Posts Tagged ‘restoring’

Makow- Restoring the M/F Power Dynamic

The gesture of a man opening a door for a woman affirms both his masculinity and her femininity.  The biggest relationship problem men have today is lack of self-confidence. No one will believe in someone who does not believe in himself. Young men develop self-confidence by setting goals and meeting them. Women are desperate for […]

WEF Suggests ‘Hardcore Censorship’ As Means of Restoring Public Trust In Global Elite

The people of the world are rejecting the globalist agenda because they have too much information at their disposal, according to the World Economic Forum which has ordered world governments to engage in “hardcore censorship” as a means of restoring public trust in the global elite. Jeanne Bourgault, the president and CEO of Internews, an […]

Restoring ‘Doomsday’ Plane Ensures US Response To Adversary’s Nuclear Attack Is Annihilation: Congressman

Authored by John Haughey via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), As the lone U.S. Air Force flag officer on “doomsday” flights, Brig. Gen. Don Bacon knew the loneliness of having Armageddon at his fingertips. Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), a retired U.S. Air Force general, is calling on the Pentagon to restore the Cold War Era […]

Restoring balance

  Linked by Thomas Sheridan today Conclusion: “But in this process we are still learning.  This is not going away so we need to try to find a balance.  Saturday was my wake up call for some much needed inner reflection.  To make an attempt to focus on art and creativity.  Getting out into nature […]

Restoring American Greatness Means Abolishing the CIA and FBI Who Serve British Interests

Restoring American Greatness Means Abolishing the CIA and FBI By Cliff Kincaid|September 12th, 2020 By Cliff Kincaid Ignoring the nearly 200,000 deaths from the China virus, Conrad Black wrote, “Trump Has Had a Historically Great First Term,” for a website called “American Greatness.” This treatment of President Trump’s first term comes from someone pardoned by Trump for financial fraud. […]

Restoring The 11th Century Temples of Bagan (Videos)

Myanmar’s ambitious endeavor to secure UNESCO World Heritage status for the 11th-century temples of Bagan signals a significant commitment to preserving this invaluable cultural heritage site. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Videos Read Later  Source

Lebanese MPs Attack Minister of Justice at His Office “for Sake of Restoring Justice”: Videos

 January 26, 2023 One day after the State Prosecutor Ghassan Oweidat issued a decision which released all the detainees in the Beirut Port blast case and filed a lawsuit against the judicial investigator Tarek Al-Bitar due to his politicized performance, the MPs affilated with Kataeb, Lebanese Forces and NGOs stormed the office of the Justice Minister Henry […]

Restoring The Ruins Of Reading Abbey, Resting Place Of Kings

Reading Abbey was once one of the largest monastic complexes in the British Isles. It was one of the pinnacles of religious life in England and the burial place of King Henry I. Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

Left-wing media TRIGGERED over thought of Elon Musk restoring free speech to Twitter… because the radical Left can’t win if they can’t suppress the First Amendment

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) As you might expect, the news about billionaire Tesla icon Elon Musk taking over Twitter has the left-wing media riled up over the implications of this move for free speech.Up until now, Twitter has remained a bastion of far-left political correctness, with no “controversial” conservative speech allowed. Conservative … [Read More…] Source

Restoring Faith In Elections By Fining, Imprisoning Officials Who Violate The Civil Rights Act’s Paperwork Requirements

Restoring Faith In Elections By Fining, Imprisoning Officials Who Violate The Civil Rights Act’s Paperwork Requirements Source

Congress biggest impediment to restoring JCPOA: American think tank

TEHRAN- The biggest hurdle to the U.S. returning to compliance with the Iran nuclear deal – JCPOA – is Congress since lawmakers, many of whom are vehement opponents of the agreement, have a say in the matter, Jonathan Lord, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), says. The Iran Nuclear […]

Congress biggest impediment to restoring JCPOA: American think tank

TEHRAN- The biggest hurdle to the U.S. returning to compliance with the Iran nuclear deal – JCPOA – is Congress since lawmakers, many of whom are vehement opponents of the agreement, have a say in the matter, Jonathan Lord, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), says. The Iran Nuclear […]

We are closer to restoring nuclear deal, says Iran’s former diplomat

TEHRAN – A former diplomat has said it seems that Iran and the U.S. have got closer to clinching a deal to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Source

Egypt wins international award for restoring Alexandria synagogue

Egypt has won an international award for its restoration work on a historic synagogue in the city of Alexandria. According to an announcement by the Ministry of Antiquities on Facebook earlier this month, the restoration of the Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue won the award for ‘Best Project: Renovation/Restoration in the Engineering News-Record’s (ENR) Global Best Projects […]

North Korea’s Kim Open to Restoring Communications With South Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Thursday expressed a willingness to restore dormant communications with South Korea, days after Seoul called on Pyongyang to do so. His remarks come just days after North Korea fired a newly-developed hypersonic missile toward the Sea of Japan off its east coast, marking its third weapons test in just […]

Infrastructure Bill Will ‘Study’ Job Losses from Canceling Keystone XL, Without Restoring It

The new $1.2 trillion “bipartisan” infrastructure bill contains a provision to create a “study and report” on the effects of President Joe Biden’s decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office — but does not restore it. The 2,700-page draft text of the bill was obtained exclusively by Breitbart News […]

COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis

May 4th 2021 By: GMI Reporter An Evidence-Based Position Paper to Ensure Ethical Conduct Executive Summary “COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis” (access the entire 444 page document here) During our investigation into the variety of topics this manuscript covers, a theme began to stand out as a consistent concern. Safe and effective treatments […]

Biden’s Push for Restoring Aid to Palestinians Faces Legal Hurdles and Brewing Political Crisis

(JNS) In recent days, the Biden administration has moved rapidly to restore funding to the Palestinians that had been largely severed during the Trump administration. Concerns are being raised, however, that the funding could both violate existing U.S. law, while also rewarding bad behavior by the Palestinian leadership through their continued support of terrorism, their […]

After restoring aid to Palestinians, Biden endorses two-state solution

US President Joe Biden on Wednesday promised to press for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as he restored aid to the Palestinians. In a call with Jordan’s King Abdullah II, a longstanding US ally who recently faced down dissent within the royal family, Biden “affirmed that the United States supports a two-state solution […]

Restoring The Roman Retreat Of Herculaneum Beach, Buried By Vesuvius

Herculaneum beach in the ancient Roman town of Herculaneum, buried along with Pompeii by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on October 24th 79 AD, is to be excavated and restored. When the archaeologists finish, visitors will be able to stroll along Herculaneum beach, as elite Romans once did, before the lethal surge of nature wiped […]

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