Posts Tagged ‘nationals’

US charges 4 foreign nationals with shipping Iranian-made weapons to Houthis

The U.S. has charged four foreign nationals with shipping Iranian-made weapon parts to the Houthi rebels in Yemen, a shipment that was seized by Navy SEALS in a daring raid last month off the coast of Somalia. The Department of Justice (DOJ) unsealed an indictment Thursday against Muhammad Pahlawan, Mohammad Mazhar, Ghufran Ullah and Izhar… […]

Boston Democrats Look to Extend Voting Rights to Foreign Nationals

Democrats on the Boston City Council are looking to extend local voting rights to foreign nationals in the United States on visas, green cards, and other forms of legal status. Councilwoman Kendra Lara (D) introduced the measure, which would allow foreign nationals on green cards, visas, and other forms of legal status to vote in […]

After Weeks In Besieged Gaza, Some Foreign Nationals And Wounded Palestinians Are Allowed To Leave

Meanwhile, Israeli airstrikes pounded a refugee camp near Gaza City for the second day. Source

Hunter Biden received $260,000 from Chinese nationals in 2019 while his dad was running for president

(NaturalNews) New findings from a House of Representatives probe have found that presidential son Hunter Biden received $260,000 from two Chinese nationals in the… Source

Iranian nationals to obtain simplified e-visas to enter Russia

TEHRAN – Passport holders from Iran and some other countries will be offered electronic visas to enter the Russian Federation under President Vladimir Putin’s new orders. Source

Liberal Nationals Push Back on Labor Attempt to Rain on Fadden Parade

The federal opposition has rejected the government’s attempts to rain on its by-election win and positioned its victory as a voter pushback on rising living costs under Labor. High-profile former Gold Coast City councillor Cameron Caldwell convincingly won the seat of Fadden for the Liberal National Party (LNP) on Saturday against 12 other candidates, including Labor’s Letitia […]

Democrats in Massachusetts Look to Give Voting Rights to Foreign Nationals

Democrat legislators in Massachusetts are looking to give foreign nationals on green cards the right to vote in municipal elections. A series of bills filed by Democrat legislators in the Massachusetts House and Senate would open municipal voting rights to foreign nationals living in the state on green cards. In practice, the policy would mean […]

Arrival of 39 Greeks, foreign nationals ends Sudan rescue operation

A C-130 military transport plane carrying 20 Greek citizens and 19 from other countries who were evacuated from Sudan landed at Elefsina Air Force Base, west of Athens, after 9 p.m. Thursday. The operation concluded the rescue and evacuation operations in Sudan, the National Defense General Staff announced. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the base,… […]

Approximately 60 Dutch nationals to be repatriated from Sudan through Cyprus

Approximately 60 Dutch nationals will be repatriated from Sudan, through Cyprus, in the framework of the repatriation operation held in cooperation with the UK, as British aircraft continue to evacuate civilians transporting them to the Republic of Cyprus, policy officer of the embassy of the Netherlands in Cyprus, Giorgos Andriotis, has told the Cyprus News… […]

Chinese Nationals Keep Getting Kidnapped in Thailand And It’s a Weird Mystery

A 62-year-old Chinese man and his Thai interpreter were abducted only meters away from his Bangkok residence earlier this month, then held for hours while their kidnappers demanded cryptocurrency payments. The abduction, which is said to have taken place on March 10, came to light on Monday after the interpreter, identified in local media as […]

The Brexit effect: Number of EU nationals in UK slumps

The proportion of EU-born short-term residents fell by 10% in 2021 compared to the previous decade, according to data published on Wednesday. Source

Exclusive: Photos Show Honduran Nationals Accused of Killing Bald Eagle

Photos, first shared with Breitbart News, show the pair of Honduran nationals accused of killing and planning to eat a Bald Eagle in Stanton County, Nebraska, as well as the rifle they allegedly used. As Breitbart News reported, the Stanton County Sheriff’s Office arrested 20-year-old Ramiro Hernandez-Tziquin and 20-year-old Domingo Zetino-Hernandez late last month. Both are […]

Report: Federal Authorities Hesitant to Charge Honduran Nationals Suspected of Killing a Bald Eagle

Federal authorities have not yet brought criminal charges against two Honduran nationals who allegedly shot and killed a bald eagle in Nebraska to eat it for dinner. On February 28, Stanton County sheriffs arrested two Honduran nationals found carrying a dead bald eagle after responding to a report of a suspicious vehicle outside of the Wood […]

Mexican Nationals in Connecticut Charged with Operating Lucrative Illegal Alien Trafficking Scheme

Two Mexican nationals, living in Connecticut, are accused of operating a labor trafficking scheme that brought illegal aliens to the Northeastern United States and forced them to pay sky-high smuggling fees in exchange for fake green cards and Social Security Numbers. Mexican nationals Maria Del Carmen Sanchez Potrero, 69, and Apolinar Francisco Paredes Espinoza, 56, […]

Two British nationals working as volunteers have been killed in Ukraine

Chris Parry and Andrew Bagshaw were reported missing earlier this month. Source

Iran judiciary indicts two France nationals and Belgian for espionage

Iran has indicted two French nationals and a Belgian for espionage and working against the country's national security, the semi-official Student News Network quoted a judiciary spokesperson as saying on Tuesday, Reuters reports. The agency did not give the names of the three or say where or when they were indicted. Belgium's Justice Minister said last […]

UN calls on Australia to repatriate nationals in Syria camps

The UN has called on the Australian government to urgently address the situation for women and children in camps in northeast Syria. UN Special Rapporteur on counterterrorism and human rights Fionnuala Ní Aolain has said she has called on the Australian government to uphold "international obligations" and repatriate Australian nationals. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's centre-left party […]

French electorate in the UK declines as EU nationals quit post-Brexit Britain

Franck Raymond is a head chef who has lived in London for over two decades A proud Frenchman who says he’ll never return to live in his homeland. Since Brexit, Franck believes French wine growers have made the transition deliberately difficult for British businesses. “It was easier to get it before, a bit cheaper,” he […]

Yemen evacuates nationals from Ukraine amid Russian war

Yemen said, Monday, it had evacuated 22 nationals from Ukraine amid Russia’s war on the Eastern European country, Anadolu News Agency reports. In a statement, the Yemeni Foreign Ministry said 18 citizens left Ukraine through Poland, while four others were evacuated through Romania. There are no official estimates of the number of Yemenis in Ukraine. […]

Democrats Block Plan to Remove Foreign Nationals from Voter Rolls

House Democrats this week blocked a plan that would have required states to remove foreign nationals from voter rolls. On Wednesday, Democrats voted down an amendment by Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL) that would have kicked likely hundreds, and potentially thousands, of foreign nationals off state voter rolls. The amendment would have been tacked onto the […]

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