Posts Tagged ‘hoard’

Sept 26 – Menendez’s Cash Hoard Symbolizes Congress Corruption

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Most US Congresscritters are multimillionaires when they only make a $174,000 salary. If Americans were serious about democracy, campaigns would be publicly funded, and donations banned. You could do this for less than the cost of a stealth jet fighter but responsible government is not an American priority. […]

Roman Treasure Unveiled: York’s Ryedale Hoard (Video)

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The goal […]

Medieval Hoard of Gold and Silver Unearthed in the Netherlands

An astonishing collection of gold and silver jewelry and coins, some of which are at least 1,000 years old, has just gone on display at the Rijksmuseum Van Oudheden (RMO) museum in the city of Leiden in the Netherlands, the Dutch News reports. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Rare Viking Treasure Hoard Unearthed In Sweden

Archaeologists in Sweden have unearthed a rare Viking treasure hoard. Found beneath what was a wooden floor, the collection of silver jewellery and coins tell a story of international trade almost one thousand years ago. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

UK Couple’s Home Renovation Leads to Rare Coin Hoard Worth $280,000

When a couple living in an 18th-century North Yorkshire village home embarked on a renovation project, they were ready to spend money, and redoing the old kitchen floor was on the list. But before they could get past the first stage of tearing out the old floorboards the renovation workers stumbled upon a rare coin […]

‘On the Verge’ of Finding $20 Billion Lemminkäinen Hoard. Or Are They?

If you search the internet for information about the Lemminkäinen Hoard the results are greatly skeptical in nature. This is mostly because back in 2018 a team of treasure hunters told The Science Times they were “on the verge of discovering $20 billion [£15 billion] worth of treasure.” At that time they told Mail Online  […]

Badger Finds Largest Ever Roman Coin Hoard in Northern Spain

A badger desperately hunting for food during the harsh winter of 2021, when Storm Filomena deposited snow across the Iberian Peninsula , has accidentally uncovered a substantial Roman coin hoard in a cave in northern Spain. The cave is located in Berció, a parish in the municipality of Grado in the Spanish province of Asturias, […]

Galloway Hoard Restoration Reveals More Surprising Secrets

Researchers have revealed that what is perhaps Europe’s most famous Viking Age hoard – the Galloway Hoard – was not a rapidly concealed family treasure being hidden from invaders. Rather, it was a ritually assembled and buried treasure representing four men of different statuses in Viking Age Scotland. They’ve also found crucial evidence that some […]

Multicultural Ancient Treasure Hoard Discovered In Cyprus Tombs

Archaeologists in Cyprus have excavated two Bronze Age Tombs at one of the most important holy sites in the Islamic world. The treasures they discovered reveal the presence of a far-reaching trade network, and the importing of rare luxury goods from distant ancient worlds. The Hala Sultan Tekke monument was built between 1760 and 1817 […]

Metal Detectorist Milly Hardwick Finds Bronze Age Hoard of Axe Heads

Her metal detector went crazy. Milly Hardwick, the 13-year-old English girl, had discovered ancient treasure. This September, Milly identified a rare archaeological Bronze Age hoard in a field near Royston, on the Hertfordshire/Cambridgeshire border in England. There, in “Milly’s field” as it should now be called, archaeologists excavated about 200 Bronze Age artifacts. The question […]

Huge Roman Silver Hoard Unearthed in Augsburg, Germany

A massive stash of Roman silver dating to the first and second centuries AD has been discovered in the Bavarian city of Augsburg in Germany. The cache, which includes 15 kg (33 pounds) of silver coins, is the largest single ancient Roman silver hoard find in Bavaria. The treasure was discovered by archaeologists digging at […]

1,400-Year-Old Anglo-Saxon Gold Coin Hoard Is Largest Ever!

The Anglo-Saxons, a major migrating cultural group from the North Sea coastlands, arrived and settled in England in the Early Middle Ages (5th century AD onwards). Their identity was formed as a result of a fusion between migrating Germanic tribes and indigenous British groups. It was the Anglo-Saxons, in fact, who established the Kingdom of […]

England’s Viking Cuerdale Hoard Is The Second Biggest Of Them All!

There are Viking hoards and then there are amazing Viking hoards. England’s Cuerdale Hoard, discovered in the 1840s, is in the amazing category in more ways than one! In terms of weight and number of pieces, it is second only to the Spillings Hoard found on Gotland, Sweden in 1999 (weighing 67 kilograms or 147 […]

The Vale of York Hoard: The Finest Silver Viking Treasure Find In The UK

The Vale of York Hoard is a Viking hoard dating to the 10th century AD. The hoard, which consists primarily of silver coins, was discovered by a pair of metal detectorists in 2007. The objects in the hoard are from a variety of places, reflecting the international cultural contacts that were in existence during the […]

Divers Find Huge 1,500-Year-Old Roman Coin Hoard off The Spanish Coast

Two amateur divers cleaning trash from the seabed of Alicante while holidaying off the coast of Spain have uncovered a cache of 1,500-year-old gold Roman coins. Numbering 53 in total, the gold coins are in a ‘perfect state of conservation’ and are dated to the late 4th and early 5th century. The stash was found […]

Stunning and Unique Golden Treasure Hoard Found In Denmark

A hoard of ancient gold was recently discovered by a metal detectorist in Denmark. Now that the treasures have been unearthed and cleaned archaeologists are calling the find “one of the biggest gold treasures ever discovered in Denmark”. Denmark’s Jutland is a large peninsula that ‘juts’ out from the mainland separating the North and Baltic Seas, and bordering  […]

UAE’s 2,300-year-old Mleiha Coin Hoard Reveals International Trade

It was a relatively normal ancient clay jar, until the team of United Arab Emirates (UAE) archaeologists weighed it. There was only one thing that could possibly have weighed 9 kilograms (19.8 pounds): metal treasure! The jar and its silver coin hoard, dated to 300 BC, were found in the ancient town of Mleiha in […]

Old Ryazan Treasure Hoard: Memories Of Mongol Sackings in Russia

Russian archaeologists have found yet another silver treasure hoard buried on the banks of a river in a remote forest near Old Ryazan. The so-called “Isad treasure” hoard was recently discovered in the forests near Old Ryazan (Staraya Ryazan) about 31 miles (50 km) from the modern city of Ryazan, Russia. Archaeologists from the Russian […]

Volga Finns Jewelry Hoard Sheds Light On Russia’s Indigenous Cultures

In its twentieth year of fieldwork and archaeological investigation, the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences has stumbled upon an unexpected and wonderful discovery related to the indigenous Volga Finns culture. The hoard included women’s jewelry and treasures dating to the middle of the first millennium AD was found. The Volga Finns […]

Coin Hoard Linked to “Sudden Attack” on Ancient City of Phanagoria

In the first half of the 6th century, the ancient city of Phanagoria on the Taman peninsula was attacked and destroyed. Someone who was living in the city at the time frantically tried to hide their coins in an amphora as the buildings were set ablaze around them. That person never returned to dig up their […]

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