Posts Tagged ‘apartheid’

Israel’s progression from Apartheid to Genocide

For Palestinians, Israel’s violence began long before October 7, 2023. The unfolding genocide in Gaza is the latest chapter in a series of Israel’s settler-colonial practices to remove Palestinians by force from their land. These practices began with the inception of the state of Israel.   The most fateful year in modern Palestinian history was 1948, […]

Universities Are Ending Complicity in Israeli Apartheid and Its Gaza Genocide in Numbers Never Seen Before

Universities Are Ending Complicity in Israeli Apartheid and Its Gaza Genocide in Numbers Never Seen Before Update Global campus mobilizations for Palestinian rights have compelled dozens of universities across the world to commit to steps toward divestment from complicit companies and/or cutting ties with complicit Israeli academic institutions. Academic Boycott Student solidarity May 19, 2024 By:  […]

Zachary Foster PhD Interview – The True Origin Of Hamas & The Decline Of Apartheid Israel

Joining me once again today is Zachary Foster PhD, here to discuss the true origin of Hamas and how this is central to many of the lies being promoted currently by the Israeli government and its supporters. We also discuss the history of peaceful resistance of the Palestinian people, even in the face of brutal […]


MAY 8TH, 2024 Source Mnar Adley A silent sentinel watches over every corner in the bustling streets of Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank, where the ancient echoes of history collide with the modern hum of daily life. This sentinel is not a person but a network of surveillance technology known ominously as […]

‘End Israeli Apartheid’ – Naledi Pandor Urges Progressive Forces to Push for Palestinians’ Rights 

May 10, 2024 By Palestine Chronicle Staff   “Progressive forces need to push for the inalienable right of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, which has been systematically denied since the British mandate.” South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Naledi Pandor, has said “it has never been so urgent for progressive forces around the world […]

Rice Univesity: Let students vote on divesting from Israeli apartheid

Alumni of Rice University Students for Justice in Palestine are condemning the university for suppressing a campus vote on divesting from the Gaza genocide. Source

ISRAEL’S EPIC CLUSTERF*FUCK! The Whole World Now Sees The Apartheid Zionist State As A Cowardly Toothless Tiger


‘Not in my Name’: how a new generation is divesting from Israeli apartheid

It’s a damp, vaguely rainy Thursday afternoon in Copenhagen, and I’m on my bike riding towards Østerbro, an upscale neighborhood hugging the city’s northeastern harbor. I am heading towards the Israeli embassy to meet about twenty-five other Jewish people in protest of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza.  We gather near two concrete blocks on the […]

Apartheid Chips – #BoycottIntel

Apartheid Chips – #BoycottIntel Action Alert No tech for apartheid, no tech for genocide! Economic Boycott March 19, 2024 By:  Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Source

The context for October 7 is apartheid, not the Holocaust

The Israel lobby is attempting to indoctrinate Americans that the context for the October 7 attack is the Holocaust. This is a misrepresentation. The Palestinians had nothing to do with the Holocaust. Source

“If this is not apartheid, what is?” Palestine tells top UN court Israel’s occupation is illegal

Twenty years after the International Court of Justice issued an Advisory Opinion on Israel’s Separation Wall, the ICJ is now considering the legality of Israel’s 56-year belligerent occupation of the Palestinian territories.   Source

Columbia University Apartheid Divest coalition statement on chemical skunk attack

On January 19, a protest against the Israeli genocide in Gaza was attacked by counter-protesters using the chemical agent, known as “Skunk.” The university bears full responsibility for all violence against the pro-Palestine movement on campus.  Source

‘Israelis Against Apartheid’ demand ICC take action to protect Palestinians from genocide

We, Israelis Against Apartheid, a group of Israeli Jews for decolonization, representing more than 1,500 concerned citizens, call on the ICC to take accelerated action against escalating Israeli war crimes, and the genocide of the Palestinian people. Source

A call to philosophers to stand in solidarity with Palestine against apartheid and occupation

Philosophy professors across North America, Latin America, and Europe call to support the academic and cultural boycott of Israeli institutions, and to speak out fearlessly to advance the cause of Palestinian liberation and justice for all. Source

Apartheid Israel on a Quest for a Regional War

Apartheid Israel on a Quest for a Regional War Source

Rogue State Apartheid Israel Deploys Nuclear Armed U-Boats

Apartheid Israel Deploys Nuclear Armed Nazi Subs for War with Iran – THE INTEL DROP 4–5 minutes Dolphin subs modified by Germany to carry cruise missiles like the one they used to attack the Pentagon on 9/11 (TID can prove it with leaked FBI files) The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has deployed its submarine […]

The Zionist State of Israel & Apartheid Nazi Regime Now Sacrificing Palestinians in Their Synagogue of Satan

The Real “ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION” SOTN Editor’s Note: The patently criminal case that the Zionist State of Israel has built against itself over the past 75 years is both irrefutable and overwhelming.  In point of fact, the Zionist land thieves established an undeniable pattern of systematic land theft during each and every one of those […]

US Congresswoman Tlaib slams US for ‘funding’ Israel’s policies of apartheid

Member of the US House of Representatives Rashida Tlaib has criticised the US’ unconditional financial support of Israel’s policies of apartheid which, she said, contribute to the continuation of the cycle of violence between Israelis and Palestinians. “I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today and every day,” Tlaib, who is of Palestinian […]

It’s time for U.S. church leaders to challenge Israeli apartheid

Now is the time for U.S. church leaders to raise their collective moral voice — as they did during the civil right movement, the Vietnam War, and South African apartheid — against Israel’s settler colonial apartheid. Source

Thirty years after the Oslo Accords: facing a reality of apartheid

After 30 years of Oslo, the only remaining alternative to apartheid is one democratic state with equal national and civil rights, including the right of self-determination for the Palestinian people. Source

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