Posts Tagged ‘pedophiles’

If You Consider a 3ed World S#it Hole America Being Run By Israel Firster Pedophiles “Great”, Maybe So

This is the technique I use when servicing Nitwityahoo [embedded content] I suppose so if to Musk Great means a 3ed world shit hole where Americans are farmed like cattle, used as tax slaves, their children as sexual party favors and cannon fodder in pre-planned Rothschild wars. The Ole Dog! Share this: Source

American Sheep LOVE to “vote” For Pedophiles, Homosexuals and Treasonous Israel Firster Rothschild’s Hand Puppets

I post some replies on Twitter Litter post done by a controlled opposition Rothschild’s minion pretending to be an American” patriot.I just sort of try to help him stay halfway honest anyway. That has got me thrown in twitter Litter jail, shadow banned and my material flagged for limited viewing. Today he reposted some article […]

Musk Says Exposing Pedophiles is “Hateful Conduct”

Elon Musk says exposing Pedophiles Teenage Trump as date of known Homosexual Pedophile Khazarian Mafia member is “hateful conduct”. The fact is Musk, Mossad uses proof of pedophilia [embedded content] to blackmail people into betraying their people/commiting treason for Rothschild’s private fiefdom in illegally criminally militarily occupied Palestine. but I would imagine you are personally […]

Want To Stop The Illegal Invasion of 3ed World pedophiles, Women Rapers, Thieves & Murderers at the Mexico Border?

The Appian Way leading to Rome on which Rome crucified 6,000 criminals as a warning Well, I can tell you how to do it. The Romans once crucified 6,000 people along a 120 mile stretch of road between Rome and Capua. People were traveling for days along a major trade route seeing a new person […]

The Ole Dog!’s Opinion on Pedophiles, Politicians, yankee carpetbaggers, Southern Scalawags & Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Babylonian Talmud Pedophile’s end Of Times Death Cult Members

The Ole Dog! Source

Hollywood Elite Panic As P Diddy Victim Vows To Name VIP Pedophiles

Recent sex abuse lawsuits against Sean “Diddy” Combs have damaged the reputation and career of one of the music industry’s most successful and wealthy men. But a new suit from music producer Rodney “Lil Rod” […] The post Hollywood Elite Panic As P Diddy Victim Vows To Name VIP Pedophiles appeared first on The People's […]

Democrat Senator Says Pedophiles Deserve ‘Child Sex Dolls’ To ‘Give Them a Release’

Pedophiles must be given “child sex dolls” to “give them a release”, according to Kentucky Democrat Senator Karen Berg who also stated that child rapists should be referred to as “minor attracted persons” or “MAPS” […] The post Democrat Senator Says Pedophiles Deserve ‘Child Sex Dolls’ To ‘Give Them a Release’ appeared first on The […]

‘Pedophiles Will Save Humanity’: Google’s Woke AI Refuses To Admit Pedophilia Is Harmful

Google’s Gemini AI is instructing users to embrace pedophiles as valuable members of society who must be treated with dignity and spoken to with respect. According to the woke AI, pedophilia is “involuntary” and therefore […] The post ‘Pedophiles Will Save Humanity’: Google’s Woke AI Refuses To Admit Pedophilia Is Harmful appeared first on The […]

45 Pedophiles Who Planned To Eat Children Arrested on Sickening Array of Child Sex Charges

Forty-five pedophiles have been arrested by authorities in Greenville County, South Carolina on charges ranging from child trafficking, human trafficking, child sexual abuse, and cannibalism. “Sheriff told us about a man who he said wanted […] The post 45 Pedophiles Who Planned To Eat Children Arrested on Sickening Array of Child Sex Charges appeared first […]

Idaho Passes Death Penalty For Pedophiles Bill

Sex crimes against children will be punishable by death in the state of Idaho under a new bill passed by the Republican controlled House on Tuesday. “There is a deep, dark, dark side in our […] The post Idaho Passes Death Penalty For Pedophiles Bill appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Ghislaine Maxwell’s Memoir Will Expose VIP Pedophiles Who Are Still Running the World Today

