Posts Tagged ‘christ’

NOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN LEGALLY KILL CHRISTIANS for the “crime” of worshipping Jesus Christ!

 NOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN LEGALLY KILL CHRISTIANSby Bill Dannemeyer (husband of Dr. Lorraine Day)U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992 Your U.S. government can now legally kill Christians for the “crime” of worshipping Jesus Christ! A diabolic deception has been perpetrated on the American people by their OWN leaders, Senators and Congressmen, who have sold their soul to the devil. On March […]

Nazareth Decree May Prove That Jews Plotted to Deny the Resurrection of Christ

(Apxaioc Institute of Biblical Archeology) A stone inscription acquired on the antiquities market of Nazareth in 1878 appearing to be a rescript of an imperial Roman edict was dubbed “The Nazareth Inscription.” Written in ancient Koine Greek, its main purpose is to give notice that the punishment for stealing a corpse from a stone sealed […]

Michael Hoffman – Organized Jewry Killed Christ

Good Friday–According to the politically correct view now in vogue,  the Pharisees of 33 A.D. were more sinned against than sinning.   Christ’s Crucifixion is still happening today.  Christ was crucified because he taught that God is Love;  God loves all people equally.  Judaism believes Jews are Chosen by God.  In fact, they believe they ARE God. We […]

Christian Slain for Leading Muslims to Faith in Christ

Location of Sironko District, Uganda. (OpenStreetMap contributors, Jarry1250, NordNordWest, Creative Commons) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists in eastern Uganda on March 8 killed a Christian for leading Muslims to faith in Christ, sources said. Kiisa Masolo, 45, had returned to his home in Nakitiku village, Bunabuka parish, Bubeza… Source

Does ‘Every Knee Shall Bow’ And ‘Confess Christ’ Mean That All Israelites Shall Be Saved?

Some Christians insist that Paul’s epistle to the Philippians provides a blanket “get out of jail free” card for all Israelites — that regardless of whether or not they believe in and follow Jesus Christ in this lifetime, if they were born as Israelites, they will ultimately be given a second chance to confess Christ […]

Right Wing Round-Up: The Anti-Christ Vaccine

Luke Broadwater @ The New York Times: Trump Received Millions From Foreign Governments as President, Report Finds. House Democrats released evidence that he took in at least $7.8 million from foreign entities while in office, engaging in the kind of conduct the G.O.P. is grasping to pin on President Biden. Media Matters: Sean Hannity: People […]

Muslim Allegedly Kills His Mother for Accepting Christ

Sawuba Naigaga succumbed to her injuries on Dec. 17, 2023 in eastern Uganda. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Before Sawuba Naigaga succumbed to injuries her 25-year-old son inflicted on her in Uganda this month, she described the assault to a friend from her hospital bed. The friend said Naigaga’s son, Ashirafu Basalirwa,… […]

Dec 24 – Celebrate the Birth of Christ!

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Organized Jewry hates Christ and destroyed Christmas celebration because Jesus taught that God loves all people equally.  This contradicted the racist supremacist narrative of God’s “Chosen” People. Trust Christian Zionist morons to side with people who regard them as cattle. Brian Shilhavy–How Donald Trump and Alex Jones Fooled […]

Satanist Jews Took the Christ Out of Christmas

A friend’s eight-year-old boy complained that his class cannot celebrate Christmas although 19 of 20 kids are Christian. The twentieth is Jewish, and guess what, they are learning about Chanukah!  The boy made a bewildered face, as if to say, what’s going on?  What’s going on is that the goyim are being inducted into a […]

Muslim Husband Sets Wife on Fire for Accepting Christ

Location of Budaka in Uganda. (Map data © 2023 Google) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A woman in eastern Uganda has been hospitalized with serious burns after her Muslim husband discovered she had converted to Christianity and set her on fire, area sources said. Hajara Namwase, a 32-year-old mother of three children in Kenkebu village, […]

Justin Trudeau throws God, Christ out of Canada

Directives [from Liberal government] for military chaplains that “tell them to be respectful of spiritual diversity, employ ‘Gender Based Analysis’ and replace religious symbols like crosses and Stars of David with a generic chaplain’s crest could spell the death of the role in Canada’s Armed Forces.” It most certainly will, and in time, apply to […]

Review: Sabina – Tortured for Christ – The Nazi Years

Renegade Editor’s Note: A few weeks ago I saw these Christian ads all over Gab, so I decided Source

Basic Cure For The Jewish Created Christ-Insane Mind Virus Known As Christianity – RECAP

Are there cures for christianity, the christ-insane mind virus created by jews for ’goyim?’ A mind virus that actually tricks you into believing in a psychotic self-destroying self-enslaving ideology? To worship the sociopathic jew and/or a jewish rabbi named jesus? A religion which has the intent to ultimately genocide the White race? YES FOLKS! THERE […]

Evangelist Slain for Leading Muslims to Christ in Uganda

Body of Philip Bere, evangelist killed by Muslim extremists on Sept. 6, 2023 near Katiryo, Uganda. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Muslim extremists on Sept. 6 beat a 33-year-old evangelist to death for leading Muslims to faith in Christ at an event in eastern Uganda, sources said. After the evangelistic event in […]

Synagogue of Satan Murdered Jesus; Now They Want to Delete Christ Out of Christmas & Kill Off Christians Too!

Jamie Foxx Apologizes for Offending Jews By infostormer  – August 7, 2023 4 Booty call actor Jamie Foxx put out a post on Instagram talking about how “they” killed this dude name Jesus. Immediately after putting out the post, a bunch of Jews cried and said that the post was anti-Semitic. Foxx immediately apologized and […]

The Biblical Meaning Of Color — How White Is Associated With God, Adam, Israel, Christ And Christians

Here we will look at a short chapter from Charles A. Weisman’s book The Origin Of Race And Civilization which addresses the biblical meaning of different colors — and how the color white is most closely associated with God, Jesus Christ, and the Adamic “children of light.” Going forward we intend to address many of […]

Meet Stephen Smith, The Evangelical Holocaust™ ‘Expert’ Who Rejected Christ And Converted To Judaism

(Forward) The difference between an evangelical Christian and a full-blown Jew has become so small that someone like Stephen Smith, who has spent his entire life in the service of the Jews — promoting the Holocaust Industrial Complex™ and marrying a Jewess — decided to take the next “logical” step and convert to Judaism: “After […]

‘The Chosen’ TV Series Has Become So ‘Jewish’ That Even Christ-Hating Jews Enjoy Watching

(Times Of Israel) Apparently it isn’t just judaized Christian” evangelical Zionists who are binge-watching “The Chosen” television drama — the show emphasizes Jesus’ “Jewishness” so much that even many Jews are now finding it “kosher” enough to watch it: “I mentally cringed when I first heard about The Chosen. Another Christian evangelistic tool that ends […]

How The Church Of Scotland Capitulated To Jewish Demands To Deny Christ And Become Judaized

(The Jewish Chronicle) So-called “Chrstian-Jewish” dialogue has always been a one-way street where Christians compromise their faith “for fear of the Jews” and walk in lock-step with the anti-Christs who find Christianity “offensive” to their Jewish occult “beliefs”: “The Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis has hailed a new document on Jewish-Christian relations produced jointly with […]

Christian College Student in Uganda Slain for Sharing Christ

Uganda Christian School of Professionals in Lira, Northern Region. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A Christian college student was killed in northern Uganda on April 14 for sharing about Christ with Muslims, a fellow student said. Jeremiah Mwanga, a second-year student at the Uganda Christian School of Professionals in Lira,… Source

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