Posts Tagged ‘unvaxxed’

Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed and UnVaxxed

by Greg Reese For decades, Ray Kurzweil has been an unofficial spokesman for the trans-humanist movement. And in 2008 he said that humans would become infused with nano-robots which would vastly improve the human body. Ray Kurzweil: If you go out even to 2045, that’s only, you know, four decades from now, most of our […]

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Who Called the Unvaxxed ‘Schmucks,’ Has Pacemaker Installed After 3 Open Heart Surgeries

Hollywood veteran Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of the most outspoken pro-vaccine advocates during the Covid-19 pandemic, regularly taking to social media to hurl insults at the unvaccinated. According to Schwarzenegger, those who chose to exercise their constitutional right and refuse the jab were “schmucks” who could “go f*ck themselves.” BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to […]

Excuse me. Is the blood transfusion vaxxed or unvaxxed?

American Red Cross employee revealed that donated blood isn’t filtered by COVID-19 vaccination status, potentially mixing vaccinated and unvaccinated donations. “…situations where you may be in a car accident or something, you need blood right away, there is a possibility that you’ll be getting vaccinated blood…the blood isn’t separated depending on if you are vaccinated or […]

United Airlines SUED over harassment and bullying of unvaxxed employees instigated by WOKE CEO Scott Kirby

(NaturalNews) Employees of United Airlines are suing the company for harassing and bullying its unvaccinated managers and co-workers during the Wuhan coronavirus… Source

U.S. Army Begs Soldiers They Kicked Out For Being Unvaxxed to Return

The US Army is desperate to find cannon fodder for Israel’s wars. Source

The “died suddenly” vax vs. unvaxxed statistics tell you everything you need to know

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Vaxxed Vs Unvaxxed Deaths In England YTD 2023 (Video)

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Wealthy demand unvaxxed pilots

By Sally Beck August 29, 2023 PILOT deaths are in the news again as three more have ‘died suddenly’ this month. IndiGo Captain Manoj Subramanyam, 40, suffered a cardiac arrest boarding at the gate at Nagpur airport. He died on his way to hospital. Qatar airlines lost a ‘very fit’ senior pilot aged 51 who died while travelling as a […]

Horrifying Discovery In Unvaxxed Blood – Dr. Ana Mihalcea

SGT Report – August 1st, 2023 Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA call 877-646-5347Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^ Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins me to present her research which I personally find horrifying. Ana presents her findings of unvaccinated blood with Darkfield Microscopy and her experiments with Clifford Carnicom on human blood finding […]

Spiked Proteins Given Off By Vaxxed Can Be Inhaled By Unvaxxed Source

Medical profession implements WHO digital diagnosis code for the unvaxxed

Jan 25 2023 Doctors will be ‘incentivized’ by the government to start asking more questions about your vax status A set of international codes are used by the medical industry for billing purposes under Medicare-Medicaid and the private insurance companies, but it’s not just about billing. These codes are part of the International Classification of […]

Technocrats-At-Work: Medical Profession Implements WHO’s Digital Diagnosis Code For The Unvaxxed

When you make your next visit to a medical facility, for any reason, you will be asked if you took the “vaccine” and boosters. Your answer will be coded on the spot and the data uploaded to the all-seeing medical cloud. Technocrats lust for data like this. They also lust for opportunities to practice their […]

Swiss Organization to Provide People With SAFE Blood Transfusions From UNVAXXED Purebloods

Swiss Organization to Provide People With SAFE Blood Transfusions From UNVAXXED Purebloods Date: January 7, 2023Author: Nwo Report Members also urged to ‘make themselves available as blood donors’ for other people looking for unvaccinated blood transfusions Posted BY: Arsenio Toledo | Natural News An organization in Switzerland called Safe Blood Donation has been set up […]

Well they did it! New Zealand took away that baby because parents wanted unvaxxed blood for transfusion.

December 7, 2022 Hospital Medically Kidnaps Baby Because Parents Wanted Unvaccinated Blood Supplied by Their Donors by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News A court decision in New Zealand today allowed a hospital to take custody of a 4-month-old baby simply because the parents wanted the hospital to use blood from their own donors who have […]

Adam Laxalt: ‘Wokeness Infecting Military is Dangerous,’ Unvaxxed Service Members Must Be Reinstated  

The seeping of far-left ideology into the military is a threat to national security, Republican Nevada U.S. Senate candidate Adam Laxalt said.

Preventing ‘Unvaxxed’ Novak Djokovic From Playing The US Open Is An Outrageous Embarrassment

By QTR’s Fringe Finance Novak Djokovic, a 21-time Grand Slam champion, is being robbed of the opportunity to further his legacy in the world of tennis, simply because he isn’t vaccinated. He announced on Twitter yesterday that he would not be able to travel to the U.S. for the U.S. Open due to travel restrictions […]

Preventing ‘Unvaxxed’ Novak Djokovic From Playing The US Open Is An Outrageous Embarrassment

By QTR’s Fringe Finance Novak Djokovic, a 21-time Grand Slam champion, is being robbed of the opportunity to further his legacy in the world of tennis, simply because he isn’t vaccinated. He announced on Twitter yesterday that he would not be able to travel to the U.S. for the U.S. Open due to travel restrictions […]

The Heroism of the Unvaxxed

  Australian nurse, as reported by Del Bigtree: (cut and paste) American nurse:   Vaxxed nurse commends the Unvaxxed who were right all along (   Stay healthy…DON’T GET VAXXED!       The post The Heroism of the Unvaxxed appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Unvaxxed Australians can’t leave the country because of a WHO treaty

As Senator Rennick says: “I cannot for the life of me see the health risks in an unvaccinated person leaving the country.” Paul Kelly, Australia’s Chief Medical Officer explained that it was due to Australia’s International Health Obligations. That’s an international treaty we signed because we’re a member of the WHO. As far as a quick search […]

Quebec to Heavily Tax the Unvaxxed

Quebec to Heavily Tax the Unvaxxed Date: January 13, 2022Author: Nwo Report  Source: Cristina LailaThe Canadian province of Quebec will heavily tax the unvaccinated.Premier Francois Legault on Tuesday said the unvaccinated will be taxed, however the fee has not been decided.The tax will be “significant” the premier said.“I think right now it’s a question of […]

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