Posts Tagged ‘foster’

Zachary Foster PhD Interview – The True Origin Of Hamas & The Decline Of Apartheid Israel

Joining me once again today is Zachary Foster PhD, here to discuss the true origin of Hamas and how this is central to many of the lies being promoted currently by the Israeli government and its supporters. We also discuss the history of peaceful resistance of the Palestinian people, even in the face of brutal […]

Zachary Foster PhD Interview – The Documented (And Suppressed) History Of Palestine & Zionism

Joining me today is Zachary Foster PhD, here to discuss his area of expertise — the suppressed history of Palestine. Unfortunately, you cannot have a conversation about the history of Palestine without including the Zionist agenda. We discuss the truth about the history of Palestine prior to its occupation, how it was then attacked, occupied, […]

Malaysian exhibitors in Tehran to foster partnership

TEHRAN – Following years of coronavirus-related restrictions, Malaysian travel insiders and exhibitors seek to promote partnership with Iranian counterparts at the 16th Tehran International Tourism Exhibition, which runs from February 7 to 10. Tourism Malaysia, which operates under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture Malaysia, is set to provide an avenue for Malaysia tourism […]

Thor Picks Up Rolling Pin, Unlocking All The Powers Of Jane Foster

NEW ASGARD — Thor god of thunder has once again returned to Earth to visit his love interest, Jane Foster. After realizing that Jane was able to wield all the powers of the mighty Thor Odinson by simply picking up his old hammer, Thor has decided to pick up Jane’s most prized item in hopes […]

7 Ways to foster a healthy conversation in a Covid world: Tips for families

Posted on October 2, 2021 As the Covid-19 pandemic wears on, many individuals and families find themselves struggling through difficult conversations, stressful times, and strained mental health. In many communities, topics like Covid-19 vaccines, lockdowns, masks, and how to best navigate the current situation have become polarized and heated. The most important thing to remember […]

Foster Gamble – FREEDOM PORTAL Clip – Updates on the Controlled Demolition of the US plus MORE

» BOMBSHELL UK data destroys entire premise for vaccine pushToday at 10:19 am by PurpleSkyz » Marines Defy Pentagon: No Vaccine MandatesToday at 9:59 am by PurpleSkyz » Irish Medical Doctor: The Shots Are Killing People! We Need to Stop this! Her Medical License Was Just SuspendedToday at 9:27 am by PurpleSkyz » More post Covid vax deaths in 8 months than […]

When the Occupied German Government Placed Foster Children with Child Rapists as an ‘Experiment’

After the National Socialists lost WWII, jews took over control of Germany once again and turned it into an absolute nightmare for the German people, where the government handed children over to known child rapists. The New Yorker recently wrote a long article about this topic. In the first paragraph we learn: Beginning in the […]

Religious-Right Leaders and Media Foster White Evangelicals’ Adherence to Conspiracy Theories

A new survey by the conservative American Enterprise Institute reported that white evangelical Protestants are far more likely to believe  QAnon conspiracy theories, Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election, and false  claims that antifascist activists and not Trump supporters were responsible for the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. About half of white evangelical […]

Horrific Gang Rapes of Foster Boys Facilitated By Catholic Nuns Who Were PAID By Pedophiles

3 Feb, 2021 12:33Get short URL Catholic altar servers swing incense burners as they walk towards the Cologne cathedral during a procession of an Eucharistical Congress in Cologne, western Germany, on June 5, 2013. ©  AFP / PATRIK STOLLARZ Follow RT onA report being withheld from the public documents horrific acts of rape and sexual abuse against […]

Minnesota Implements Plans To Put Children In Foster Care If Parents Get Coronavirus

The state of Minnesota Department of Human Services, in coordination with the Minnesota governor’s “Children’s Cabinet,” quietly sent a form to child care providers informing them that parents who contract Coronavirus might have their children placed in “foster care”: Considering the widespread epidemic of false positive Coronavirus tests, this document obtained by NATIONAL FILE presents […]

Texas: Hero Who Shot Violent Antifa Rioter Garrett Foster Has Been Released From Custody

The hero has been set free. Dallas News: Police have released the driver who allegedly killed an armed protester Saturday night in downtown Austin, while they investigate what led to the fatal shooting. Austin Police Chief Brian Manley identified the man who was shot as Garrett Foster. Foster was attending the protest against police violence […]

Evidence Suggests America’s Foster Care System Is A Front For Child Sex Trafficking

Next Story As much as no one wants to talk about it, it’s important that we do. Unfortunately the sad reality is that child sex-trafficking is an epidemic in this day and age. While many people would consider this crime as bad as homicide, more often than not, we as a society are turning a […]

Frenemies at the table: Kim & Moon to foster goodwill at historic meeting – but Trump’s shadow looms

This Friday, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in will meet face to face, marking the first such summit in over a decade. The previous intra-Korean event of this level happened in 2007, when Kim’s father, Kim Il-sung, met South Korea’s then leader, Roh Moo-hyun. A year later, the South had […]

America’s Foster Care System is the Pipeline for Child Sex Trafficking

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer Waking Times Child sex-trafficking is an epidemic today, and while most people would find this crime to be right up there with homicide, the culture of permissiveness and lack of moral leadership tacitly condones the sexual abuse of children, while the media remains largely silent. The baffles the mind of […]

10 Ways to Foster an Attitude of Gratitude

January 18th, 2018 By Hilde Larsen Guest writer for Wake Up World I will always remember the day I realized that, no matter what I was experiencing in the now moment, I had something to be grateful for. Even though my body was in severe pain, my emotions were all over the place, and my future seemed […]

Jodie Foster: All Men Are Full-Blown Rapists

Actress Jodie Foster says she believes “every single man over 30” is a full-blown rapist whether they admit it or not.  In an interview with USA Today, Foster explains that the urge to rape is buried in every single man’s subconscious mind. reports: “We really are at a watershed moment,” Foster said. “This part has […]

Tragic: Young White Girl Given to Muslim Foster Parents, Told European Women Are "Stupid and Alcoholic"

Britain’s multicultural nightmare continues to unfold. Breitbart: A white, Christian, five-year-old girl has been forced to live with Muslim foster carers who removed her cross, encouraged her to learn Arabic, and told her European women were alcoholics. The five-year-old girl was put into the foster care system by scandal-ridden Tower Hamlets borough council, and has spent six […]

Mercury Policy Project – treaty designed to foster a simultaneous reduction in global mercury demand & supply

     The entry into force of the Minamata Convention on Mercury Aug. 16 will spur companies worldwide to restrict their use of mercury and pursue alternatives to mercury added products. The convention seeks to protect human health and curb environmental contamination by obligating its parties to broadly limit the use and export of mercury and […]

Jodie Foster: “Hollywood Execs Tried This When I Was A Girl” – Actress’ Shocking Confession.

Jodie Foster recalls how a Hollywood producer arranged a private meeting to ‘see her body’ at 14. Photo Jodie Foster “Freaky Friday” in 1976 Hollywood Actress, Jodie Foster, has come forward with some shocking information. She revealed that Hollywood executives tried to rape her when she was a young teenager and just breaking into the movie […]

Jodie Foster: Hollywood Execs Tried To Rape Me When I Was A Girl

Actress Jodie Foster has revealed that Hollywood executives attempted to rape her when she was a teenager trying to break into the industry. Foster told an interviewer this week that a top Hollywood producer tried to sexually abuse her when her parents were out of town. The revelations by Foster come hot on the heels […]

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