Posts Tagged ‘hardcore’

When hardcore cultural marxist Bill Maher really tell you what he’s thinking like he did here……

…you know he’s a strategically placed AGENT OF CHAOS, CONFUSION & CONFLICT. Source

REPORT: Annalena Baerbock’s Grandfather Was a Hardcore Nazi Fighter – The ‘Green’ German Foreign Minister Is a Radical Supporter of Ukraine

REPORT: Annalena Baerbock’s Grandfather Was a Hardcore Nazi Fighter – The ‘Green’ German Foreign Minister Is a Radical Supporter of Ukraine Source

WEF Suggests ‘Hardcore Censorship’ As Means of Restoring Public Trust In Global Elite

The people of the world are rejecting the globalist agenda because they have too much information at their disposal, according to the World Economic Forum which has ordered world governments to engage in “hardcore censorship” as a means of restoring public trust in the global elite. Jeanne Bourgault, the president and CEO of Internews, an […]

MUST VIEW!!! Watch this hardcore black Democrat feminazi and Khazarian-trained legal hitman selected by her globalist handlers to brazenly wage unrelenting lawfare against America’s Founding Documents (Video)


Now you know how much the hardcore Russophobic Khazarians control Congress and hate Russia!

Democrats retract letter urging Biden to pursue peace READ HERE: The lawmakers lasted a day before caving, and now say they want nothing less than a “Ukrainian victory”   Source

Kinzinger: January 6 Probe Moving ‘Hardcore’ Trump Supporters Who ‘Now Just Can’t Stand Him’

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) claimed Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that the House January 6 Committee was moving former President Donald Trump’s “hardcore” supporters who “now just can’t stand him.” Source

‘Expert’ Says ‘Hardcore Anti-Vaxxers’ May Need ‘Deradicalising’ Like Terrorists

Hard core ‘anti-vaxxers’ may need to be “deradicalised” like “terrorists” according to a so called psychology expert. According to Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, chair of cognitive psychology at the University of Bristol, around six million eligible Brits have still not received a single injection of the vaccine, which he finds deeply upsetting. Lewandowsky considers the hard […]

Media: ‘Hardcore Vaccine Refuseniks’ May Need To Be ‘Deradicalized’ Like ‘Terrorists’ And ‘Punished’

By Chris Menahan The UK media is running reports citing “experts” insisting that “hardcore vaccine refuseniks” may need to be “deradicalized” like “terrorists,” “punished” and subjected to vaccine mandates. This is just the latest in a string of progressively escalating terroristic threats being directed at people who don’t want their body violated by Big Pharma. […]

Fauci: We’re Going to ‘Mandate’ CV Shots if ‘Hardcore Group’ of Holdouts Are Not ‘Persuaded’ to Submit

By Chris Menahan White House chief medical adviser Antony Fauci said over the weekend that the Biden regime is going to “mandate” everyone including children take Big Pharma’s experimental shots if they’re not “persuaded” to take them and called for banning Americans from flying, going to work, college and school if they refuse to submit. […]

“I have been wanting to see videos of guys hardcore raping a baby,” Says Sr. Republican Staffer Just Arrested RUNNING PEDOPHILE RING! [in Congress]

February 6, 2021Niamh HarrisNews, US72 Comments 39.5kSHARES A senior anti-Marjorie Greene Republican staffer was arrested on Friday by D.C. police for operating a massive pedophile ring. According to the Metropolitan Police Department, 27 year-old Ruben Verastigui, of Northeast, DC, was arrested on Friday and charged with Distribution of Child Pornography, which included sickening videos of babies being raped. […]

FBI Arrests ‘Hardcore Antifa Leftist’ For Planning To Attack Florida State Capitol

The FBI has arrested a leading Antifa figure in Florida on charges of inciting violence, claiming that the self described ‘hardcore leftist’ has been issuing calls online to attack the Florida State Capitol on January 20. Reports indicate that Daniel Alan Baker was arrested and charged with transmitting a threat to kidnap or injure, after […]

The French President Proves To Be A Hardcore NWO Globalist

© Global Look Press / Federico Pestellini / By Rachel Marsden, columnist, political strategist and host of an independently produced French-language program that airs on Sputnik President Macron’s decision to return France to lockdown could have serious repercussions, particularly if he has to borrow heavily from the European Union to compensate struggling businesses. […]

FBI Agent Who Cleared Clinton Was ‘Hardcore Hillary Fan’ Who ‘Hated Trump’

An anti-Trump FBI agent who was one of Hillary’s “biggest fans” was allowed to lead the FBI’s botched Clinton email probe.  FBI agent Peter Strzok was deputy head of counterintelligence at the bureau, and was in charge of leading the Hillary investigation as well as investigating supposed collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 […]

‘Hardcore smackdown to gasoline rivals’ – Elon Musk has a new toy

Musk unveiled the new electric car at a launch of the Tesla Semi truck prototype at an airport hangar in Los Angeles Thursday. The Tesla Semi opened its trailer to reveal the sports car to surprised guests. “The point of doing this is to give a hardcore smackdown to gasoline cars,” Musk said during the […]

Germany Transformed as Hardcore Hooton Plan Implemented

By Thomas Müller of The New Nationalist In 1943, prominent American anthropologist Ernest Hooton wrote an an article headlined “Breed War Strain Out of Germans” for New York Daily newspaper. The concept was an “outbreeding” plan to “destroy German nationalism and ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities.” The Harvard University professor’s proposal called for […]

Fort Mac Fire And Feel-Good Boosterism For Extractive Industry

Print Friendly Above Photo: Flickr/Premier of Alberta It’s been inescapable: the emotion that rises each time another story crosses the screen about the wildfires in Alberta is enough to occupy any free, thinking part of a brain and burst an already full chamber of a heart. Especially when we think about 90,000 people fleeing a Canadian […]

South Africa: Poor Whites, Rich Blacks

Daily Stormer March 8, 2016 Equality has finally happened in South Africa, where Whites suffer under brutal Black oppression. Source Article from

Hillary Clinton ECSTATIC Over Britney Spears Endorsement, Then Look What Happened

Last week, Hillary Clinton was overjoyed at several big name endorsements from America’s pop culture, including one from Britney Spears. However, she might not be too thrilled learning what happened right after, but you’re going to laugh. Spears, a Louisiana native who many have suspected of leaning conservative, posted a picture online to her Instagram […]

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