Posts Tagged ‘called’

Game Over: Butler Town Manager Says Police on Ladder Called in Armed-Man-on-Roof Alarm, Trump Left Standing by Secret Service

So the local police did their job after all and called in armed-man-on-roof, right after one cop fell back from a ladder when the shooter aimed at him. On “blanket tactical channel” heard by Secret Service. Still the Secret Service nearest the stage do not whisk Trump away and the snipers on the roof hold […]

When Yeshua (Jesus) Called Em SHEEP, That Was Not A Term of Endearment!

Zionist (Evangelical) “Christians” just can not wait to vote for Trump. He supports the evil of Israel the Zionist Zombie Virus “christians” are indoctrinated from birth to worship as a god. You “christians do know what Jesus said to do with a pedophile don’t you? Not damn well vote for one and have sexual orgasms […]

Mommy May We Play A Pretend Game Called Voting For A President

Abraham Lincoln in 1861 KILLED the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union & Constitution and installing in it’s place a Soviet Styled Marxist Mandatory Military Dictatorship thinly disguised as a constitutional republic. 1938 red Russian Commie USA presidential Convention, where Lincoln was recognized as the Father of American zionism/Communism. In 1871 Lincoln’s Marxist dictatorship Incorporated. The UNITED […]

Robert De Niro Called “Pedophile” Outside Trump Trial in Manhattan

This is a mashup of the secret history of Robert De Niro, who has hob-nobbed with all of the major Hollywood pedophiles, including Roman Polanski, Harvey Weinstein, Peter Nygård and P Diddy and some of the unfortunate statements he made in front of New York courthouse, outside Trump’s “Hush Money” trial on Tuesday. It is […]

Iran’s President Raisi joined BRICS, called to drop US dollar, pushed for multipolar world

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash, sought to unite the Global South against Western imperialism. He joined BRICS, advocated de-dollarization, supported Palestine, promoted a “Look East” strategy toward China and Russia, and allied with Africa and Latin America. Source

Jerry Seinfeld called out for supporting Israeli genocide in Gaza

(NaturalNews) Comedian Jerry Seinfeld was booed off the stage by several dozen protesters at Duke University’s commencement ceremony after students in support of… Source

BEWARE! They are now called the “Unsafe Skies” by the pilots who fly them.

READ HERE: American Air Pilots Cite ‘Significant’ Jump in Safety Issues   Source

International Health Regulation amendments and the so-called “Pandemic Treaty.”

rON I just wanted to remind you about the current power grab taking place in April/May and June this year in Geneva by the WHO and their “partners”. The International Health Regulation amendments and the so-called “Pandemic Treaty.” Here are … Read the rest Source

Ex MI6 Chief Says Brits Must Be Prepared To Be Called Up To Defend Their Country

Brits should be prepared to be called up to fight for their country, according to former MI6 chief Sir Alex Younger. Younger said Britons had been ‘infantilised’ since the end of the Cold War and the Government should consider having the power to ‘compel’ people to serve. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered […]

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Who Called the Unvaxxed ‘Schmucks,’ Has Pacemaker Installed After 3 Open Heart Surgeries

Hollywood veteran Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of the most outspoken pro-vaccine advocates during the Covid-19 pandemic, regularly taking to social media to hurl insults at the unvaccinated. According to Schwarzenegger, those who chose to exercise their constitutional right and refuse the jab were “schmucks” who could “go f*ck themselves.” BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to […]

Trump Campaign Makes Fun of Biden’s Tumbles In New Video Called ‘Not A Young Guy’

Last Updated on March 10, 2024 President Donald J. Trump’s campaign has released a new ad called “Not A Young Guy,” which is based on a Joe Biden quote about himself. Democrat Joe Biden is known for unintentional slapstick incidents on the world stage, having fallen in public on multiple occasions. President Trump is leading […]

Congress Quietly Passed a Bill Last Summer Called ‘Disease X Act’ – Media Blackout

In June 2023, the U.S. Congress quietly passed a new bill called House Resolution 3832, also known as the Disease X Act of 2023, that references a deadly pandemic that is coincidentally the subject of […] The post Congress Quietly Passed a Bill Last Summer Called ‘Disease X Act’ – Media Blackout appeared first on […]

The Israeli-Created Monster Called Hamas Has Turned Against Its Master

  Scott Ritter delivers a devastating analysis Netanyahu’s failed Gaza war.   Politicians are grower bolder against Kikestan!   Obadiah’s prophecy against Edom is coming to pass! The post The Israeli-Created Monster Called Hamas Has Turned Against Its Master appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

New FOIA’ed Data Reveal NY Vaccine Clinics Called Ambulances to be “On Standby”

Right before the recent Christmas holiday, I received a call from a friend and colleague named Louis Conte regarding a “contact” of his with knowledge of the inner workings of Emergency Medical Services in Westchester County, New York. Louis’s contact had been monitoring EMS dispatches in Westchester County and saw, subsequent to the jab rollout […]

Israel’s AI called Gospel Causes Havoc Among Civilians in Gaza

    To purportedly help minimize the number of civilian casualties in Gaza, Israel has deployed an artificial intelligence (AI) weapon ironically called “Gospel” that supposedly uses robots to select military targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. Experts warn, however, that Israel’s Gospel is a lie, and that its AI system has actually created […]

Israel’s AI targeting program called “Gospel” has created an “assassination factory” in Gaza, warn experts

Israel’s AI targeting program called “Gospel” has created an “assassination factory” in Gaza, warn experts To purportedly help minimize the number of civilian casualties in Gaza, Israel has deployed an artificial intelligence (AI) weapon ironically called “Gospel” that supposedly uses robots to select military targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. Experts warn, however, that […]

NYPD Called After Mob Of ‘Radicalized’ Students Storm High School To Protest Pro-Israel Teacher

Hundreds of students protesting the Israeli government formed into a threatening mob last week, rampaging through the halls of a Queens high school for nearly two hours after they discovered one of the teachers had attended a pro-Israel rally. Around 11 a.m. Monday at Hillcrest High School in Jamaica, Queens, students gathered for a protest […]

Called It

[embedded content] Bill Maher says it’s “great” white Brits are now a minority in London, but when it comes to Israel, his views on diversity differ. Please share this video! SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet ——————————————————————————————————————— Brand new merch now available! Get it at ALERT! In the age of mass […]

Donald Trump Called on ‘Democrat Operative’ Judge in New York Fraud Case to Be ‘Disbarred’

Former President Donald Trump said New York judge Arthur Engoron, the presiding judge over New York Attorney General Letitia James’ civil fraud case against the former president, is a “democrat operative” and called on him to be “disbarred.” Source

NWO (so-called) ‘Elite’ Have Controlled New Zealand since 1960s

Note: they are NOT elite. Long before our contemporaries, NZ school teacher Barry Smith traveled for three decades from the 1970s, firstly NZ wide, then world wide, lecturing from his research into these parasitic people who want a one world dictatorship, waking people and linking to the Biblical prophecies regarding end times. Of course he […]

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