Posts Tagged ‘confess’

Feds inflating domestic terrorism numbers by threatening people to confess when they did nothing wrong

(NaturalNews) The crime rate in Washington, D.C., is off the charts, and yet Matthew Graves, the Biden regime’s top prosecutor, is fixated on rounding up January 6… Source

Does ‘Every Knee Shall Bow’ And ‘Confess Christ’ Mean That All Israelites Shall Be Saved?

Some Christians insist that Paul’s epistle to the Philippians provides a blanket “get out of jail free” card for all Israelites — that regardless of whether or not they believe in and follow Jesus Christ in this lifetime, if they were born as Israelites, they will ultimately be given a second chance to confess Christ […]

WSBH-180902-Repent and Confess Pt 1

REPENT! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! This study covers all the verses in scripture on Repent and Confess. Follow along with the document: Repent and Confess The post WSBH-180902-Repent and Confess Pt 1 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

UK Gov’t Confess to Using ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ – Stunning Admission

The UK government has admitted to using “totalitarian” psychological warfare tactics on the British public in order to brainwash citizens during the Coronavirus pandemic, adding weight to claims about “mass formation psychosis” by Dr. Robert Malone last week. During his viral podcast with Joe Rogan after he was banned by Twitter, Dr. Malone explained how […]

‘Prophet’ Robin Bullock Calls on Biden to Confess That He’s ‘Not the Legitimate President’

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Democrats Confess To 2020 Election Theft

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Shocking New Evidence: Maidan snipers confess they were under orders from Coup leaders to shoot police AND protesters

It was the shot unheard around the world – everyone knows the Ukraine Crisis began after the 2014 Maidan Coup, but few in the West know Russia didn’t invade Ukraine, fewer still know of the mysterious snipers who rained down death from above those fateful days in Kiev. The corporate media […]

Participants in 2014 Ukrainian coup confess

Participants in 2014 Ukrainian coup confess By Eric Eric Zuesse The overthrow of the democratically elected President of Ukraine in February 2014 was one of the most important geostrategic occurrences during the past century, because it led to the breakaway from Ukraine of the two regions Crimea and Donbass that had been the most […]

‘I Stood Them Against the Wall & Blasted Them’—Israelis Confess to Massacre IDF Tried to Censor

By Claire Bernish “I saw a fair number of corpses,” recalled former Knesset member and Israeli government minister, Yair Tsaban, on the massacre carried out on the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin, for director, Neta Shoshani. “I don’t remember encountering the corpse of a fighting man. Not at all. I remember mostly women and old men.” […]


JULY 3, 2016 MADDCOLDSONOFKUFA by Jonathan Azaziah Today, perhaps more so than any other day, vividly personifies why the beautiful, resistant, ever-brilliant Iranian people chant “Death to America!” and why they’ll continue to do so until the Empire is relegated to the dustbin of history. It was 28 years ago, July 3rd, 1988, when the […]

96.5% Of Chicago Teachers Vote To Strike

Print Friendly Above Photo: From The Chicago Teachers Union released details regarding the recent strike authorization vote, which was conducted over a three-day period December 9-11, 2015, in all schools where CTU members are employed. The results indicate the following: No. of Actual Votes: 22,678 No. of Eligible Voters: 24,752 Percentage of Members who Voted: 91.6% Percentage […]

The Bipolarity of EU Geopolitics and the US Sponsored Reincarnation of Poland’s “Intermarium Vision”

The unprecedented electoral success of Poland’s Law and Justice Party (Pis) has given the country its first majority government since 1989 and handed all positions of power to the ruling party. The logical consequence of this is that it’s paved the way for “Gray Cardinal” Jaroslaw Kaczynski to streamline his vision for Poland, the de-facto […]

Do you believe Kerry’s bleeding heart for Syrian peace?

     America’s top diplomat John Kerry appears to have developed a bleeding heart of emotional concern for Syria. So too have his British and French counterparts. After nearly five years of relentless killing, destruction and suffering in Syria, the Western leaders are saying it’s now time for peace – and hence the talks in Vienna, […]

They Were There First, But Now Native Hawaiians Have Nowhere to Live

The nation’s most ethnically diverse state is having a huge homelessness problem—but it’s the native people who were there first that are disproportionately ending up on the streets. At last count, there were 7,260 homeless people in Hawai‘i, giving the islands of Aloha the highest rate of homelessness per capita of any state in the […]

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