Posts Tagged ‘undermine’

Leftists Defeated in Referendum to ‘Modernize’ Irish Constitution, Undermine Family Values

Leftists Defeated in Referendum to ‘Modernize’ Irish Constitution, Undermine Family Values Source

Rothschild Staged Dreyfus Affair to Undermine France

(left, Real spy Esterhazy of course, a non-Jew.) The Dreyfus Affair, which polarized & convulsed France from 1894-1906, shows how Rothschild fabricated “antisemitism” to destabilize Christian nations and convince Jews to emigrate to Palestine.  Edmund de Rothschild arranged for an innocent Jew, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, to be charged with spying.  This treason provoked French nationalists — especially […]

A Rushed EV Approach Will Undermine Our National Security

Authored by James Marks via RealClear Wire, Normally a new year brings a renewed focus on getting things done in Washington. But with Congress accomplishing little in 2023 and attentions now shifting to the November elections, it is more prudent than ever that the policy agenda of our nation’s leaders reflect what’s best for our […]

Inside the campaign to undermine DEI and Palestine solidarity at the University of Minnesota: an interview with Dr. Sima Shakhsari

Dr. Sima Shakhsari was interviewing to become the Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the University of Minnesota until comments on Gaza derailed their chances and ignited a pro-Israel hate campaign against them. Source

Could the war in Palestine potentially undermine the U.S.-Israeli strategic partnership?

Israel had convinced the U.S. that Palestine issue was no longer an obstacle to normalization. But October 7 shattered Israel’s image of military might, raising doubts about its abilities to protect U.S. strategic interests. Source

Regarding the United States’ desire to start a campaign to undermine the BRICS NDB

In recent months, the USA has stepped up efforts to discredit the New Development Bank (NDB), which, in addition to the five BRICS countries, includes Egypt, Bangladesh, and the UAE, while about 20 other countries are candidates to join. The reason for this activity on the part of Washington is simple and clear. The Americans […]

MP: ‘France’s mission schools undermine religious, national principles’

Moroccan MP Hanan Aterkin has accused French mission schools in Morocco of undermining religious and national principles in the country, Anadolu Agency reported on Friday. The Authenticity and Modernity Party's MP addressed this in a letter to Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita on Thursday. "Some of the French mission schools in Morocco have started to teach actions and behaviours […]

The Globalists’ Secret Tool to Undermine National Sovereignty: The Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)

The latent multinational corporate state technocracy has gifted itself a secret tool, little discussed in electoral politics: the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). Source

ACH (1994) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of How To Undermine The New World Disorder

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1994) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of How To Undermine The New World Disorder Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on December 8 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show […]

Ben & Jerry’s sues parent company, says West Bank sales undermine its ‘social integrity’

Ben & Jerry’s has now sued its parent company Unilever to try to stop it from facilitating sales of ice cream in the occupied West Bank. Unilever’s move to continue sales there undermines the “social integrity Ben & Jerry’s has spent decades building.” According to the company its board voted 5-2 to sue Unilever. Source

Bolsonaro Intensifies Push For Military Support As He Plots To Undermine Brazil’s Election

Far-right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said he would pick retired general Walter Braga Netto as his running mate in October’s election. Source

US is Actively Trying to Undermine Iran

Iran has been living under US and EU sanctions for over four decades now. Over time, foreign food left the country, with the Danish and Dutch milk, English teas and cereals, coffee, and Swiss chocolate familiar to Iranians in the past having disappeared from store shelves. But there was no famine, as Iranian farmers did […]

Report: Israel is launching campaign to undermine UN’s Gaza investigation

According to a classified cable, Israel’s government is launching a campaign to discredit a United Nations commission investigating the country’s 2021 attack on Gaza. The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) voted to establish the Commission of Inquiry (COI) last May. Axios‘ Barak Ravid reports that Israel’s Foreign Ministry sent a cable, to all the country’s […]

Hezbollah Official: Only Fools Assume Siege, Sanctions Will Undermine Resistance

Dec 06, 2021 By Staff, Agencies The head of Hezbollah Executive Council His Eminence Sayyed Hashem Saffiedine said certain parties that believe they can undermine the Resistance by siege and sanctions are “stupid.” “If some people imagine that that can weaken this resistance by siege, elections or sanctions, then I tell them: You are stupid, […]

Hillary Clinton Warns Crypto Can ‘Destabilize Nations’ And ‘Undermine Dollar As Reserve Currency’

During a panel discussion at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum on Friday in Singapore, Clinton rattled off a list of technology-driven “asymmetric power centers” that threaten governments, including ‘disinformation, artificial intelligence, and the rise of cryptocurrency,’ according to Bloomberg. “One more area that I hope nation-states start paying greater attention to is the rise of […]

AUKUS and Myanmar Undermine ASEAN Unity

In fact, and as has been repeatedly noted in the NEO, the situation is worsening in South-East Asia, a key region for the global political process today, all ten countries of which form ASEAN. This deterioration comes from the degrading relations between the two global powers, the USA and China. The field of tensions created by […]

Israel Seeks To Undermine Iran-IAEA Agreement, Preventing Peace

Iran and the United Nation’s atomic-energy watchdog reached a surprise agreement this Sunday following a snap visit by the IAEA to Tehran. This agreement is, however, being quickly overshadowed by allegations from Israeli officials over Iranian offensive actions, regionally, and fear mongering concerning nuclear enrichment. One of the greatest obstacles to an Iran-US re-establishment of […]

Western Powers Undermine Haiti, Venezuela Shows Solidarity

Above photo: Former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez raises his fist. On August 14, Haiti was devastated by a magnitude 7.2 earthquake originating from the southern Tiburon Peninsula, 150 kilometres from the capital, Port-au-Prince.  World leaders issued statements of solidarity, international charities began encouraging donations, and the United Nations started organizing emergency aid funds to assist […]

Mary Trump: GOP Voting Laws Goal to ‘Undermine Democracy,’ Get Trump Reelected

Former President Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump said Friday on MSNBC’s “All In” that Republicans are passing voting laws in state legislatures in an attempt to get her uncle reelected in 2024. Guest anchor Mehdi Hasan said, “How much does he believe he won the election, because people have convinced him to believe these mad […]

How to Undermine a Diplomatic Triumph

26 July 2021 by Lawrence Davidson Part I—The Backstory The true status of current negotiations to reinstate the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran is unknown to the American public—most of whom are tragically indifferent to the outcome. This is so even though the successful negotiation of this deal with Iran back in […]

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