Posts Tagged ‘plotted’

Nazareth Decree May Prove That Jews Plotted to Deny the Resurrection of Christ

(Apxaioc Institute of Biblical Archeology) A stone inscription acquired on the antiquities market of Nazareth in 1878 appearing to be a rescript of an imperial Roman edict was dubbed “The Nazareth Inscription.” Written in ancient Koine Greek, its main purpose is to give notice that the punishment for stealing a corpse from a stone sealed […]

Brazil Rioters Plotted Openly Online, Pitched Huge ‘Party’

The rioters who stormed Brazil’s capital buildings on Sunday used coded language on social media to coordinate and carry out their plans in plain view. Source

Rothschild’s UK Intelligence Plotted Crimean Bridge Bombing

red Russian Khazarian Communist KGB agent the Rothschild’s Putinister There is a game cops play when they are manipulating humans.Good Cop-Bad Cop.They pick roles, one plays the ass hole, one plays the “good cop” which tries to “defend” the human against the bad cop.Together they scare and herd the human through whatever slaughterhouse door they […]

Rogue Criminal Group, CIA, Plotted to Kidnap & Assassinate Julian Assange Because He Tells the Truth About the Crime Syndicate Running Amerika & Britain & Their Sadistic Child Abuse By Politicians

by Admin · Published October 1, 2021 · Updated October 1, 2021 [embedded content] Comment: The reason the CIA spooks are so paranoid is because they are constantly doing rotten stuff to others and are worried about a blowback. CIA needs to be shattered into 1,000 pieces as President Kennedy wanted to do. They ONLY […]

US government, CIA plotted to kidnap or assassinate Assange in London

An explosive investigative report by Yahoo News has revealed plans at the highest levels of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Trump administration to illegally kidnap or even assassinate WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange when he was an internationally recognised political refugee in Ecuador’s London embassy. Based on discussions with more than 30 former US officials, […]

Ousted Israel PM plotted with Saudi’s MBS to undermine Jordan king

New details have emerged about the alleged plot to overthrow Jordan’s King Abdullah, indicating that former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu played a starring role along with senior officials within the Trump administration, prominent Jordanians, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. Details of the role played by Netanyahu, who was ousted yesterday after the […]

REVEALED: Dr. Fauci Plotted with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Push COVID-19 Fear Porn Before 2020 Election

REVEALED: Dr. Fauci Plotted with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Push COVID-19 Fear Porn Before 2020 ElectionDate: June 3, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source: NworeportNew email disclosures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) have shown how National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci colluded with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to […]

Anti-Marjorie Greene RINO Plotted to ‘Rape & Kill Babies’

A former senior Republican staffer and opponent of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene planned to rape and kill multiple babies, a federal prosecutor revealed on Tuesday. Ruben A. Verastigui was arrested at his apartment in Washington, D.C. last week for operating a massive pedophile ring that involved sickening videos featuring babies and children. According to U.S. […]

COORDINATED: Uncovered emails reveal Obama plotted exploiting Sandy Hook tragedy for gun control push just 48 hours later

(Natural News) Instead of devising a plan to protect future school children from evil attackers, former President Barack Obama and his staff used the Sandy Hook school shooting to carry out a political agenda of disarming law abiding Americans. Staff emails uncovered by the Baltimore Post reveal that the Obama Administration strategically communicated to […]

ISIS terrorist plotted bombing of local security service HQ in Russia, killed by FSB

The FSB operatives attempted to arrest the suspected terrorist in the southern Russian region of Stavropol on Saturday. The perpetrator, however, resisted and engaged in a firefight with law enforcement, receiving a fatal wound, the FSB press service said. Leader of ISIS cell supporters blows himself up to avoid arrest in Russia The terrorist plotted […]

UK terrorist organisation MI5 plotted to assassinate Irish Prime Minister

A protestant paramilitary group wrote to former Irish Prime Minister Charles Haughey to warn him that MI5 had asked them to assassinate him, according to newly disclosed documents. The Ulster Volunteer Force – a loyalist group classified as a terrorist organisation by the UK – contacted Haughey during his third term […]

JFK Files: CIA Plotted to Assassinate Fidel Castro, Stage Bombings in Miami

JFK Files: U.S. Officials Plotted Destruction Of Cuban Crops With Biological Agents

Several of the more intriguing files released in the President John F. Kennedy assassination files have little to do with specific aspects of the assassination. Instead, they involve covert operations that were contextually related to possible theories that were initially entertained by investigators. A special group of military generals and CIA officials met […]

White Nationalist who Fantasized, Plotted Murder of Minorities Discovered to be Law Enforcement Leader

A top law-enforcement official in Palm Beach County, Florida is coming under fire for allegedly being a white nationalist, fantasizing and plotting the death of black citizens or Jews. Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Michael Gauger was exposed for his correspondence with other members of the now-defunct Stormfront White Supremacist web site, whose […]

Black Football Player Plotted to Murder Jew Manager Who Ripped Him Off for Tens of Millions

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 29, 2017 REAL HEADLINE: “How Racist White People Take Financial Advantage of Black Sports Players” If I had a neck that thick, I’d be a professional head-butter. White people, smdh. You thought microaggressions were bad. Then you learned about sports managers. Daily Mail: Former Washington Redskins running back […]

Japanese newspaper reports former S. Korean President Park plotted to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

     Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye was making plans to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, according to Japan’s Asahi Shimbun national newspaper. Ex-president Park, who was impeached due to a corruption scandal, signed a document approving a “leadership change” in North Korea back in 2015, the national daily reported on Monday citing unnamed […]

Former S. Korean President Park plotted to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-un – report

Ex-president Park, who was impeached due to a corruption scandal, signed a document approving a “leadership change” in North Korea back in 2015, the national daily reported on Monday citing unnamed sources. South Korea’s intelligence agencies were to prepare operations to carry out the plan. The report notes that the plotters considered arranging accidents, with […]

Training plane crashes in Alborz province

Karaj, Alborz prov, July 2, IRNA – A small training plane crashed here west of capital Saturday morning, local officials said. A provincial Red Crescent Society official Davood Rajabi said the crash claimed life of the trainee pilot, a 35-year-old man, and resulted in injury of the trainer. The aircraft crashed into farmlands close to […]

Training plane crashes in Alborz province

Karaj, Alborz prov, July 2, IRNA – A small training plane crashed here west of capital Saturday morning, local officials said. A provincial Red Crescent Society official Davood Rajabi said the crash claimed life of the trainee pilot, a 35-year-old man, and resulted in injury of the trainer. The aircraft crashed into farmlands close to […]

Zarif, Kuwaiti emir meet in London

London, Feb 4, IRNA – Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Emir of Kuwait Shiekh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah, during a meeting in the British capital on Thursday, discussed bilateral and regional cooperation. The talks took place on the sidelines of the international conference on supporting the Syrian nation. Earlier in the day, Zarif […]

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