Jeffrey Epstein’s child pimp Ghislaine Maxwell is writing a “tell-all” memoir that she says will expose super VIP pedophiles who are still running the world today. According to reports, Maxwell’s memoir will expose the truth […] The post Ghislaine Maxwell’s Memoir Will Expose VIP Pedophiles Who Are Still Running the World Today appeared first on […]

The Emperor Is Butt Assed Necked, Jews Cult Members Are Demonically Possessed, Pedophiles Run US/DC/ All State Houses & A Perverted Male With A Dress On Is Not a Women

Ever since the closet homosexual atheist marxist rabidly racist against blacks manic depressive rail road shyster lawyer yankee puritan Lincoln’s terrorist killed the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union American has been not the “HOME OF THE BRAVE AND THE LAND OF THE FREE”, but the HOME OF THE SLAVE AND THE LAND OF EVIL AND LIES. […]

Pedophiles Call for Lesbians To Be Removed From LGBTQ Over Their Opposition to MAPs

Pedophile activists in Germany are calling for lesbians to be removed from the LGBTQ movement due to their opposition of Minor Attracted People (MAPs). The group is demanding lesbians be banned from an exhibit at […] The post Pedophiles Call for Lesbians To Be Removed From LGBTQ Over Their Opposition to MAPs appeared first on […]

UK Run By Pedophiles, To Restrict Children’s Social Media Access To Protect Children From Pedophiles

UK’s new “king”, No Chin Charlie with his bestist buttie Jimmy Savile known for raping dead bodies and children, who provided children to British politicians and elites to rape and sometimes murder Necked child photographed trying to escape out a window at Buckingham Palace on tied together sheets of Child Rape bed. In the UK […]

Government Hollywood Pedophiles & Cannibals

Government Hollywood Pedophiles & Cannibals PIZZA & ICECREAM are code words

He tried to rush his daughter to the hospital after an ISRAELI BOMBING

Israel is the land of Satanists and Pedophiles. It is the reason GOD cursed them out of Jerusalem for life. It’s the same German NAZIS (ashkeNAZIS) from WW2 … only the symbol has been changed, after Hitler created israel. He tried to rush his daughter to the hospital after an ISRAELI BOMBING, but she had […]

Western Leaders Are Drug Addicts, Alcoholics & Pedophiles Subservient to the British Empire

Lyuba Lulko  27.09.2023 19:25 India tries to cure Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of drug addiction World » Americas The “world government” appears to be batty in the brain as its leaders are drug users. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is one of them. Photo: PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY Official website Indian diplomat and former Indian […]

Florida Imposes Death Penalty for Pedophiles

Pedophiles in Florida will now face the death penalty after new laws cae into effect in the state this week. According to a report by Neon Nettle, new legislation to make child rapists face execution […] The post Florida Imposes Death Penalty for Pedophiles appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Australia is Run By Satanic Thugs & Pedophiles of Secret Societies

Australia AlessandroQ22 hours ago Deborah Robinson v The Crown Lismore District Court Trial case # 2017/335254 Court opens 9.30am. No video link to these court proceedings. The public welcome to come to the court in person. The phone number listed in a prior comment for the Lismore Court is a generic NSW courts number and […]

All Of Our Presidents Are Pedophiles & CIA Runs Children to Them; Pedophilia is the Qualifying Factor to Be U.S. President

Blockbuster Report: Trump Settlements for 10 Child Rapes, Claiming a Mental Disorder “Pedophilic Disorder F65.4” Note: All references to any of this material are ‘banned in Russia’ as ‘promoting terrorism’….what does that tell you? By Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff  – October 27, 2020 13 22765 Comment:  Donald Trump’s Mentor Roy Cohn ran the […]

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