Posts Tagged ‘domestic’

A National Disgrace! EXPOSED – The false agenda of male oriented domestic violence

Another false agenda is in play by the governments and ‘supported’ by the mainstream media. The allegation that a ‘shocking’ amount of women die in the hands of their current (male) partner or (male) ex-partner. See the following video for explanation: Source

How Domestic Terrorism is ESCLATING and WHY

This episode of the Tore Says Show is an education in domestic terrorism, which is on the rise in the US, under the guise of political activism. The presentation begins about 9 minutes in. Tore says that the activist violence we’re seeing on college campuses, in Washington DC and especially in New York City is […]

Feds inflating domestic terrorism numbers by threatening people to confess when they did nothing wrong

(NaturalNews) The crime rate in Washington, D.C., is off the charts, and yet Matthew Graves, the Biden regime’s top prosecutor, is fixated on rounding up January 6… Source

Tell your representatives to vote NO on massive expansion of domestic surveillance state – U.S. businesses to be forced to serve as NSA spies

(NaturalNews) The United States government is once again trying to turn the American people against one another with a new “Everyone is a spy” surveillance bill… Source

Council Tax Is Not Applicable to Domestic Properties!

The Alternative View ConferenceSunday 26th May 2024 Come and have a great day out and hear some fascinating and informative presentations. Network, chat, meet the speakers and share knowledge. Speakers and Presentations Richard VobesFrom Saving Our Heritage to Saving the Planet Wendy StaceyPreparing for a New Landscape Ian SimpsonInvisible Sky – How Climate Engineering is […]

Michael Flynn Is Excited To Link Up With ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Matt Shea

Michael Flynn is releasing a documentary this month chronicling his career, which culminated with him serving briefly as national security adviser to former President Donald Trump. Flynn resigned early in the Trump administration for having misled the administration about discussions he had with Russian leaders prior to Trump assuming office. Flynn eventually pleaded guilty to […]

New Report Reveals Federal Gov’t “Funds Domestic Censorship Superweapons” Against Taxpayers Tyler Durden’s Photo

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Supreme Court Appears Likely To Preserve Gun Law Disarming Domestic Abusers

The Supreme Court spent much of Tuesday morning listening to the oral arguments from the Biden administration’s appeal of a lower court’s ruling striking down the law barring individuals with domestic violence protective orders from owning firearms. The Justices appeared unwilling to overturn the federal ban on firearm possession for people involved in domestic violence […]

‘Domestic Terrorist’ Matt Shea Claims Condemning Politicians For Appearing With Him Is ‘Persecution of Christians’

Last month, Christian nationalist worship leader and right-wing political activist Sean Feucht held an event in Spokane, Washington, where he and Christian nationalist pastor and former Washington state legislator Matt Shea jointly prayed over the city’s mayor, Nadine Woodward, Shea, as Right Wing Watch reported at the time, was stripped of his committee assignments during […]

Understanding U.S. “Government” False Flag Terrorism for War and Domestic Police State

How and Why the Organized Crime U.S. “Government” Menaces with the Population with “Terrorists,” “Viruses,” and Hoax Shootings & Events Source

FUNDING THE DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!!! DHS Allocates $20 Million to Black Colleges and Universities and LGBTQIA+ Organizations for Violence and Terrorism Prevention

DHS Allocates $20 Million to Black Colleges and Universities and LGBTQIA+ Organizations for Violence and Terrorism Prevention Source

PGA Tour Golfer Erik Compton Arrested on Domestic Abuse and Robbery Charges

PGA Tour Golfer Erik Compton was arrested on Sunday on domestic abuse charges according to reports. Source

Deep State MSNBC Goon Calls For New PATRIOT Act Against ‘Domestic Terrorists’

A few years back, I (and many others) picked up on an emerging trend which has only intensified over time: the framing of “domestic terrorists” (meaning, in practice, any political opponents of the Deep State/Brandon regime) as something on par with foreign terrorists of the Islamic persuasion. Source

Deep State MSNBC Goon Calls For New Patriot Act Against ‘Domestic Terrorists’ (Video)

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Almost 600 Charged After Domestic Violence Operation

A New South Wales (NSW) Police operation targeting the state’s most dangerous domestic violence offenders has turned up illegal firearms and guns, and a corn snake. Nearly 600 people were charged in the four-day operation, including 139 considered among the state’s most dangerous domestic violence offenders. As well as checking compliance with restraining orders and […]

Domestic Abusers Are Using Abortion Bans to Control Their Victims

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, people warned abortion bans would become another tool for people to abuse their partners. A year later, early data indicates those warnings were right. In the year before Roe fell, roughly 1,230 people told the National Domestic Violence Hotline that they had endured some kind of what […]

DOMESTIC TERROR: Internal Chats Show Activist Group ‘Organize Against Transphobia’ Plotting Murder of Police


China’s Domestic Automakers Dethrone Western Competition After Decades Of Dominance

In China, domestic automakers are starting to overtake Western companies, marking a big win for Beijing’s domestic industrial policies and signaling the potential end to decades of dominance by Western automakers. In fact, local auto brands produced in China made up 54% of the wholesale car market for the first half of 2023, The Wall […]

Appendix 207: “”The Program” Is Covert Domestic Terrorism Against And Torture Of “Political Targets:” 19 Videos By “Dr. X Keyscore”

Webmaster (ETK) Introduction: “Dr. X Keyscore” claims to hold Ph.D., M.A.S., M.A.. B.A. degrees, have a background in Security Studies and as a Mil/Intel-CI/CT Analyst, and to be Son of the American Revolution, Patriot, Whistle-blower, Global Nomad, and Deep State target. Dr. X Keyscore: “The program” is the DHS and most likely DOD-funded extra-judicial, political […]

Appendix 207: “”The Program” Is Covert Domestic Terrorism Against And Torture Of “Political Targets:” 19 Videos By “Dr. X Keyscore”

Webmaster (ETK) Introduction: “Dr. X Keyscore” claims to hold Ph.D., M.A.S., M.A.. B.A. degrees, have a background in Security Studies and as a Mil/Intel-CI/CT Analyst, and to be Son of the American Revolution, Patriot, Whistle-blower, Global Nomad, and Deep State target. Dr. X Keyscore: “The program” is the DHS and most likely DOD-funded extra-judicial, political […]

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