Posts Tagged ‘germans’

Majority Of Germans Reject Muslim Immigration, Express Fear Of Becoming A “Minority In Germany”

Majority Of Germans Reject Muslim Immigration, Express Fear Of Becoming A “Minority In Germany” Authored by John Cody via ReMix News, Rejection of immigrants from Islamic countries has increased in Germany, according to the latest Insa poll commissioned by the Nius media group. The most recent survey shows an absolute majority of 52 percent rather agree with […]

New Law Will Allow Germans Over 14 To Change Their Gender Once A Year

German lawmakers have approved a law that will allow children as young as 14 to change their gender at a register office without the need of any medical evaluation. The German Parliament approved the law on Friday making it easier for people to change their sex on legal documents without undergoing surgery or hormone therapy. BYPASS […]

Germans told to turn their homes into Bunkers and prepare for War with Russia

    Citing a draft document from Germany’s Defense Ministry, local tabloid newspaper Bild reported that Germans are expected to build their own bomb shelters as the country’s national draft emergency defense plan has already assigned the construction roles to civilians. With only 579 functional bomb shelters in Germany, the government is counting on its […]

Germans told to turn their homes into bomb shelters

(NaturalNews) Citing a draft document from Germany’s Defense Ministry, local tabloid newspaper Bild reported that Germans are expected to build their own bomb… Source

ENDLESS KHAZARIAN WARMONGERING: Germans told to prepare for another war with Russia

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Millions of Germans Rise Up Against Fascist WEF Agenda – Media Blackout 

German farmers have taken over the streets of Munich and Berlin, demanding their country’s WEF-infiltrated government grow a spine and stop catering to Klaus Schwab’s every demand. Tens of thousands of German farmers are now […] The post Millions of Germans Rise Up Against Fascist WEF Agenda – Media Blackout  appeared first on The People's […]

Germans must protect the Jews – Scholz- Citizens should show “civic courage” by standing up to anti-Semitism, the chancellor has said

1933 Headline in a major newspaper. So it appears the Jews Started WW2 For their Rothschild’s masters. And Scholz betraying the German people to suck jew dick seems to prove once again just how well those Mossad Child Rape Blackmail videos work on political prostitutes. The Ole Dog! Source

Majority Support For Muslim Migration Ban As 3 In 4 Germans Say Newcomers Hate Western Society

Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News, Some 61 percent of Germans no longer want any migration from Islamic nations, new polling shows… Nearly two-thirds of all German citizens want the country’s federal government to impose a ban on migration from predominantly Muslim nations, a damning survey has revealed. Polling conducted by INSA on behalf […]

Germans Have “Moral Obligation” To Sacrifice Living-Standards & Wealth, Claims Green Party MP

Germans Have “Moral Obligation” To Sacrifice Living-Standards & Wealth, Claims Green Party MP Authored by John Cody via Remix News, Germans are facing an increasing range of economic problems, including recession, inflation, falling real wages, and even the beginnings of deindustrialization, but Green Party MP Green Party Johannes Wagner is claiming that Germans have a “moral duty” […]

Birth of the Hun: Organizations to Demonize Germans

In just a few short months, the age-old generally good public image of the German people would be completely turned on its head by thousands of propagandists working tirelessly from both sides of the ocean at this carefully structured diabolical jewish task. Source

German media self-censors about foreign origins of 5 ‘Germans’ arrested for rape of young girl.

John Cody – Remix News July 17, 2023 Over the weekend, after the international media loudly trumpeted that five German men were arrested for raping an 18-year-old Spanish girl, it was quickly revealed that all of the men have a “migration background.” Nevertheless, the vast majority of news outlets referred to the men as “Germans” […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: When the Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor

James Dobson warns that “our great nation is being distorted by the radical Left into a morally broken land of division and despair. The end game could be the destruction of all that is good and noble. We, as Christians, are the greatest force standing between those who hate America and those who love it.” […]

Videos: Germans Have Had It With Eco Protesters Sitting In The Road

Everyday people in Germany are done with tolerating climate alarmists sitting in the road preventing them from going about their daily business. Several videos have emerged over the past few days showing drivers almost running over the ‘protesters’ and dragging them out of the way by their hair. The eco loons have seized on the […]

Poland Which Holocausted 58,000 Ethnic Germans to Help Britain Start WW2, Before Germany Was Forced To Invade To Stop The Slaughter, wants Ukraine to admit guilt for Nazi-linked WWII massacre

Which brings up the question. Are the Poles really as stupid as they are said to be, or are they just brass balls Huge assed Hypocrites? The Ole Dog! Share this: Source

Germans Oppose EU Combustion Engine Ban, Survey Shows

    A survey released Friday by German broadcaster ARD showed that the majority of Germans oppose banning combustion engines in new cars across the European Union. Germany has recently blocked an EU vote to ban the sale of new vehicles with combustion engines across the bloc from 2035. What did the survey show? Two-thirds […]

Pfizer lied, COVID Vaccinated Germans developed AIDS, & then 1 million died in less than a year according to Secret German Government Data

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON JANUARY 25, 2023 • ( 6 COMMENTS ) Official Data shows Germany recorded just under 1 million deaths between week 1 and week 49 of 2022. This sadly resulted in the country suffering over 102k excess deaths. This represents a 276% increase on the number of excess deaths recorded in the year 2020, which was the alleged height […]

Media hoax that “Germans” were behind riots on New Year

All of Germany is debating the immigrant riots in Berlin on New Year’s, where half the city was destroyed. According to German media, there were at least “45 Germans” among the suspects, but according to information to Junge Freiheit , in several cases it is about people with dual citizenship. The police, who in Germany […]

Germans are being urged to get ready for empty refrigerators as Energy crisis compromises Food Security

Home » Europe, Social » Germans are being urged to get ready for empty refrigerators as Energy crisis compromises Food Security     Manufacturers associations have written an open letter to the German government warning that the fresh and frozen food industries in Germany are experiencing their “worst crisis since the end of the Second […]

Germany: Greens Plan to Ban Native Germans From a Third of Jobs to Promote ‘Diversity’

In the name of promoting “diversity,” ruling Greens in the German the city of Hanover plan to ban a third of native citizens from applying for government jobs so they can be given to migrants. Yes, really. “A green mayor makes the difference!” wrote Turkish-born Filiz Polat, managing director of the Greens parliamentary group. Polat […]

Germany: Greens Plan to Ban Native Germans From a Third of Jobs to Promote ‘Diversity’

In the name of promoting “diversity,” ruling Greens in the German the city of Hanover plan to ban a third of native citizens from applying for government jobs so they can be given to migrants. Yes, really. “A green mayor makes the difference!” wrote Turkish-born Filiz Polat, managing director of the Greens parliamentary group. Polat […]

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