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Posts Tagged ‘cultural’
Beshear becomes Harris’s top attack dog against Vance (But why the cultural marxist soyboy from Kentucky?!)

BEWARE! A Jewish Female Cultural Marxist, Fellow AMLO Crazymaker & Arch Enemy Of The USA Was Just Installed As Mexico’s President!

READ HERE: Mexico’s Sheinbaum seen winning landslide, set to be first female president Source Views: 2
When hardcore cultural marxist Bill Maher really tell you what he’s thinking like he did here……

…you know he’s a strategically placed AGENT OF CHAOS, CONFUSION & CONFLICT. Source Views: 0
CULTURAL MARXISM RUN AMOK! Five West Virginia Middle School Students Banned from Future Competitions for Refusing to Compete Against Transgender Athlete in Track Event

Five West Virginia Middle School Students Banned from Future Competitions for Refusing to Compete Against Transgender Athlete in Track Event Source Views: 0
DUTCH CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Eritrean Migrant Gangs Cause Major Riot, Burn Police Cars – Geert Wilders: ‘I’ll Become the Prime Minister Who Finally Puts Things in Order’

DUTCH CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Eritrean Migrant Gangs Cause Major Riot, Burn Police Cars – Geert Wilders: ‘I’ll Become the Prime Minister Who Finally Puts Things in Order’ Source Views: 0
Cultural Marxism and the corruption of common law

(NaturalNews) Peaceful and productive human societies depend on the maintenance of judicial principles that are consistent and impartial.(Article by William… Source Views: 0
Cultural Replacement: Why The Immigration Crisis Is Being Deliberately Engineered

There is absolutely no doubt – Elements of our own government are deliberately encouraging the acceleration of illegal immigration across the southern border and they are actively sabotaging any attempts to stop the madness. There are two questions we need to ask: Why are they doing this? And, what can be done to stop them?’ […]
Frankfurt School–Cultural Decline Follows (((Communist))) Blueprint

No headlines jump out today Jan 29, so I’ll wait until some do. The Frankfurt School were a group of Marxist Jewish intellectuals at Frankfurt University in the 1920-1930’s. (They emigrated to NYC after Hitler came to power.) They included Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse & Erich Fromm, and were responsible for the “New Left” and […]
Cultural Collapse, there’s an increase in Psychopathic Behavior Worldwide

Discussions on collapse often turn to signs and signals – The economy, politics and social tensions have become increasingly unstable for many years now, and much like adding more and more weight to a man standing on a frozen lake, eventually the ice is going to break. The question is, how do we […]
1933 chicago jewish cultural festival. Mock child sacrifice to moloch.

1933 chicago jewish cultural festival. Mock child sacrifice to moloch. Views: 16
CULTURAL MARXIST CAPITAL OF USA: Chicago Giving Migrants $9,000 In Rental Assistance

READ HERE: No wonder Chicago’s financial titans are pissed over an $800 million tax proposal aimed at plugging a $538 million deficit projected for 2024… Source Views: 0
You do understand the fentanyl crisis is a Khazarian-directed cultural marxist operation to further destroy the American Republic?!?!

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Here’s how the Khazarian Cabal is using methodically Cultural Marxism to irreparably tear the fabric of American society.

READ HERE: Pardon Issued For Dad Who “Exploded With Rage” Over Daughter’s Transgender Bathroom Rape, School Coverup Source Views: 0
CULTURAL MARXIST MADNESS! California Assembly Passes Controversial Bill Granting Judges Authority to Remove Child Custody from Parents for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity: Newsom to Make Final Decision (VIDEO)

California Assembly Passes Controversial Bill Granting Judges Authority to Remove Child Custody from Parents for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity: Newsom to Make Final Decision (VIDEO) Source Views: 0
Videos: Cultural Diversity On Display Again In Sweden

Displays of cultural diversity have yet again broken out in the multiethnic utopia of Sweden. Otherwise known as migrant riots, the latest violence has erupted in Malmo following a Quran burning by an ‘Anti-Islam activist’ according to the BBC. “A group of angry protesters tried to stop the burning, which resulted in a showdown between […]
Lebanon Suspends Cultural Cooperation with Sweden, Denmark over Holy Quran Desecration

July 31, 2023 Lebanon announced on Monday suspension cultural cooperation with Sweden and Denmark in protest against the desecration of Holy Quran in the two Nordic countries, the National News Agency (NNA) reported. “The Ministry of Culture suspends all cultural cooperation with Sweden and Denmark and their embassies in Beirut until the two countries’ authorities […]
The vast cultural marxist criminal conspiracy being carried out against the American Republic grows by the week as the Khazarian Cabal get’s more desperate and brazen.

SOTN Editor’s Note: What follows is the second paragraph from the oped piece posted below. How in the world the American people are not aware that these outright attacks on society and unprecedented assaults on rights/liberties are all being purposefully carried our by the Khazarian Cabal-directed political bolsheviks and cultural marxists is quite…………….. “By operations […]
Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America (2010)

21 may 2023—The-Corruption-of-America:83 Keep in mind at all times that Fascism and National Socialism are not the same ideology philosophy or practice. And that Marxian socialism has absolutely nothing in common with German national socialism. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global […]
White RAs at Christian College Called to Have ‘Awakening’ in Mandatory ‘Cultural Humility’ Course

Students who want to work as resident assistants (RAs) at Baylor University must take a course that teaches “Cultural Humility”–particularly for white students. Source Views: 0