Posts Tagged ‘developed’

RFK Jr: COVID Jabs Are Bioweapons Developed by U.S. Military 

Evidence the Covid-19 pandemic was planned decades in advance as part of a giant psy-op to control humanity continues pouring in – with the origins of the Covid-19 vaccine now exposed as a military operation. […] The post RFK Jr: COVID Jabs Are Bioweapons Developed by U.S. Military  appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Amy Schumer Says She Developed VAIDS After Third Booster

Amy Schumer has revealed that she developed full-blown Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) as a direct result of getting multiple COVID jabs. The comedian was forced to come clean about her diagnosis when people […] The post Amy Schumer Says She Developed VAIDS After Third Booster appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Monsanto Loses Court Case, Will Pay Man who Developed Cancer $2.25 BILLION

Pharmaceutical giant Bayer has been ordered to pay $2.25 billion to a man who developed cancer due to the Roundup weed killer, one of the products of its subsidiary Monsanto. Jurors in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas found that the weed killer is to blame for 49-year-old landscaper John McKivison developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). […]

mRNA Vaccine Creator Has Developed Full-Blown Facial Paralysis – Media Blackout

The co-creator of the first Pfizer mRNA COVID vaccine has developed full-blown facial paralysis, a side-effects of the vaccines, according to reports. Özlem Türeci, a Turkish-German physician, helped develop the first messenger RNA-based vaccine to […] The post mRNA Vaccine Creator Has Developed Full-Blown Facial Paralysis – Media Blackout appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Whistleblower claims U.S. and U.K. military contractors developed comprehensive global censorship plan in 2018

Whistleblower claims U.S. and U.K. military contractors developed comprehensive global censorship plan in 2018 A group of American and British military contractors formed a comprehensive plan for worldwide censorship five years ago whose effects can be felt today, according to a whistleblower. The whistleblower provided a slew of documents that are being compared to the […]

Franco Vitaliano developed Cronus: The communication systems between satellites and computers for US Military

As soon as I published the ultimate Franco Vitaliano deep dive entitled; “Internet to GQD Particle: How NSA’s Franco Vitaliano became the heart of The Transhumanist Agenda” , new information about his history surfaced. There is a paragraph in “CRONUS ENHANCEMENTS: RL-TR-95-117 Final Technical Report“, dated July 1995 that states Franco Vitaliano developed the operating […]

Central Bank Digital Currencies should never be designed, developed, or established

Nov 8 2023 “Central Bank Digital Currencies should never be designed, developed, or established. It’s like building the Death Star and saying you won’t turn it on. Today I offered an amendment to stop the creation of CBDCs.” Warren Davidson _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical […]

HALF of all young men who got jabbed for COVID and developed myocarditis now have PERMANENT heart damage

(NaturalNews) In a recent appearance on Megyn Kelly’s podcast, Dr. Drew Pinsky talked about the “breathtaking” findings of a new study showing that 50 percent of… Source

Study: Developed nations requiring the most infant Witch’s Brew Voodoo vaccines have the highest childhood mortality rates

Study: Developed nations requiring the most infant vaccines have the highest childhood mortality rates Researchers Neil Miller, director of the Institute of Medical and Scientific Inquiry in New Mexico, and Gary Goldman, performed several analyses based on 2019 and 2021 data to examine the link between the number of early childhood vaccinations required by developed […]

Ethnic Bioweapons Being Developed By U.S. & China Against Caucasians & Blacks Source

Rotavirus, uterus cancer, and pneumonia vaccines being developed

TEHRAN – The Vice Presidency for Science and Technology is implementing a plan to develop rotavirus, uterus cancer, and pneumonia vaccines domestically. Source

Chinese Lab Developed COVID-19 Virus, Senate Report Claims

WASHINGTON—The COVID-19 virus originated in a Chinese laboratory and was leaked unintentionally, a new U.S. Senate report concludes. The virus, SARS-CoV-2, leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), which tests bat coronaviruses, twice in 2019, researchers conducting the report say. “The preponderance of information supports the plausibility of an unintentional research-related incident that likely resulted […]

Japan Will No Longer Have the Developed World’s Lowest Age of Consent

A higher age of consent is one of several proposed changes to Japan’s criminal code on sexual offenses. Photo: CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP via Getty Images Japan looks set to criminalize sex with teens under age 16 in an overhaul of its sex crime laws. A panel of the Japanese justice ministry on Friday proposed raising the country’s age […]

Killer Jabbed MSNBC Host Reveals She Developed Pericarditis and Myocarditis Due to “Common Cold”

Remember all those heart conditions we used to get from getting a common cold? Me neither! The Ole Dog! MSNBC’s Yasmin Vossoughian revealed to her viewers on Saturday that she had been missing for a while because she developed myocarditis and pericarditis allegedly due to a common cold. “I know from my Twitter feed that […]

Pfizer lied, COVID Vaccinated Germans developed AIDS, & then 1 million died in less than a year according to Secret German Government Data

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON JANUARY 25, 2023 • ( 6 COMMENTS ) Official Data shows Germany recorded just under 1 million deaths between week 1 and week 49 of 2022. This sadly resulted in the country suffering over 102k excess deaths. This represents a 276% increase on the number of excess deaths recorded in the year 2020, which was the alleged height […]

GERM WARFARE: Boston University claims to have developed new covid strain that kills eight out of 10 victims

(Natural News) Are the powers that be planning to unleash another more deadly strain of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)? New research out of Boston University seems to suggest so. Scientists there claim to have just developed a new “Omicron-S” spike protein “virus” that upon infection kills 80 percent of its victims. Such a bioweapon, assuming […]

Study: 1 in 100 teens developed heart inflammation after second Pfizer mRNA injection

(Natural News) Recent research conducted in Thailand on 13- to 18-year-olds revealed one out of 100 children have developed heart inflammation after receiving two doses of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. Cardiologist Anish Koka said three of the 301 children enrolled in the study developed myocarditis (the inflammation of the heart muscle) or pericarditis (the swelling […]

Study: 1 in 100 teens developed heart inflammation after second Pfizer mRNA injection

(Natural News) Recent research conducted in Thailand on 13- to 18-year-olds revealed one out of 100 children have developed heart inflammation after receiving two doses of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. Cardiologist Anish Koka said three of the 301 children enrolled in the study developed myocarditis (the inflammation of the heart muscle) or pericarditis (the swelling […]

Biden-Linked Ukraine Biolabs Developed COVID-19 Three Months before Pandemic Began

Biden-linked Ukraine biolabs conducted secret research into COVID-19 at least three months before the Pandemic swept the globe, new government documents reveal. One America News Network anchor Pearson Sharp explained on his show last week how […] The post Biden-Linked Ukraine Biolabs Developed COVID-19 Three Months before Pandemic Began appeared first on News Punch.

New study warns to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, abandon ‘developed reserves’ of fossil fuels

There should not only be no new development of oil and gas fields or coal mines, but also abandon 40 percent of “developed reserves” of fossil fuels.

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