Posts Tagged ‘dragging’

Hunter Biden Caught ‘Assaulting and Dragging’ Young Girl Into Hotel Room in Leaked Security Camera Footage

Hunter Biden appears to assault and drag a young woman back to a hotel room in leaked hotel security camera footage which has gone viral on social media. In a video which many viewers are comparing to the notorious P. Diddy video in which he viciously assaulted his ex-girlfriend Cassie, Biden appears to chase the […]

Is Israel Dragging Biden Into War With Iran, How Close Are We?

Despite the rhetoric coming from Washington, which suggests its opposition to a direct confrontation with the Islamic Republic of Iran and its allies throughout the region, the actions taken by the Biden administration tell another story. Although it does not appear that the US seeks a direct confrontation with Iran, the role it is playing […]

Cruise Exec Omitted Pedestrian Dragging In Summary of Self-Driving Car Incident to California DMV, Email Shows

Moveable explores the future of transportation, infrastructure, energy, and cities. A senior Cruise executive didn’t mention that one of his company’s self-driving cars dragged a pedestrian 20 feet in a summary sent to the director of the California Department of Motor Vehicles the morning after the October 2 incident, an email obtained by Motherboard shows.  […]

House Quietly Passed Resolution That Suggests Dragging Americans into a War Against Iran For IsraHell’s Benefit

Look how closely those Iranians put their country to US/DC Military Bases! Trying to start trouble, those Iranians! How Dare They? Source

Video Shows Black Man Hog-Tying, Dragging Elderly Man, Beating Him With a Crowbar at Houston Car Dealership

Police are looking for an African American man who brutally beat an elderly man with a crowbar and held him at gunpoint in Houston before robbing him. CCTV footage provided by the Houston Police Department shows horrific footage of the incident as it unfolded: You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our […]

Colonel Says Israel Is Dragging the United States Into World War III

By Darius Shahtahmasebi Israel is in the process of plunging America into a war with Iran that could destroy what’s left of the Middle East and ignite a third world war, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, warned in Washington approximately a week ago. Wilkerson, a retired army colonel who […]

Belarusian PM against foot dragging in the Eurasian Economic Union

nsnbc : Belarusian Prime Minister Andrei Kobyakov, during a session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in Yerevan, Armenia on 25 October, stressed that Belarus […]

Two Officers Are Fired for Dragging Doctor Off a United Flight

Three of the Chicago law enforcement officers involved in dragging a Louisville doctor off a United Airlines’ flight in April are no longer on the job, officials revealed Tuesday. Chicago’s Inspector General Joseph Ferguson said an officer and an Aviation Security sergeant were fired, a third officer resigned and another received a five-day suspension — […]

Riyadh seeks dragging Washington in Yemen war

Alwaght– Since March 26, 2015 that the newly-ascended King Salman of Saudi Arabia launched a deadly aggression against the neighboring Yemen with the dream that soon he could defeat Yemen’s revolutionary forces, led by Ansarullah movement, and restore to power the resigned president of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, who is largely loyal to Riyadh, the […]

Small Town Must Pay $1 Million for Cop Slamming Woman Into Concrete

The latest lawsuit to be settled against a former cop accused of police brutality, brings the total amount paid out to his victims to over a million dollars. Carmen Colon was an employee of the Lawnside Borough, New Jersey and had at least three federal lawsuits against her. In […]

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