Posts Tagged ‘serve’

TWISTED: Woman to serve longer prison time for “offending” migrant men who gang-raped a minor

(NaturalNews) Germany’s twisted justice system is currently on the world’s radar as a 20-year-old woman was sentenced to a longer prison term than a group of men… Source

Small US Businesses to be Forced to Serve as NSA Spies

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was enacted to make it easier for the government to address foreign terrorist threats. Targeting Americans is prohibited but intelligence agencies have used Section 702 to spy on hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. And this week it’s looking to get a lot worse. Elizabeth Goitein […]

Ché Ahn’s Churches Are Funding Candidates Who’ll Serve As ‘The Legislative Body Of The Kingdom Of God’

Dominionist pastor Ché Ahn appeared at an event in Oklahoma last night that was organized by the Christian nationalist program “FlashPoint,” where he bragged that several members of his congregation are on the ballot for the November elections in California. Ahn, a leader in the New Apostolic Reformation and head of Harvest International Ministries ​based […]

echnocensorship: When Corporations Serve As a Front for Government Censors

Nothing good can come from allowing the government to sidestep the Constitution. Unfortunately, the government has become an expert at disregarding constitutional roadblocks intended to protect the rights of the citizenry. When these end-runs don’t suffice, the government hides behind the covert, clandestine, classified language of national security; or obfuscates, complicates, stymies, and bamboozles; or […]



US Army Disappointed in Gen Z Who Won’t Serve

The US Army is facing a TikTok mutiny as Gen Z recruits are taking to social media to whine about low pay, ‘sh***y’ food and fitness tests. The brazen posts – by uniformed troops on US bases – represent an audacious challenge to top brass amid a recruitment crisis. The Army fell short of its […]

Freemasonry Ensures Goyim Serve Jewish Supremacy

Fat smug stupid goyim betray society for personal gain. Most of our political leaders are Freemasons and serve the satanic (Communist) globalist agenda. From this satanic focus extends a ubiquitous web of deceptive control over life on earth.  Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, in 1897 in Switzerland, said: “Masonic lodges established all over the world […]

All of Your Elected Officials Serve The Same Master

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THE CYBORG WILL SEE YOU NOW: Tech company launches self-serve “CarePod” healthcare booths that use AI instead of doctors

THE CYBORG WILL SEE YOU NOW: Tech company launches self-serve “CarePod” healthcare booths that use AI instead of doctors AI has already taken over the jobs of many professionals, from writers and coders to graphic designers. Now, however, it is poised to take on the role of doctor through technologies like Forward Health’s CarePod, a […]

WOKE POPE says transgender people may be baptized as Catholics and serve as godparents

(NaturalNews) The Vatican has issued a new ruling permitting transgender individuals and the babies of same-sex couples to be baptized in the Catholic… Source

Vatican Opens Door For Transgender Catholics To Be Baptized, Serve As Godparents

The Vatican’s new guidance comes with some caveats, however. Source

Unbound Babes’ Smart Vibrator Humps You Back (and Looks Like Soft-Serve)

No disrespect to the jelly dildos of yesteryear, but today’s sex toys  are both much more body-safe, and, shall we say, “thematically diverse.” They pay homage to everything from psychedelic mushrooms, to sci-fi monsters to  the internet's favorite ogre. There are alien-like dildos that look fresh from The Abyss. Some sexual wellness brands even use […]

Restoring American Greatness Means Abolishing the CIA and FBI Who Serve British Interests

Restoring American Greatness Means Abolishing the CIA and FBI By Cliff Kincaid|September 12th, 2020 By Cliff Kincaid Ignoring the nearly 200,000 deaths from the China virus, Conrad Black wrote, “Trump Has Had a Historically Great First Term,” for a website called “American Greatness.” This treatment of President Trump’s first term comes from someone pardoned by Trump for financial fraud. […]

Ukraine Appoints Satanic Pedophile Marina Abramovic To Serve As Child Ambassador

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has appointed Satanic pedophile Marina Abramović to serve as ambassador to Ukraine and help rebuild the country’s schools for children. ‌“I have been invited by Zelensky to be an ambassador of […] The post Ukraine Appoints Satanic Pedophile Marina Abramovic To Serve As Child Ambassador appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Israel DM: Reservists’ refusal to serve a ‘reward for our enemy’

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said on Tuesday that threats by military reservists to refuse service over the government’s judicial overhaul plans were “a reward for our enemy.” Speaking at an event at the 146th Reserve Armoured Division, marking 50 years since the 1967 war, he said: “The strength of the IDF [army] rested then […]

So much corruption in the World because millions serve the Roman Emperors and the synagogue of Satan

There is so much corruption in the World because millions serve the Pope and the synagogue of Satan. The Pope and his ministers (servants) teach the Catholic Church followers to be corrupt throughout their whole life. The Pope and his ministers teach Catholics to sin during every mass. Every Catholic Church mass teaches those in […]

Manchester protest demands, “Pret A Manger, don’t serve Israeli Apartheid!”

Activists led a demonstration through the streets of Manchester, UK and into the stores of food retailer Pret A Manger to protest plans to open 40 new stores in Apartheid Israel. Source

Hell Finally Gets Chick-Fil-A, But It Will Only Serve Cauliflower Sandwiches

HELL — Sources in Hades have announced that Satan will finally be opening the underworld’s first Chick-Fil-A franchise, but it will only serve cauliflower sandwiches. Source

Tom Carvel: The Greek American who invented soft serve ice cream

Greek American businessman, Tom Carvel (born Athanasios Karvelas), created America’s first ice cream franchise and is well-known as the inventor of soft serve ice cream. A flat tire on his truck led to his successful career as a early immigrant to the USA. Early Life: Tom Carvel was born on July 14, 1906 in Athens,… […]

Malaysia’s New Prime Minister: To Serve Malaysia or Washington?

The elections unfolded shortly after the G20 meeting held in nearby Indonesia and the APEC 2022 forum held in Thailand. Taken together, we see both the significant shifting of the region and the world away from US-led unipolarism toward multipolarism, but also efforts by the US to retain its power and influence worldwide. Anwar Ibrahim […]

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