serra de Sintra , also known as The Mountain of the Moon, on whose […]

Ukraine war brings back painful memories to Gaza

Early yesterday morning I woke up to the sound of war. I was half asleep. Trying to understand what was happening, I rubbed my eyes and washed my face. My parents and my siblings were sitting in silence in front of the TV on Al Jazeera live. They were all unblinkingly staring at the current […]

Memories of Asia Minor Catastrophe Digitized by University of Florida

Great Fire of Smyrna as seen from an Italian ship. Credit: Wikipedia/Public domain. The 100 year anniversary of the Asia Minor catastrophe will be marked in a digital series prepared at the University of Florida’s Samuel Proctor Oral History Program. The series titled “Remembering 1922”, includes twelve memories of migration from the late Ottoman Empire […]

Prince Andrew: ‘Child Rape Victim Had False Memories Implanted in Her Brain’

Prince Andrew has warned that “false memories were created” in the brain of one of his child rape victims and has urged the court to dismiss the case on that basis. Yes, really. According to the Duke of York, Virginia Roberts Giuffre was 17 – the age of consent in New York – at the time […]

Preserving Memories Through Time: The History of Post Mortem Portraits

People and cultures around the world have always understood death – the unavoidable part of everyone’s existence – in a multitude of ways. Some saw it as a gateway to a new life, while others viewed it as enigmatic and unexplainable. But more than anything, the living sought ways to preserve the memory of the […]

A Palestinian kitchen full of memories

We all have that one thing that brings us back to our origins. For some it is a certain song that reminds us of our roots; no matter how far away from our homeland, the lyrics make us feel we are back home. For others, it is a tangible item like an olive branch, an […]

My Memories of the 9/11 Boat Evacuation

On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, my husband and I were awakened by a huge explosion that shook our building. We ran to the terrace on the 24th floor of our apartment building just six blocks from the World Trade Center to see thick black smoke coming from the North Tower. Then a second […]

Old Ryazan Treasure Hoard: Memories Of Mongol Sackings in Russia

Russian archaeologists have found yet another silver treasure hoard buried on the banks of a river in a remote forest near Old Ryazan. The so-called “Isad treasure” hoard was recently discovered in the forests near Old Ryazan (Staraya Ryazan) about 31 miles (50 km) from the modern city of Ryazan, Russia. Archaeologists from the Russian […]

The obliteration of memories

In the middle of the night, exactly one month ago, I had an altercation with my husband: I wanted to leave our house, but he was determined to stay. The consequences of this debate couldn’t be larger. It was the third night of the airstrikes in the 11-day escalation between Gaza and Israel in May. […]

Hellenic Society of Constantinopolitans Keeps Memories of the City Alive

Credit: Hellenic Society of Constantinopolitans The Hellenic Society of Constantinopolitans is keeping the culture and traditions of the Greeks from the city of Constantinople alive in Washington DC. Greeks of the diaspora around the world are known for their strong families and the ability to maintain unbroken connections with their homeland. This is perhaps even […]

Thanks for the Memories and Melodies, Jay

When Steven Spielberg recited the blessings over the Torah at his son Theo’s bar mitzvah, there was no need for the movie producer to audition a Baal Koreh (Torah reader) to perform the task flawlessly. Next to him stood Jay Braun, perhaps the most accomplished and talented Torah reader in the country and beyond. This […]

Renewed Violence In Northern Ireland Stirs Memories Of ‘The Troubles’

LONDON (AP) — Young people have hurled bricks, fireworks and gasoline bombs at police and set hijacked cars and a bus on fire during a week of violence on the streets of Northern Ireland. Police responded with rubber bullets and water cannons. The streets were calmer Friday night, as community leaders appealed for calm after […]

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