Posts Tagged ‘passed’

‘The 401(k) industry owns Congress’: How lawmakers quietly passed a $300 billion windfall to the wealthy

Five months before Congress faced a near-catastrophic standoff over the debt ceiling, with Republicans demanding restrictions to food and Medicaid programs to rein in spending, a bill that raised the cost of private retirement savings accounts to $282 billion per year was quietly signed into law. In this era of deeply divided politics, the 2022 […]

Schumer Threatens To Send US Troops To Fight Russia Or Iran If Border Bill Isn’t Passed

Senate Leader Schumer has just warned that US soldiers could be sent to fight Russia or Iran If Congress doesn’t pass the border bill that he and other RINO senators proposed. During Monday’s Morning Joe […] The post Schumer Threatens To Send US Troops To Fight Russia Or Iran If Border Bill Isn’t Passed appeared […]

Elon Musk Blasts Biden’s Push For Border Deal: “No Laws Need To Be Passed”

Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), X (formerly Twitter) CEO Elon Musk leaves a US Senate bipartisan Artificial Intelligence (AI) Insight Forum at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, on September 13, 2023. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images) President Joe Biden’s call for a bipartisan Senate deal to tackle the border […]

A few weeks have passed since the Chabad tunnel scandal broke headlines and no Questions Answered

For some reason, any and all questions about the recent discovery of illegal tunnels burrowed underneath the global headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch sect of Judaism in New York City’s Crown Heights are racist, according to the corporate media. Digging the types of tunnels that were discovered is not only illegal without the proper permits, but […]

Congress Quietly Passed a Bill Last Summer Called ‘Disease X Act’ – Media Blackout

In June 2023, the U.S. Congress quietly passed a new bill called House Resolution 3832, also known as the Disease X Act of 2023, that references a deadly pandemic that is coincidentally the subject of […] The post Congress Quietly Passed a Bill Last Summer Called ‘Disease X Act’ – Media Blackout appeared first on […]

A few weeks have passed since the Chabad tunnel scandal broke headlines, and all questions about it are being called “antisemitic”

When you kill a baby raper, they never rape and destroy another child’s life. The Jew cult’s “religious” writings approves of raping little girls till they are 3 years and 1 day old. The Jew cult’s religious writings approves of raping little boys up the ass till they are 9 years old. The Jews have […]

50 Texas counties have now passed resolutions declaring an INVASION

(NaturalNews) Fifty counties in Texas have now passed resolutions declaring that the United States is being invaded.The latest to do so are the judges and… Source

6 Months Passed Poor Dog Only Knew How to Drink Rain Water to Try to Live, Now He Is Like a Dry Leaf

6 Months Passed Poor Dog Only Knew How to Drink Rain Water to Try to Live, Now He Is Like a Dry Leaf This is a poor dog, we just picked him up from a cruel owner. This heartless boss imprisoned him for 6 months, he did not receive any food. The dog only drinks […]

House Quietly Passed Resolution That Suggests Dragging Americans into a War Against Iran For IsraHell’s Benefit

Look how closely those Iranians put their country to US/DC Military Bases! Trying to start trouble, those Iranians! How Dare They? Source

Biden Wants Sanctions for Uganda Because Its Government Passed Anti-LGBT Laws

    In an excellent display of how US foreign policy can be used as a means of pandering to domestic interest groups, the Biden administration has threatened to impose sanctions on Uganda as punishment for that regime’s adoption of new laws criminalizing some types of homosexual behavior. While it is abundantly clear that this […]

Proposed law to ban criticising Russian ‘volunteer groups’ in Ukraine passed by Duma

The State Duma, Russia’s lower house, approved a bill which would punish anyone found spreading false information or “discrediting” volunteer groups fighting in Ukraine with up to 15 years in prison. The amendment, which still needs to be approved by Russia’s upper house and President Putin, builds on Moscow’s existing laws, passed a year ago, which were […]

The Senate has unanimously passed a bill to declass all U.S. intelligence on the origins of COVID 19

Mar 1st 2023 Patrick Henningson absolutely NAILING Robert Malone here. There was no lab leak because SARS COV2 isn’t real! Covid was a FAKE pandemic where the flu etc was rebranded via false PCR tests. The China GARBAGE is to make people want to go to war with China which is the neocon dream. _______________________________ […]

To get NDAA passed, Congress agrees – maybe – to strip U.S. military of power to mandate covid jabs

(Natural News) The Democrats have caved. According to a Fox News report, congressional Democrats are planning to include new language in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) repealing the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandate for all troops in the United States military. Even though most of them have already been forcibly jabbed – and those […]

Survivors of Black Death Passed on Genetic Risk to Autoimmune Disease

We may have a lot more to thank (or curse) our ancestors for than we realize. When the Black Death or the bubonic plague swept through Europe 700 years ago, it literally killed 50% of the population. A fabulous new study which analyzed the DNA of these medieval skeletons from the 1300s has found certain […]

Chips and Science Act passed in the US

The adoption of the so-called “Chips Act” in the USA in August of this year, with the addition of the word “science” in the title (not accidentally, as will be discussed below), is an extremely noteworthy event from many different perspectives. And, perhaps most of all, from a political perspective. It is from this latter perspective that […]

New York Supreme Court Strikes Down Dem-Passed Law Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote


On this day in 1056 AD, Byzantine Empress Theodora passed away

On this day, August 31, in 1056 AD, Byzantine Empress Theodora Porphyrogenita died. Theodora was the youngest daughter of Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII and Empress Helena, born in 980 AD. “Born in purple” (a term that refers to babies born during the reign of their parent) with strong, ambitious traits, Theodora at the age of […]

UK “Passed Debt And Death Sentence On Millions” By Increasing Energy Price Cap By 80%

The 80% rise in the U.K.’s cap for consumer electricity and natural gas bills this fall will drive millions of households into energy poverty this winter as the worsening cost-of-living crisis stokes fears of recession.

Iconic Greek Pop Singer Dakis Passed Away

Iconic Greek pop singer Dakis has passed away at the age of 78, Loukila Carrer Plessa confirmed Sunday morning on Twitter. Read the full story on

Deeper Analysis: Trump Transition Data Was Passed To The CIA

BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, FEB 22, 2022 Authored by Techno Fog via The Reactionary, Last week, we documented Special Counsel John Durham’s motion discussing the potential conflicts of interest of Michael Sussmann’s attorneys. That filing was important for a number of reasons, mainly because Durham stated that Sussmann’s client, Rodney Joffe (a federal contractor with access to “sensitive” data) […]

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