Posts Tagged ‘unique’

Apple’s LIES: iPhones have been exposing your unique MAC despite Apple’s promises otherwise

“From the get-go, this feature was useless,” researcher says of feature put into iOS 14. Three years ago, Apple introduced a privacy-enhancing feature that hid the Wi-Fi address of iPhones and iPads when they joined a network. On Wednesday, the world learned that the feature has never worked as advertised. Despite promises that this never-changing […]

Reptiles in Iran are unique in their kind

TEHRAN – Many wildlife species in Iran are unknown to ordinary people. It becomes clear when a video of a spider-tailed horned viper goes viral on social media, and many people wonder whether this strange animal really lives in Iran. Source

Rudolf Steiner’s System of Anthroposophy Has a Unique Take on the Connection Between 5G and Viruses

Rudolf Steiner’s System of Anthroposophy Has a Unique Take on the Connection Between 5G and Viruses March 24, 2020 Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer Waking Times Having served as Vice President of the Physicians Association for Anthroposophical Medicine and as a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Dr. Thomas Cowan is a leader […]

The 3 Most Unique (and Cursed) Things on Sale at Amazon This Week

TGIF! Not just because you don’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to slave away at the computer (hopefully), but because Amazon has amazing flash deals happening right now. We already found a full blown list of deals yesterday, but these are just a tad more bizarre. If you know anything […]

The Best Unique Valentine’s Gifts That They’ll Never See Coming

Alright, Valentine's Day is coming sooner than you think, you procrastinating jabroni. Try as we might to pretend that we're judging, the truth is that we've all been in Crunch Time before, desperately trying to identify a gift that will say just the right sweet nothings to our awaiting beloved, and none of the wrong […]

From Loincloths to Lingerie: 10 Unique Styles of Clothing from Ancient History

Fashion trends have changed drastically just in the last several years, so imagine how much they’ve changed since early history! Throughout history, there have been various types of clothing worn by the masses. Many of these pieces were based on local cultures and communities, but some were common across many different regions. Below are some […]

How unique am I on the internet?

There are many ways authorities can idenify you on the internet. Your device’s MAC (Media Access Control) address, your IMEI (International Mobile Eqipment Identiy) or IMSI (Internatonal Mobile Subscriber Identiy) numbers and the old favouraite your IP (Internet Protocol) address, which may as well be obselete by now. In order to interact with the internet, […]

The Best Unique Travel Gifts for Your Globetrotting Friend

Every friend group has that one buddy who can compare the coffee from coast to coast, drop the names of obscure cities in the Ozarks, and has probably made out on an Emirates flight. They’re busy. They’re worldly. They’re a lot of things, but they’re mostly always traveling. What do you give the person who […]

Unique weird and wonderful collectables unveiled at London’s DesignerCon show

International show, London’s DesignerCon showcases independent artists’ creations that fetch a tidy sum because they’re produced in limited batches.

Excavation Unearths Unique Tomb of 6th Century BC Egyptian Commander

While performing excavations near the Giza Plateau, a team of Czech archaeologists from Charles University in Prague unearthed a tomb that belonged to a powerful Egyptian military commander who lived 2,500 years ago. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Unique swords discovered in Byzantine Empire stronghold

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A recent study published in the Journal of Art History reported that archaeologists in Turkey have unearthed “rare and unique” swords in a heavily fortified city of the Byzantine Empire. The iron weapons are ring-pommeled swords, meaning the pommel or rounded knob at the end of the handle is shaped like a … [Read More…] […]

Unique Viking Shipyard Found Showing A “Maritime Cultural Landscape”

An archaeological investigation of maritime remains connected to the Viking Age town of Birka in Sweden carried out since August 2020 has revealed a “first of its kind” Viking shipyard. Birka, also known as the Viking City, was occupied in the 9th and 10th centuries. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology […]

One In 8,000! This Unique Terracotta Figure Is Unlike All The Rest

Let’s begin this story with an exercise. If you are not driving, lie down on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet on the ground about your hips-width distance apart. Now, place your right ankle above your left knee on the thigh. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read […]

GOP Rep. Reschenthaler: Biden’s Wrong that Gun Industry Has Unique Liability Protections, Tech Is Protected under Section 230

On Thursday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Stinchfield Report,” Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) responded to President Joe Biden claiming that gun manufacturers have liability immunity that is unique to them by pointing out that tech platforms have strong liability protections under Section

Surgeon General Murthy: Travel Is ‘Unique’ Because It Can Be ‘Higher Risk’ Due to Crowds and People Have to Travel

During an interview with CBS’ “Red and Blue” on Wednesday, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy defended the transit mask mandate even as masks are not required in other indoor settings by arguing that travel is different because “you bring a

Unique St George Seal Found in Castle Ruins in Northern France

In 2020 the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) in France’s northernmost region, Hauts-de-France, requested that the country’s National Monuments Center (CMN) begin renovation  Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Unique 13th-century-BC Water Wells Discovered Near Fortress in North Sinai

The Sinai Peninsula, the only part of Egypt located in Asia, sandwiched between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, is a land bridge between Asia and Africa. This peninsula has been the subject of intense archaeological scrutiny and excavations over the past few decades, as Egypt seeks to re-establish its prominence as a cultural, […]

Unique 13th-century-BC Water Wells Discovered Near Fortress in North Sinai

The Sinai Peninsula, the only part of Egypt located in Asia, sandwiched between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, is a land bridge between Asia and Africa. This peninsula has been the subject of intense archaeological scrutiny and excavations over the past few decades, as Egypt seeks to re-establish its prominence as a cultural, […]

5 Unique Facts Straight Out of Ancient Egypt

A lot of things viewed as unusual by the people from the present day used to take place in ancient Egypt. While some of these aspects are fascinating, others can be simply regarded as odd. Going beyond this, ancient Egypt has proven to be a fantastic civilization which continues to inspire individuals even today. Out […]

Unique Bronze Age Clan Cemetery Excavated in Anyang, China

After two years of excavations a 3,000-year-old clan cemetery containing the treasure-laden tombs of early social elites has been uncovered in central China. Located in Anyang, the northernmost city of the Henan province in China, the tomb has been dated to the Shang (Yin) Dynasty, which is the earliest ruling dynasty of China. Having emerged […]

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