Posts Tagged ‘gospel’

Brazilian gospel singer Pedro Henrique dies on stage; Turkish MP Hasan Bitmez dies mid-speech; Mexican TV’s Paulina Mercado has brain tumor; Italian actor Beppe Grillo hospitalized w/ “sudden illness”

From Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack Guatemalan pop star Ricardo Arjona, German TV journalist Dunja Hayali both retire; Piers Morgan tests positive for “Covid,” blames the un-jabbed; NZ actor Martin Henderson’s “scary” illness; more READ AT THE LINK RELATED Sudden Deaths: What Is Killing COVID-19 Vaccinated Men at 30-39? Check out our sister site […]

Israel’s AI called Gospel Causes Havoc Among Civilians in Gaza

    To purportedly help minimize the number of civilian casualties in Gaza, Israel has deployed an artificial intelligence (AI) weapon ironically called “Gospel” that supposedly uses robots to select military targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. Experts warn, however, that Israel’s Gospel is a lie, and that its AI system has actually created […]

Israel’s AI targeting program called “Gospel” has created an “assassination factory” in Gaza, warn experts

Israel’s AI targeting program called “Gospel” has created an “assassination factory” in Gaza, warn experts To purportedly help minimize the number of civilian casualties in Gaza, Israel has deployed an artificial intelligence (AI) weapon ironically called “Gospel” that supposedly uses robots to select military targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. Experts warn, however, that […]

The Gospel According to Paul: A Comprehensive Study of Paul’s Message in the ‘New Testament’

The New Testament of the Christian Bible is a collection of sacred texts that are central to the Christian faith. Within this compilation, the writings of the Apostle Paul stand out as a significant and profound contribution to the development of Christian theology and doctrine. Paul’s gospel, as articulated in his epistles and letters, plays […]

Archaeologists Discover Red Pens Gospel Writers Used To Write Words Of Christ

ISRAEL — Archaeologists, who are scientists who study old stuff, dug up an incredible find in the Holy Land earlier this week: a box of red pens purportedly used to write the words of Christ in the New Testament. The box of red pens was partially used, likely by Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, who […]

Christian radio listeners respond to Gospel amid Belarusian president’s threat of nuclear war

Photo Credit: Zdenek Fekar/Pixabay Belarus (Mission Network News) — Tensions heighten in the Ukraine war as Russian ally Belarus says its warplanes can now carry nukes. On Friday, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko spoke against a general threat from Western forces: “Everything was ready (referring to modifications made to Belarusian warplanes to carry nuclear weapons). It’s […]

Gospel challenges in Liberia deep, daunting

Photo Credit: blk24ga (Christian Aid Mission) — Whether facing jungle beasts or hostile followers of tribal religion, a native missionary in Liberia relies on God to protect him and other team members. The leader of a local ministry said he and co-workers proclaim Christ in cities and towns, but sometimes their commitment to bring God’s […]

American Museum returns gospel manuscript looted from Greek Orthodox monastery

The Museum of the Bible in Washington, has reportedly returned a handwritten gospel manuscript to the Greek Orthodox Church on Tuesday afternoon writes The New York Times. According to the news report,  the manuscript in question was looted from a Greek monastery during World War I. ‘The museum said that it transferred the artifact, which… […]

Gospel derails planned homicide in North Africa

North Africa (Christian Aid Mission/Mission Network News) — A young man receiving vocational training in North Africa was depressed and angry – and carrying a lethal weapon. Ahmed* was so heavy-hearted and sullen you could see it on his face the moment you looked at him, according to the leader of the local ministry offering […]

The Gospel v. supernatural evil in Vietnam

Photo Credit: Van Long Bui/Pixabay (Christian Aid Mission) — In a country where one tribe walks on burning coals to demonstrate the power of supernatural evil, two women at a church asked a visiting leader of a ministry based in Vietnam to pray for their deliverance from demonic attacks. When they lay in bed at […]

The Gospel Never Told Pt 32

The Conclusion and Summary of the series. Exposing the false gospel in the ‘churches’. Follow along:  The Gospel Never Told Listen/Download: BITCHUTE email me: [email protected] 2022 Calendars available soon! Contact Eli/Send $20 Donation to ANP 300 Commerce Pl #1016 Forsyth IL 62535 Be sure to leave your mailing address and state you want […]

The Gospel Never Told Pt 31

Revelation. Revealing the Gospel message in the Revelation. Exposing the false gospel in the ‘churches’. Follow along:  The Gospel Never Told Listen/Download: BITCHUTE email me: [email protected] 2022 Calendars available soon! Contact Eli/Send $20 Donation to ANP 300 Commerce Pl #1016 Forsyth IL 62535 Be sure to leave your mailing address and state you […]

The Gospel Never Told Pt 30

1Peter – 2Peter Revealing the Gospel message in Peter’s Epistles. Exposing the false gospel in the ‘churches’. Follow along:  The Gospel Never Told Listen/Download: BITCHUTE email me: [email protected] 2022 Calendars available soon! Contact Eli/Send $20 Donation to ANP 300 Commerce Pl #1016 Forsyth IL 62535 Be sure to leave your mailing address and […]

The Gospel Never Told Pt 25

Galatians. Revealing the Gospel message in Galatians. Follow along:  The Gospel Never Told Listen/Download: BITCHUTE email me: [email protected] Share this: Source

The Gospel Never Told Pt 24

2Corinthians 5:21. What a mess. We are learning what the Gospel is, and what it is not. Follow along:  The Gospel Never Told Listen/Download: BITCHUTE email me: [email protected] Share this: Source

The Gospel Never Told Pt 23

1Corinthians thru 2Corinthians 5:21. We are learning what the Gospel is, and what it is not. Follow along:  The Gospel Never Told Listen/Download: BITCHUTE email me: [email protected] Share this: Source

The Gospel Never Told Pt 22

Romans chapters 11-16. Short article by Arnold Kennedy. Continuing our series examining what the Gospel actually is. Follow along:  The Gospel Never Told Listen/Download: BITCHUTE email me: [email protected] Share this: Source

The Gospel Never Told Pt 21

Romans chapters 1-10. Continuing our series examining what the Gospel is. Follow along:  The Gospel Never Told Listen/Download: BITCHUTE email me: [email protected] Share this: Source

The Gospel Never Told Pt 20

The Book of Acts chapters 17-28. Short article by Arnold Kennedy. Acts details the transition between the Old Covenant and the Renewed Covenant. The ‘New Testament’ is the fulfilling of the prophecies found in the ‘Old Testament’ …with the AD descendants of the BC Israelites. The ‘Gentiles’, the ‘church’, the Jews, and the other races […]

The Gospel Never Told Pt 19

The Book of Acts chapters 8-17. The Gospel Message in the Book of Acts. Acts details the transition between the Old Covenant and the Renewed Covenant. The ‘New Testament’ is the fulfilling of the prophecies found in the ‘Old Testament’ …with the AD descendants of the BC Israelites. The ‘Gentiles’, the ‘church’, the Jews, and […]

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