Posts Tagged ‘preventing’

Passing the national security supplemental is about preventing war with China 

This national security supplemental is not just about Ukraine, Taiwan or any one democracy. It’s about deterring future conflict.   Source

What Powerful Force Is Preventing the United States from Defending its Borders?

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Lavrov: US preventing establishment of Palestinian state

The United States is doing everything it can to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. He added that full normalisation in the Middle East could not be achieved without resolving the main issue, which is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, based on United […]

Turkiye calls for preventing ‘heinous acts’ that target Islam

Turkiye's National Security Council on Wednesday called for preventing the acts that target Islam under the "guise of freedom of expression.", reports Anadolu Agency. The council said that states that do not fulfil their responsibilities in preventing "heinous acts" that are described as hate crimes by the UN and offend nearly 2 billion Muslims are asked […]

Hezbollah Military Activities on Lebanon Borders Preventing Israelis from Sleeping: Zionist Circles

July 17, 2023 The short film produced by the War Media Department of the Islamic Resistance to simulate a raid on an Israeli military site near Lebanon border has raised the Zionists’ concerns about the confrontation with Hezbollah. Israeli analysts continued discussing the dilemma facing ‘Israel’ on the northern borders with Lebanon, amid the Lebanese […]

A Therapist’s Guide to Preventing Chronic Knee Pain

In this series, “Easy Exercises to Combat Chronic Pain,” occupational therapist Kevin Shelley focuses on common issues associated with chronic pain and simple exercises to strengthen weak muscles and enhance joint mobility, with the goal of helping you become pain-free. Chronic knee pain afflicts millions of people and is the second leading cause of pain in […]

The US is preventing the civil conflict in Myanmar from being resolved

Myanmar has always been a crossroads of migration routes and trade routes. Indochina as a whole is one of the most favorable places for the development of homo sapiens, therefore, since ancient times, many often not very close ethnic groups have lived on the territory of the country. It is not surprising that by present […]

Are Fibrinolytics Key to Preventing Clogged Arteries?

Are Fibrinolytics Key to Preventing Clogged Arteries? by Dr. Joseph Mercola April 15, 2023   Story-at-a-Glance Lumbrokinase, serrapeptase and nattokinase are proteolytic enzymes that act as natural anticoagulants by breaking down fibrin that forms blood clots Fibrinolytic enzymes are antihypertensive, anti-atherosclerotic, lipid-lowering and anti-platelet agents, which also have neuroprotective effects Nattokinase at a dose of […]

Michele Bachmann Claims a ‘Fog of Delusion’ Is Preventing Americans From Realizing the 2022 Elections Were Rigged

On election night in 2020, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann boldly declared that conservative Christians had no reason to worry about the outcome because God had “sealed this election in the heavenlies,” ensuring that former President Donald Trump would be easily reelected. When Trump lost, Bachmann, like so many others in the MAGA movement, refused to […]


October 12th, 2022 He’s speaking of the legality of the vaccine; all of their contracts with countries have to do with evading prosecution because of the potential side effects. _______________________________ A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next […]

Preventing ‘Unvaxxed’ Novak Djokovic From Playing The US Open Is An Outrageous Embarrassment

By QTR’s Fringe Finance Novak Djokovic, a 21-time Grand Slam champion, is being robbed of the opportunity to further his legacy in the world of tennis, simply because he isn’t vaccinated. He announced on Twitter yesterday that he would not be able to travel to the U.S. for the U.S. Open due to travel restrictions […]

Preventing ‘Unvaxxed’ Novak Djokovic From Playing The US Open Is An Outrageous Embarrassment

By QTR’s Fringe Finance Novak Djokovic, a 21-time Grand Slam champion, is being robbed of the opportunity to further his legacy in the world of tennis, simply because he isn’t vaccinated. He announced on Twitter yesterday that he would not be able to travel to the U.S. for the U.S. Open due to travel restrictions […]

TWITTER LITTER is Committing Mass Murder By Preventing People From Learning The Truth About Ivermectin

Mass Murder is a hanging offense. It is a PROVEN FACT, not one “government” or “heath agency” in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD can or will provide a scientifically identified, isolated, reproducible stand alone sample of a “SARS-Cov-02 Virus”. Thats a fact jack! It is also proven FACT the so called “COVID vaccines” are not vaccines, […]

Preventing Psychopaths from Getting Into Positions of Power

Despite a growing resurgence of interest in the science and psychology of narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths it seems as though society today has lost track of how these people can sabotage the core fabric of a civilization or nation. It is very easy to hyper-focus on collectivist ideologies as the source of our problems and […]

No Army Veteran Dares To Publish How Rulers ‘Ambushed’ Indian Army From Preventing 1984 Sikh Genocide

I salute the veterans who recently dared to write to the President and Prime Minister of India regarding “open call of the genocide of Indian Muslims”; their letter also mentions targeting of other minorities like Christians, Dalits and Sikhs. These brave soldiers and other eminent personalities have written exactly what needed to be said to […]

Covid vaccinations ‘not sufficient’ in preventing Delta variant spread, almost equal to unvaccinated – UK study

30 Oct, 2021 ©  Andrew Milligan Follow RT on A new study has found that though Covid-19 vaccinations lower the chance of hospitalization and death in the case of infections, those inoculated can spread the Delta variant as easily as those not. Researchers looked at over 600 people in the UK over the course of […]

MP Raad: US Ambassador to Lebanon Preventing Removal of Judicial Investigator into Beirut Blast Tarek Bitar

Posted on October 26, 2021 by uprootedpalestinians  October 25, 2021 Head of “Loyalty to the Resistance” bloc, MP Mohammad Raad, on Monday indicated that the US ambassador to Lebanon has been preventing the removal of the judicial investigator into Beirut blast, Tarek Bitar. Al-Bitar had issued arrest warrants against officials as well as military figures […]

Israel Seeks To Undermine Iran-IAEA Agreement, Preventing Peace

Iran and the United Nation’s atomic-energy watchdog reached a surprise agreement this Sunday following a snap visit by the IAEA to Tehran. This agreement is, however, being quickly overshadowed by allegations from Israeli officials over Iranian offensive actions, regionally, and fear mongering concerning nuclear enrichment. One of the greatest obstacles to an Iran-US re-establishment of […]

German president says fighting climate change key to preventing floods

Germany’s president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, said that fighting climate change is the only way of preventing natural disasters like the floods that devastated Europe this week. Steinmeier said he had spoken to regional leaders in the areas of Germany most badly affected by the flooding, and that they had described “harrowing” conditions on the ground. Across […]

Preventing A Return To Normal Amidst The Current Catastrophe

Above Photo: PaulWong / Author A.M. Gittlitz reflects on the legacy of Argentine Trotskyist J. Posadas, its relevance for revolutionary politics today and for a cosmic socialism tomorrow. Towards the beginning of our most recent global catastrophe, writer A.M. Gittlitz published I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs and Apocalypse Communism, the result of his years-long research […]

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