Posts Tagged ‘flawed’

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid-So Everyone Involved Needs To Be Hanged For Mass Murder Via Loaded Syringe

If worldwide, politicians, preachers, priest, school teachers, “journalist”, hospital administrators, doctors/nurces, school board members, billionaires, business owners, cops and useful idiots on facebutt, twitter litter & other social platforms all picked up AK-47s and slaughtered millions of humans to include children EVERYONE but the guilty would be screaming nonstop for them all to be hanged!

The Flawed Math of the Elites and Joe Biden – Shiny Metal Futures

How straightforward is simple math? If the public relied more on adding things up, the manufactured consent perpetrated by the elites in the West would be impossible. Take the recent Russian gold movements as a perfect example. Various propaganda channels reported last year that the European Union and G7 wanted to ban Russia’s gold shipments […]

‘Irredeemably flawed’: Alternative media publisher says ‘only solution’ in Arizona is to hold new election after tidal wave of problems in GOP areas

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The founder of The Western Journal and publisher of other indy media sites notes in a lengthy Twitter explainer that due to massive problems in Maricopa County, Arizona, on Election Day, the only real remedy is to hold another election under the control of a “court.””The elections in @MaricopaVote have not been certified […]

The Big and Fatally Flawed Business of Climate Change

Commentary The world has been ending for decades. In 1989, a senior official from the U.N. Environment Program warned that “entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.” For good measure a study from the program […]

When this pandemic ends, the dodgy data and flawed forecasts of the doom-mongers may emerge as the greatest scandal of all

By Professor Brendan Wren For The Daily Mail Published: 23:31 GMT, 10 January 2022 Brendan Wren is a professor of vaccinology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine When Health Secretary Sajid Javid claimed on December 13 that there were 200,000 new Omicron infections a day, it provoked widespread concern and fear among […]

‘Seriously flawed’ definition of anti-Semitism must be dropped, says Jewish coalition

A new coalition of Jewish academics has rejected the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism, which members say stifles academic freedom. According to the Jewish Faculty Network (JFN), the definition has been used to “intimidate and silence the work of unions, student groups, academic departments and faculty associations that are committed to […]

‘The No. 1 issue’: Trump whips up election falsehoods after flawed Arizona report

“This is a huge win for the 3 November movement to get to the bottom of the 2020 election,” said Boris Epshteyn, former special assistant to Trump who has been tracking efforts in Arizona. He said “the next step is a full audit and canvass of all Arizona counties and including a full canvass in […]

Iran vehemently rejects Bahraini claims, says judicial process is flawed

TEHRAN — In a statement on Saturday afternoon Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh strongly condemned baseless accusations of a Bahraini court against the Central Bank of Iran (CBI), saying that the judicial process was flawed. In response to the action of the Bahraini High Criminal Court against the CBI and several other banks of […]

New IEA Roadmap is flawed: swapping burning wood for coal won’t save the climate

Berlin, 18 May 2020 – The International Energy Agency (IEA)’s roadmap released today fails to acknowledge the science that burning huge volumes of wood to substitute for burning coal is at least as emissive and climate damaging as coal in the short time frame to 2050, according to the global Environmental Paper Network (EPN). “The simple fact is that – in […]

It’s Not Too Late to Protest California’s Flawed Ethnic Studies Curriculum

In August 2020, after a spring and summer filled with anti-Semitic attacks from the far-right and the far-left on synagogues, businesses, institutions, college campuses and against Jews across the United States, Brooke Goldstein, the founder and executive director of the Lawfare Project, published an article in Newsweek titled, “The Time is Now for a Jewish […]

The Faulty PCR Test & Flawed Covid Vaccine Approval Process

Vaccine Impact by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News An ADMINISTRATIVE STAY OF ACTION has been filed with the Department of Health and Human Services and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the new Pfizer COVID vaccine that has been submitted for “emergency use authorization” (EUA). It is widely expected that the FDA is going to grant […]

Flawed IHRA antisemitism definition reaches Ontario

On October 25, Doug Ford’s Conservative government, through an Order in Council, adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) “Working Definition of Antisemitism.” Not only is this unilateral move in keeping with the Ford government’s anti-democratic tendencies, the flawed IHRA definition poses a direct threat to freedom of expression. It also fails, as David Feldman […]

The (flawed) case against Julian Assange

Starting on September 7th, the extradition proceedings for Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange continued in London’s Old Bailey court. The hearings, the first part of which ended in February and were set to resume in May, were delayed for four months due to the ongoing health crisis. This left the publisher to languish in the notorious […]

FAKE SCIENCE ALERT: Flawed research claims sexuality is a "spectrum" and no one is 100% "straight"

(Natural News) VICE is reporting on a new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that it claims proves that no person is 100 percent “straight,” and that all people fall somewhere along a lengthy sexuality “spectrum.” But there’s only one problem: The study says no such thing. Researchers […]

Flawed Assessments Caused $2 Billion Shift In Property Taxes

Flawed Assessments Caused $2 Billion Shift In Property Taxes Above Photo: University of Chicago public policy professor Christopher Berry before the Cook County Board on July 18, 2017. Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios, seated at left, faced questioning by the County Board about the fairness of property assessments. (Antonio Perez/Chicago Tribune) Under Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios, […]

Trump’s Flawed Belief That The Death Penalty Can Win The Drug War

March 1, 2018 By Brian Saady This week, Axios released a story revealing that President Trump privately supports the theory that imposing the death penalty upon drug traffickers will help reduce the demand for illegal drugs. This belief is flawed in several ways, but it was apparently presented to him by […]

How The Gardasil Vaccine Is Fast-Tracked, Flawed & Not As Safe As It’s Marketed To Be

Next Story “It is a vaccine that’s been highly marketed, the benefits are over-hyped, and the dangers are underestimated” – Dr Christopher Shaw from the University of British Colombia. (Take from the One More Girl documentary). In Australia in the 1960s, children were given a total of five vaccines from early childhood to adolescence. Fast forward to 2017, […]

SYRIA: SWEDHR Denounce OPCW Report as ‘Warmongering’ Based Upon Flawed Investigation

Prof. Marcello Ferrada de NoliThe Indicter Carl von Clausewitz (1780–1831) [1] meant that war is the continuation of politics by other means. Instead in this modern episode, politics acts as the continuation of war: At the same rhythm in which the Syrian army and Russian forces, as well other allies, progress its irreversible military victory, the losing […]

The Flawed Institution: Australian Marriage and the Same-Sex Debate

Corporate CEOs take "moral high ground" on Charlottesville thanks to fundamentally flawed New York Times

     I warned everybody about this in several posts last week. How some of the worst cretins rummaging around the carcass of American freedom and democracy instantaneously began salivating ferociously at the opportunity to look heroic by coming out in opposition to a grossly exaggerated Nazi threat hyped up by the corporate media. The events […]

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