Posts Tagged ‘factor’

Democrats constantly hyping the abortion factor as the biggest 2024 campaign issue in order to explain away their ongoing election POTUS theft.


All Of Our Presidents Are Pedophiles & CIA Runs Children to Them; Pedophilia is the Qualifying Factor to Be U.S. President

Blockbuster Report: Trump Settlements for 10 Child Rapes, Claiming a Mental Disorder “Pedophilic Disorder F65.4” Note: All references to any of this material are ‘banned in Russia’ as ‘promoting terrorism’….what does that tell you? By Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff  – October 27, 2020 13 22765 Comment:  Donald Trump’s Mentor Roy Cohn ran the […]

The OPEC+ factor and oil prices

“The OPEC+ decision has purely economic motives,” “Oil prices and voluntary production cuts,” “When OPEC is used as a boogeyman.” These and similar headlines are used by the Middle Eastern media commenting on the agreement of the OPEC+ countries at the beginning of April this year to voluntarily cut oil production by 1.66 million BPD […]

Khanna: Spending During COVID Is a Factor in Record Inflation, But We ‘Needed’ Spending ‘in Part to Get out of the Recession’

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) stated that massive spending during the coronavirus pandemic under Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden is a cause of the highest inflation in forty years, but Source

Climate change is triggering more earthquakes. Big Oil’s interests are a factor

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent in any way the editorial position of Euronews. On Monday, earthquakes in my country Turkey and neighbouring Syria left a trail of unprecedented devastation and a death toll surpassing 16,000 people at the last count. We do not know for […]

The 14th Dalai Lama’s (possible) visit to Taiwan as a factor in Sino-Indian relations

The first and, of course, alarming question to be expected after reading the title of this article can be formulated roughly as follows: “And what does India actually have to do with the Taiwan problem, which is almost central in the present phase of the “Great World Game”?” Any positive response to this question (“something […]

On another border incident and the 14th Dalai Lama factor in China-India relations

On December 9 this year, there was an incident between groups of soldiers from both countries at a section of the Sino-Indian border, seemingly insignificant in scale and consequence. This assessment can be used with confidence, at least in relation to the direct participants. This is to the credit of both sides, as it demonstrates […]

The US factor in current China-EU relations

The countries of the European continent, which the EU bureaucracy also claims to represent, are among China’s top three partners in foreign trade and economic relations. The other two are a dozen Southeast Asian countries that form ASEAN, and the US. In turn, trends in trade and economic relations cannot be considered outside the context […]

China factor in recent international fora

The phrase “shifting the center of gravity of global processes to the Indo-Pacific” has long been a well-established meme, i.e. it reflects a fairly obvious reality. In this regard, the fact that from November 8 to 19 this year in Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand, in the three countries of the (sub)region of Southeast Asia, a […]

Regarding the Indian factor in the appointment of the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

On October 25 this year, the current monarch of the United Kingdom, King Charles III, confirmed Rishi Sunak as the country’s prime minister. This was the first time that the highest post in the executive branch of a leading European country was occupied by an ethnic Indian, which attracted special attention in the commentaries on […]

The factor of the Unification Church in Japan’s current domestic and foreign policies

This magazine has already discussed Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s radical reshuffling of his cabinet on August 10 this year ( and the extent to which this decision may have been influenced by various contacts between former Japanese ministers and a certain quasi-religious cult. The cult in question is an offshoot of an organization founded […]

Nitrogen fertilizer prices are expected to rise – and the cost of natural gas is no longer the only factor

(Natural News) The price of nitrogen fertilizer is expected to keep increasing this fall. Analysts have noted that the cost of natural gas, a key component in the production of nitrogen fertilizer, is no longer the only driver of high prices. Nitrogen fertilizer is a necessary ingredient for many farmers in the world for high […]

On the Yasukuni Shrine Factor in Another Ceremony in Japan Marking the End of the War in the Pacific

At the outset, a few words about the dates by which countries mark events of international significance. It is quite common for something to be perceived as the same event, but its beginning and end are dated differently by different countries. In Japan, the date August 15, 1945 is significant because it is believed to […]

Lugansk PR liberated. 3M22 Zircon as strategic factor

July 03, 2022 Please visit Andrei’s website: support him here: The Lisichansk locals about their liberation by Russian forces Cossacks and Chechens celebrate together their victory in Lisichansk Source

VARES Vaccine Deaths under reported by a factor of 41 | Including international deaths reported to VAERS would put the death toll at 815,326 from the vaccines

41 Tap News / Tapestry Calculations performed by Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, and his team of statisticians suggest VAERS COVID-related reports are underreported by a factor of 41. This is a conservative estimate, supported by calculations using a variety of sources besides VAERS itself. That means that in the […]

Study finds 5G technology a ‘significant factor’ in higher COVID case and death rates

Research indicates a correlation between wireless radiation and 5G intensity with COVID-19 symptoms, and that their effects on the body overlap. A study recently published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) proposed that wireless communications radiation, including 5G, may contribute to COVID-19 symptoms. The evidence for the connection between COVID and 5G, as well as […]

Race As A Factor In Human Rights Abuses

Above Photo: Thousands of people protest against racism, injustice and police brutality. (Darryl Dyck / The Canadian Press via AP) Black America And White Supremacy. The United States is a contradiction. From the stirring words of the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution to the Statue of Liberty beckoning the “huddled masses […]

The West Shakes Georgia’s Foundation by Exploiting the “Saakashvili Factor”

As planned by the West, the internal political crisis in this country and the crisis in Georgia’s relations with the European Union and the United States only intensified with the return of Mikheil Saakashvili to his homeland. The EU has been trying to return Georgia to the path of democracy for over a year now. […]

On the 50th Anniversary of PRC’s Membership in the UN; the Taiwan Factor

The eve of the 50th anniversary of PRC’s membership in the UN served as a pretext for another propaganda attack by Washington against its primary geopolitical opponent. Recall Resolution No. 2578, “Restoration of the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations,” adopted by the General Assembly on October 25, 1971, […]

On the External Factor of the Afghan Problem

Recent events around and on the territory of Afghanistan strengthen the author’s opinion that a positive solution to the problem of this nation is possible only based on the formation of a more or less coherent “orchestra,” including China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran and, of course, the new leadership of Afghanistan itself. Such an approach to […]

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