Posts Tagged ‘iranian’

The Bad Faith Portrayals Of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi

Millions of Iranians took to the streets to mourn the deaths of their elected President Ebrahim Raisi and a number of other senior officials, after a helicopter crash in the East Azerbaijan province. Despite the large public display of grieving, there is an attempt throughout Western media to portray President Raisi as a reviled figure […]

US/Israel Implicated In Congo (DRC) Coup & Iranian Crash As ICC Announces Warrants For Netanyahu

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/20/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Killed in Helicopter Crash

May 20th, 2024 Via: Reuters: Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, a hardliner and potential successor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was killed in a helicopter crash in mountainous terrain near the Azerbaijan border, officials and state media said on Monday. The charred wreckage of the helicopter which crashed on Sunday carrying Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein […]

Iranian Lawmaker Claims Tehran Now Equipped with Nuclear Bombs

Iranian Lawmaker Claims Tehran Now Equipped with Nuclear Bombs Source

Iranian president threatens to DESTROY ISRAEL if it tries to attack Iran again

(NaturalNews) Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has threatened to destroy Israel if it tries to attack Iran again.Raisi, who arrived in Pakistan on Monday, April… Source

Report: U.S. and U.K. helped shoot down Iranian drones and missiles launched against Israel

(NaturalNews) The United States and the United Kingdom both assisted Israel in neutralizing Iranian drones and missiles launched against Israel, according to a… Source

Iranian response to be tougher if ‘Israel’ makes any move: Ghalibaf

14 Apr 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English Speaker of the Iranian Shura Council, Muhammad Bagher Ghalibaf states that Iran’s military action is part of the response to the Zionist aggression and within the framework of the United Nations Charter. The Speaker of the Iranian Shura Council, Muhammad Bagher Ghalibaf said that the slap delivered […]

Iran Strikes Back: Two Israeli Sites Destroyed in Retaliation Attack, Iranian Officials Warn of Harsh Response

April 14, 2024  Iran – Live News – Middle East – News – Top Iran announced the destruction of two key Israeli military sites as part of their retaliation operation against the occupied Palestinian territories. Major General Mohammad Bagheri revealed that the Israeli intelligence headquarters in Mount Hermon and the Novatim military base were targeted and successfully destroyed using ballistic and cruise missiles. […]

Iran Attacks Israel After Israel Bombed Iranian Territory & Israel Executes USAID Worker On Video

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/13/24 – part 2). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you […]

Fears ramp up over Iranian attack on Israel

Americans told to avoid travel within Israel, U.S. troops and warships moved to positions in the Middle East, and a warning from President Biden of a “sooner than later” attack has Washington on edge over a possible Iranian retaliation strike on the ally country this weekend, a move that could trigger a regional war.  Western… […]

Are the Violations of Mexican and Iranian Embassies a Sign of a ‘New Normal’ in Diplomatic Relations?

Recent actions taken by both the Israeli and Ecuadorian governments have called into question the sovereignty and sanctity of international embassies. On April 1st, Israel launched missiles at the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, killing seven military advisers, including a high-profile leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Iran’s ambassador to Syria noted that […]

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 189: Israel and U.S. brace for Iranian retaliation as ceasefire talks stall

Casualties  33,634 + killed* and at least 76,214 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 462+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.** Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,139. 604 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 6,800 injured.*** *Gaza’s Ministry of Health […]

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 188: Tensions rise over potential Iranian response to Israeli attack on consulate in Damascus

Israel and Iran escalated threats of war as the U.S. central command chief visited the region on Thursday. Meanwhile, Israeli airstrikes intensify in the central Gaza Strip. Source

Israel braces for possible Iranian attack Tehran has vowed vengeance for the deadly strike on its consulate in Damascus

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Netanyahu killed a top Iranian general in Syria to provoke a regional conflict — and the U.S. media is hiding his true motivation

Benjamin Netanyahu continues to raise the risk of a Mideast regional war which could draw in the U.S. — and the mainstream media is hiding the danger from its audience. Israel’s provocative aerial assassination of a senior Iranian military leader in Damascus on April 1 is only Netanyahu’s latest effort to expand the fighting across […]

ALL-OUT REGIONAL WAR ALERT: Israel brazenly bombs Iranian Embassy in Syria (Photos) There are emerging reports and accompanying video confirmation that an Israeli airstrike destroyed part of the complex of the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital on Monday. Syrian state media is also reporting that Israel conducted a rare daytime strike in the vicinity of the Iranian embassy in Damascus. Video shows that the entire front of […]

US charges 4 foreign nationals with shipping Iranian-made weapons to Houthis

The U.S. has charged four foreign nationals with shipping Iranian-made weapon parts to the Houthi rebels in Yemen, a shipment that was seized by Navy SEALS in a daring raid last month off the coast of Somalia. The Department of Justice (DOJ) unsealed an indictment Thursday against Muhammad Pahlawan, Mohammad Mazhar, Ghufran Ullah and Izhar… […]

Trump Jr. Who’s father Murdered An Iranian Diplomate on A Posted Mission, Who’s Father Supports Israel Which Murders journalist all the Damn Time, As Well As Tens of Thousands of Children, Condemns Zelensky for US journalist’s ‘murder’

evil /ē′vəl/ adjective Morally bad or wrong; wicked. “an evil tyrant.” Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful. “the evil effects of a poor diet.” Characterized by or indicating future misfortune; ominous. “evil omens.” hypocrite /hĭp′ə-krĭt″/ noun A person given to hypocrisy. One who assumes a false appearance; one who feigns to be what he is […]

Over 100 Die in Explosions Near Tomb of Iranian General Soleimani

At least 95 people have tragically lost their lives, and over 200 individuals are grappling with injuries resulting from two devastating explosions that rocked a memorial event marking the fourth anniversary of the death of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in Kerman, a south-central city in Iran on Wednesday. Media reports indicate that these explosions occurred […]

Iranian FM: ‘Israel’s’ allies planning for ‘post-Israel era’

January 1, 2024 Source: News websites Iran’s Foreign Minister characterizes Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, initiated by Palestinian resistance groups against “Israel” on October 7, as a pivotal moment in regional developments. By Al Mayadeen English Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, stated that the Israeli regime is facing a situation where even its closest allies are contemplating a “post-Israel […]

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