Posts Tagged ‘belarusian’

Putin’s ally Belarusian president is in Beijing on a three-day trip

Putin’s ally Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko to meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping after Beijing released it’s 12-point peace plan on Moscow’s war in Ukraine Source

Nations Oppose Russian, Belarusian Participation In Olympics: Letter

The governments of more than 30 nations signed a letter calling on the IOC to clarify the definition of “neutrality.” Source

Ukraine conflict will be over soon – Belarusian president


Ukraine conflict will be over soon – Belarusian president


Christian radio listeners respond to Gospel amid Belarusian president’s threat of nuclear war

Photo Credit: Zdenek Fekar/Pixabay Belarus (Mission Network News) — Tensions heighten in the Ukraine war as Russian ally Belarus says its warplanes can now carry nukes. On Friday, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko spoke against a general threat from Western forces: “Everything was ready (referring to modifications made to Belarusian warplanes to carry nuclear weapons). It’s […]

Cologne calls on UEFA for Belarusian club ban

German football club Cologne demands the exclusion of Belarusian teams from European competitions because of the country’s support for Russia amid the ongoing war in Ukraine. Source

Hungary gives visa to Belarusian official expelled from Czech Republic

Hungary has admitted that it granted a special visa for a Belarusian official expelled from the Czech Republic. The Hungarian foreign ministry confirmed to Euronews it had been issued to Vladimir Bazanov, the president of the Belarusian football federation. Bazanov and his wife were reportedly detained by Czech authorities last week, accused of illegally entering […]

Hundreds of migrants try to force their way across the Polish-Belarusian border

Footage provided by the Polish ministry of the interior appears to show hundreds of migrants try to force their way across the Polish-Belarusian border with shovels and shears in Kuznica, while Belarusian soldiers look on. The Polish army, assisted by the police, spray tear gas. Source

Belarusian opposition leader says there is ‘no turning back’ in fight against Lukashenko

The transformation of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya from housewife to world statesperson — via an election in which she likely trounced longtime autocrat Alexander Lukashenko — reads like a Hollywood fairytale. But now a year into her new life, Tikhanovskaya insists she is living a nightmare. “Every day of the last year has been an unhappy one,” […]

Belarusian Activist Vitaly Shishov Found Dead In Ukrainian Park

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — A Belarusian activist who ran a group in Ukraine helping Belarusians fleeing persecution was found dead in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, local police said Tuesday. Vitaly Shishov, leader of the Kyiv-based Belarusian House in Ukraine, was found hanged in one of the city’s parks not far from his home, police said […]

Belarusian President Says jews Forced the World to “Kneel to Them” after the Holocaust

We are not being given a direct translation of the words spoken by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, so if someone knows Belarusian, please translate. Share now! Source

Belarusian President Claims The ‘Whole World Bows’ To The Jews Because Of The Holocaust

During a recent memorial service for Soviet soldiers who fell during World War II, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko claimed that the “whole world bows” to the Jews because of the Holocaust: “Jews were able to make the world remember [the Holocaust], and the whole world bows to them, being afraid of saying one wrong word […]

Demonstrations held against Belarusian President Lukashenko amid outrage over plane diversion

Protests erupted in several European cities on Saturday against an intensified crackdown on political opposition by the authoritarian state of Belarus. Demonstrators gathered in Warsaw, Poland to call for tougher sanctions on Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko and his regime. Among those present was Natalia Protasevich, the mother of Belarusian opposition journalist Roman Protasevich, who was […]

Demonstration in support of Belarusian opposition in front of European Commission’s Warsaw office

Several hundred people demonstrate in front of the EU Commission representation office in Warsaw in support of detained journalist Roman Protasevich. Protasevich was detained by Belarus authorities on Sunday after a Ryanair flight from Greece to Lithuania had been diverted to Minsk due to an alleged bomb threat. The blogger is a co-founder of the […]

German FM pledges to Sponsor Belarusian Opposition to Topple Government

    This is basically a declaration of war…… but no meddling here, nothing to see here folks, move along! Germany has set aside €21 million ($25.3 million) as part of its new “action plan” aimed at supporting opponents of the Belarusian government, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has told an improvised pro-opposition online conference. Seemingly […]

Belarusian Leader Calls US Election a Hoax and a Travesty for Democracy

    America’s long-running and heavily disputed presidential election has made a mockery of democratic values, says Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, who himself is no stranger to wrangles over electoral legitimacy. Speaking on Saturday, Lukashenko, who has run Belarus since 1994, told reporters to “look at what’s going on with these elections. It is a […]

Who is Nina Baginskaya, the 73-year-old Belarusian protester that takes on riot police?

As the women of Belarus’ opposition take to the streets every Saturday in the wake of President Lukashenko’s disputed election victory, one protester has become a key figure within the movement. Nina Bahinskaya, 73, has been pictured at anti-government rallies since they kicked off, telling off police and at one point blocking one of the […]

Russian-Belarusian Relations: Back To Being Brothers?

16 AUGUST 2020 By Andrew Korybko American political analyst Several recent developments in Russian-Belarusian relations — in particular, Belarus’ return of 32 suspected Wagner mercenaries to Russia, Belarusian opposition leader Tsepkalo’s departure from Russia, and the two phone calls between Presidents Putin and Lukashenko — hint that bilateral ties might soon return to their formerly fraternal […]

Belarusian women call for an end to police violence

Protesters were back on the streets of the Belarus capital Minsk on Thursday, demonstrating for the fifth day in a row against an election they claim was rigged. In one area of Minsk, women carried flowers and formed a “line of solidarity” along a busy road in a peaceful protest. Thousands of people have rallied […]

Photos: President Rouhani meets Belarusian counterpart on the sidelines of SCO summit Iranian President Hassan Rouhani meets Belarusian counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko on the sidelines of SCO summit in China on Saturday.     Source Article from

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