Posts Tagged ‘warmongering’

WARMONGERING CRAZYMAKER! EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell wants war, not peace, with Russia. More arms to Ukraine!

EU opposes Ukraine truce – Borrell READ HERE:The bloc’s chief diplomat has called for more weapons for Kiev and further sanctions on Moscow   Source

ENDLESS KHAZARIAN WARMONGERING: Germans told to prepare for another war with Russia

READ HERE:   Source

Super Warmongering Joe Biden Looks To Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War

READ HERE:   Source

Zarif: Pompeo ending ‘disastrous career with more warmongering lies’ by Iran, Qaeda link rant

TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says his American counterpart is marking the twilight of his already “disastrous” career with a pathetic end by resorting to more baseless “warmongering lies” about Iran and other countries, Press TV reported. “From designating Cuba to fictitious Iran ‘declassifications’ and AQ (al-Qaeda) claims, Mr. ‘we lie, cheat, steal’ […]

‘Warmongering lies’: Tehran hits back after Pompeo claims Al-Qaeda terrorists set up new base in Iran

America’s “declassifications” of information about Iran are “fictitious,” Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has tweeted. It followed US State Secretary Mike Pompeo accusing Iran, without proof, of harboring Al-Qaeda’s base. “Mr. ‘we lie, cheat, steal’ is pathetically ending his disastrous career with more warmongering lies,” Zarif wrote in a fiery message in the wake of Pompeo’s […]

US Missiles To Germany – Defense Or Warmongering?

US Missiles To Germany – Defense Or Warmongering? Rumors continue to spread that the US is preparing to deploy its THAAD anti-missile system in Germany for the first time. What’s the threat? Iran, we are told. Particularly as the US pulling out of the deal has increased tensions. But is this really about defense of […]

Just Like Obama, Trump’s Warmongering Just Got Him Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

May 4, 2018 By Matt Agorist In the Orwellian police state that is America, truth is easily stranger than fiction and Donald Trump’s nomination for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize proves it. After a year of saber rattling, provoking nuclear war, and dropping countless bombs in multiple countries—killing innocent women and […]

Going Underground – Ep. 594: John Bolton, Warmongering in the White House & EU Catalonian Political Prisoners

Going Underground – Ep. 594: John Bolton, Warmongering in the White House & EU Catalonian Political Prisoners Going Underground with Afshin In this episode we investigate John Bolton and whether he has the ear of the president to start world war three with Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies Phyllis Bennis. We ask […]

Is President Trump about to make this warmongering lunatic @AmbJohnBolton his national security adviser?

John Bolton, warmongering lunatic Is President Trump about to make this warmongering lunatic his national security adviser?      Reports that John Bolton met with President Trump in the White House on Tuesday to discuss the possibility of him succeeding H.R. McMaster as national security adviser should send a chill down the spines of every […]

Skeptics who see Russiagate as warmongering will never get respect in the press

A week ago I prepared a draft of a post about Russiagate, intending to revise it and publish; but since then I was scooped by everyone–even in one limited respect by freaking Ross Douthat who is the least obnoxious conservative columnist at the New York Times. (Actually, on his best days, or the others’ worst, […]

Going Underground – Ep. 577: Sami Ramadani on Warmongering in Iraq & Mark Millar on Hollywoods Decline

Going Underground – Ep. 577: Sami Ramadani on Warmongering in Iraq & Mark Millar on Hollywoods Decline Going Underground with Afshin In this episode, we speak to Middle East expert Sami Ramadani as violence continues to destroy the region. Award-winning Mark Millar on why he thinks everything, from the state-mandated BBC to neoliberal Hollywood, […]

Tony Blair is back offering opinions no one asked for and deflecting from his warmongering that led to the refugee crisis

     Britain’s never-truly-gone former Prime Minister Tony Blair has had a busy new year period, filling the void by offering opinions no one wants. Brexit, immigration, ignoring democracy – he’s got a lot to say. With most politicians up to god knows what in the holiday period (we’ll probably find out in the tabloids soon […]

SYRIA: SWEDHR Denounce OPCW Report as ‘Warmongering’ Based Upon Flawed Investigation

Prof. Marcello Ferrada de NoliThe Indicter Carl von Clausewitz (1780–1831) [1] meant that war is the continuation of politics by other means. Instead in this modern episode, politics acts as the continuation of war: At the same rhythm in which the Syrian army and Russian forces, as well other allies, progress its irreversible military victory, the losing […]

Koreans Around The World Say “No” To Warmongering Trump

More than twenty-seven Korean American and peace/anti-war organizations in the United States issued a joint statement, which states, in part: In addition to Koreans’ demands, we the people in the United States oppose the Trump administration’s ill-informed escalation of tensions with North Korea, call for a peace treaty between the United States and North Korea […]

Listen To The Warmongering & Lies Peddled By The BBC

Listen To The Warmongering & Lies Peddled By The BBC Video: Listen To The Warmongering & Lies Peddled By The BBC That Led Up To Trump Bombing Syria!     div{float:left;margin-right:10px;} div.wpmrec2x div.u > div:nth-child(3n){margin-right:0px;} ]]> Advertisements Filed under: BBC, Corporate Media, Fabrications, Fake News, Jeremy Corbyn, Journalism, Labour Party, Media Lies, Nazi Israel, Theresa […]

Warmongering Psychopath George W. Bush Teams Up with Serial Rapist Bill Clinton to Attack Donald Trump!

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 25, 2017 The psychopathic warmongering mass murderer who started all of these wars, George W. Bush, has teamed-up with the serial rapist Bill Clinton to attack Donald Trump. This clip is from the 13th of July. WFAA: Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, sitting side by side […]

Warmongering neocon John McCain diagnosed with aggressive brain cancer

Editor’s note: we don’t wish ill health or death upon anyone but John McCain is one of the biggest warmongering neocons around and would not blink to call for war that would see millions of innocent people killed. Hopefully McCain realises the error of his ways in his final days on […]

Cecil Rhodes and His Warmongering Buggery Hegemony

By Russ Winter of The New Nationalist I admire him, I frankly confess it; and when his time comes I shall buy a piece of the rope for a keepsake.” — Mark Twain on Cecil Rhodes To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life.”— Cecil Rhodes Many readers of The New Nationalist […]

National Academy of Sciences inundated with biased pro-GMO scientists, environmental groups warn in letter calling for a more balanced perspective

(NaturalNews) The National Academy of Sciences is being exposed as being of a singular mindset when it comes to the spread of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which is to say that the institution is wholeheartedly in favor of them, according to dozens of concerned scientists, who say that they are a menace to […]

Brexit is Victory Over the Rothschilds & EU Globalists

The globalist establishment has been at war against the people for decades. Centuries of scheming produced the EU centralization monster. The overwhelming deceit and destruction caused by the ruling class has finally received a setback in a plebiscite on the European Union. The New World Order of collectivists born in satanic ideologies, implemented by international […]

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