Posts Tagged ‘comprehensive’


February 28th, 2024 Dr. Sherri Tenpenny reveals the comprehensive list of VACCINE INJURY MECHANISMS that explain all the injuries and deaths Register free at to watch the full Dr. Tenpenny’s 20+ Mechanisms of Injury stream – COVID-19 vaccine dangers with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. (0:00)– COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury. (0:50)– COVID vaccine injuries and mechanisms […]


DISCLAIMER: There are number of details within this excellent documentary that we do not support, however, this body of evidence spanning over 1000 years of both personal and court documents of FAKE JEW , “Jewish” Ritual Murder, is extremely compelling. May we add the author of this video has neglected to define these “JEWISH” perpetrators […]

Unraveling the knot: The Biden administration’s struggle for comprehensive student debt relief

A pivotal shift in the battle against student debt surfaces as the Biden administration grapples with the complexities of its cancellation plan. This renewed focus was sparked by a significant blow from the U.S. Supreme Court, which in June struck down President Joe Biden’s ambitious strategy to cancel up to $20,000 per federal borrower. Now, […]

Whistleblower claims U.S. and U.K. military contractors developed comprehensive global censorship plan in 2018

Whistleblower claims U.S. and U.K. military contractors developed comprehensive global censorship plan in 2018 A group of American and British military contractors formed a comprehensive plan for worldwide censorship five years ago whose effects can be felt today, according to a whistleblower. The whistleblower provided a slew of documents that are being compared to the […]

2023 Lancet Report on health and climate change: a critical call for comprehensive global action

Introduction The 2023 Lancet Countdown report, a pivotal document crafted by 114 scientists from 52 institutions worldwide, presents an urgent and comprehensive analysis of the escalating health crises due to climate change. This eighth iteration of the report underscores the critical need for global action, highlighting the urgent issues facing humanity due to the changing […]

A Comprehensive List of Food Companies and Products That Use Senomyx (Used Aborted Babies)

Updated: 5 nov 2023 A large number of major food and drink brands across The United States and the world have partnered with San Diego-based company “Senomyx” which has created a flavor enhancer using the cell lines of an electively aborted human being. I compiled a comprehensive list of the food brands using senomyx, for those […]

Senators Unveil Bipartisan Blueprint For Comprehensive AI Regulation

READ HERE: Two United States senators unveiled a bipartisan blueprint for artificial intelligence (AI) legislation on Friday, Sept. 8, as Congress intensifies its endeavors to regulate the emerging technology.   Source

The Top 10 Best Places To Live on Earth: A Comprehensive Analysis

Selecting the ideal place to call home is a decision of paramount importance, as it significantly influences one’s quality of life. This article presents a meticulously researched list of the ten best places to live on Earth, considering a myriad of factors such as economic stability, healthcare, education, safety, cultural vibrancy, and natural beauty. Whether […]

The Gospel According to Paul: A Comprehensive Study of Paul’s Message in the ‘New Testament’

The New Testament of the Christian Bible is a collection of sacred texts that are central to the Christian faith. Within this compilation, the writings of the Apostle Paul stand out as a significant and profound contribution to the development of Christian theology and doctrine. Paul’s gospel, as articulated in his epistles and letters, plays […]

Comprehensive study: There are ZERO Amish kids suffering from cancer, diabetes or autism

Comprehensive study: There are ZERO Amish kids suffering from cancer, diabetes or autism 07/07/2023 / By S.D. Wells The current population of Amish folks in America is quickly approaching 400,000, with the largest concentrations of 90,000 in Pennsylvania and 82,000 in Ohio. Amish have settled in as many as 32 US states, and have an average of […]

Comprehensive study: There are ZERO Amish kids suffering from cancer, diabetes or autism – WHY IS THAT?

Comprehensive study: There are ZERO Amish kids suffering from cancer, diabetes or autism – WHY IS THAT? The current population of Amish folks in America is quickly approaching 400,000, with the largest concentrations of 90,000 in Pennsylvania and 82,000 in Ohio. Amish have settled in as many as 32 US states, and have an average […]

Comprehensive List of Post-Vaccination Resources

Comprehensive List of Post-Vaccination Resources Posted on April 28, 2023 The Blogging Hounds This article is a collection of resources, worldwide, which aims to help those who have been injured by “vaccines,” suspect they or someone they know has been vaccine injured or are concerned they are at risk of vaccine injury.  Information in this […]

Physician’s Tomb Holds Comprehensive Set of Roman Medical Tools

Some two thousand years, an ancient Roman physician made a trip to Hungary, for unknown reasons, and now, archaeologists have found his tomb near Jászberény, a city located approximately 50 miles from Budapest. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Comprehensive, Unbiased Evaluation of Dam Impacts Can Help to Avoid Serious Mistakes

There has been an increasing, welcome trend in many parts of world for seeking a better, unbiased and more comprehensive understanding of real-life impacts of large dams. This is to a substantial part driven by the actual experience of several leading and highly publicized dam projects which turned out to be very different from the […]

RH – Comprehensive Report on Radiation Dangers

This website allows you to identify all the cell towers in your neighborhood.  Just plug n the address: The post RH – Comprehensive Report on Radiation Dangers appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Iran, Russia eye comprehensive cooperation

Iran, Russia eye comprehensive cooperation – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Iran and Russia took one step closer to finalizing a comprehensive document on long-term cooperation à la the one finalized between Tehran and Beijing. The presidents of Iran and Russia had an “in-depth” telephone conversation on Tuesday in which they discussed a number of issues ranging […]

Compelling Need for Comprehensive Inquiry Into U.P. Panchayati  Raj Elections

While violence, intimidation and other more obvious aspects of irregularities which marred the recently held three-month long Panchayati Raj (PR) elections in India’s most populous state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) are now widely known, there is still urgent need for a more formal and detailed inquiry into various worrying aspects of these elections. There are […]

Krauts informed us that they are planning and preparing a comprehensive cyberattack

[embedded content] On May 5, 2021, most provincial and territorial emergency management organizations will conduct public alerting tests in Canada. Why now? Trudeau government preparing for Germany’s next staged crisis. What is the next crisis, worse than COVID-19 that the World Economic Forum and Germany are planning to stage using Bill Gates’ Microsoft Windows 10 […]

China, Iran sign 25-year comprehensive strategic partnership deal

March 27, 2021 Crossposted from PressTV Video Player 00:0001:07 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif have signed a 25-year comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, marking a milestone in bilateral relations between the two countries.    The two diplomats put their signatures on the document in Tehran Saturday in a ceremony carried live on national […]

The Most Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid Fraud To Date

Ba-aa-aa-aa-aa Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai explains the many ways in which covid is a bogus disease.  He advocates, as we do, a healthy immune system to combat disease.  He also goes into great detail explaining the corporate corruption that is driving covid and the lockdowns. Although I do not agree with viral theory, Dr. Ayyadurai gives […]

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