Posts Tagged ‘alert’

All US Military Bases In Europe On High Alert For Possible Terror Attack

All American military bases throughout Europe have been placed on high alert due to a potential terrorist attack against facilities or personnel. An unnamed official told Fox News: “There is credible intel pointing to an […] The post All US Military Bases In Europe On High Alert For Possible Terror Attack appeared first on The […]

Urgent Action Alert as Israel intensifies its genocide in Gaza

Urgent Action Alert as Israel intensifies its genocide in Gaza Action Alert Israel has carried out one of its bloodiest massacres yet, in open defiance of last Friday’s explicit order by the International Court of Justice that Israel cease its military offensive in Rafah immediately. Economic Boycott Military Embargo Apartheid Free Zones Sanctions and governments […]

FAA Issues Urgent Safety Alert: Hundreds of Boeing Jets Might Explode Mid-Air

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has warned that hundreds of Boeing 777 jets operated by major airlines are liable to explode mid-air due to a fatal flaw in the aircraft’s design. This flaw, rooted in […] The post FAA Issues Urgent Safety Alert: Hundreds of Boeing Jets Might Explode Mid-Air appeared first on The People's […]

GEOTERRORISM ALERT! Weather Warfare is the preferred method of attack of the NWO globalist cabal because….

…the geoengineers always enjoy plausible deniability especially during the historical bad weather seasons of the targeted city or state. Submitted by The Weather Warfare Watcher SOTN Exclusive First watch this bombshell video presentation from May 2, 2024 of Gov. Ron DeSantis tearing apart the New World Order globalist agenda in Florida. For those who didn’t […]

RED ALERT: WHO Pandemic “Treaty” is now an “Agreement”

This makes all the difference in the world! We’ve been fooled I’ll give you the bottom line. A TREATY needs the signature of the US President plus a 2/3 vote of approval in the Senate. Source

Urgent Alert: Israel Marks 200 Days of Genocide with Plans to Destroy Rafah

24 04 2024 Tuesday, April 23, 2024, marked the 200th consecutive day of Israel’s large-scale military offensive on the Gaza Strip. Nearly 90 percent of the population is displaced, with many living in dire conditions in tents, and the few remaining schools used as shelters. Despite the International Court of Justice’s provisional measures orders to […]

California On Alert As San Andreas Fault Gears Up For Major Earthquake

California could experience a major earthquake this year according to a study that tracks San Andreas Fault activity The famous fault line that runs through California could be months away from having the largest seismic […] The post California On Alert As San Andreas Fault Gears Up For Major Earthquake appeared first on The People's […]

ALERT: World Health Assembly Meeting on May 27th – Here’s What You Need to Know

March 22, 2024 • by Meryl Nass, MD Introduction On May 27th 2024, the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) of the World Health Organization (WHO) will take place. At this meeting, the WHA may vote, or may approve by consensus or secret ballot, two documents that would transfer health decision-making powers to the WHO, and would give […]

ALL-OUT REGIONAL WAR ALERT: Israel brazenly bombs Iranian Embassy in Syria (Photos) There are emerging reports and accompanying video confirmation that an Israeli airstrike destroyed part of the complex of the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital on Monday. Syrian state media is also reporting that Israel conducted a rare daytime strike in the vicinity of the Iranian embassy in Damascus. Video shows that the entire front of […]

FAKE NEWS ALERT! U.S. Investigator on 60 Minutes: Russia is Behind ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attacks on More Than 100 U.S. Officials — They are Believed to be “Wounded by a Secret Weapon Firing a High-Energy Beam of Microwaves or Ultrasound” Causing a Mysterious Brain Injuries

U.S. Investigator on 60 Minutes: Russia is Behind ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attacks on More Than 100 U.S. Officials — They are Believed to be “Wounded by a Secret Weapon Firing a High-Energy Beam of Microwaves or Ultrasound” Causing a Mysterious Brain Injuries Source

France Raises Terror Alert Warning To Highest Level After Moscow Massacre

France has raised the country’s terrorist alert to the highest level following the attack on a packed music venue in Russia, where at least 137 people were killed. France’s terror alert system has three levels. The highest level is declared if it is assumed that an attack is imminent. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to […]


PANDEMIC OF HERNIAS! Caused By COVID-19 Bioweapon & Weaponized Covid ‘Vaccines’ Submitted by The Hernia Coach SOTN Exclusive Let me first describe my background and experience as a Hernia Coach for context. I was Board Certified in Integrative Medicine early in my career as a Holistic Health Coach and Wellness Counselor.  I eventually became a […]

USA Under High Alert as Russia wants to Place Nuclear Weapons in Space

The big ‘national security threat’ announced today is supposedly about Russia wanting to put a nuclear weapon in space, prompting some to question whether it’s all an election year ploy. The controversy began when House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner (R-Ohio) asked President Biden to declassify information about a “serious national security threat”. According to […]

RED DAWN ALERT: Chinese agents are being sent across Mexican border to prepare for attacks on U.S. soil

(NaturalNews) The Chinese Communist Party is currently taking advantage of lax border controls to put the infrastructure in place in America to attack us from our… Source

Poland on Alert after Russia Bombs Civilian Blocks in Kyiv

Poland was forced to scramble at least three F-16s today as Russia fired missiles towards its NATO border with Ukraine, say reports. In the event the missiles turned away from the NATO country and hit targets across Ukraine as part of a massive new onslaught unleashed by Russia. Deeply distressing footage from Kyiv showed residential […]

Email Reveals Why CDC Didn’t Issue Alert On COVID Vaccines And Myocarditis

Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The nation’s top public health agency did not send an alert on COVID-19 vaccines and heart inflammation because officials were concerned they would cause panic, according to an email obtained by The Epoch Times. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2021 […]

Emergency whistleblower: RED DAWN ALERT – South American violent CRIMINALS dispersed across U.S. cities in run-up to 2024 CHAOS

(NaturalNews) The following transcript is a partial accounting of an interview with a whistleblower “RedCell” who helped run security on the transport busses… Source

PATRIOT ALERT! The U.S. Supreme Court is now owned and operated by Big Pharma


Hot Gift Alert: The Viral Dash Egg Cooker Is Now 15% Off

Ah, the almighty egg. Almost everyone can appreciate the versatility of the ever-adaptable breakfast staple, even if you don’t have a taste for its superb yolk. Eggs aren’t just present in, but integral to, breakfasts, dinners, desserts, cocktails, and even some of our favorite pastimes. My personal favorite ways to eat the almighty ovum? A poached […]

‘RED ALERT’: Legal Expert Warns New ‘Reform Bill’ Is the ‘Biggest Expansion of Surveillance’ Since the Patriot Act

Originally Published on Vigilant News Network “Buried in the House intelligence committee’s Section 702 ‘reform’ bill, which is scheduled for a floor vote as soon as tomorrow (12/12/23), is the biggest expansion of surveillance inside the United States since the Patriot Act,” warned Elizabeth Goitein in a viral and disturbing X thread. Elizabeth Goitein is […]

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