Posts Tagged ‘honduran’

‘He Wanted To Live The American Dream’: Honduran Teen Dies In U.S. Immigration Custody

The mother of a teen who died this week in U.S. immigration custody said her son had no known illnesses and had not shown any signs of being sick before his death. Source

Exclusive: Photos Show Honduran Nationals Accused of Killing Bald Eagle

Photos, first shared with Breitbart News, show the pair of Honduran nationals accused of killing and planning to eat a Bald Eagle in Stanton County, Nebraska, as well as the rifle they allegedly used. As Breitbart News reported, the Stanton County Sheriff’s Office arrested 20-year-old Ramiro Hernandez-Tziquin and 20-year-old Domingo Zetino-Hernandez late last month. Both are […]

Report: Federal Authorities Hesitant to Charge Honduran Nationals Suspected of Killing a Bald Eagle

Federal authorities have not yet brought criminal charges against two Honduran nationals who allegedly shot and killed a bald eagle in Nebraska to eat it for dinner. On February 28, Stanton County sheriffs arrested two Honduran nationals found carrying a dead bald eagle after responding to a report of a suspicious vehicle outside of the Wood […]

Violence And Intimidation Leave Bloody Imprint On Honduran Elections

Above Photo: Supporters of the progressive Libre Party at a campaign event. The Libre presidential candidate Xiomara Castro is set to win the elections on Sunday November 28. Xiomara Castro / Twitter. Ahead of Sunday’s elections in Honduras, Olivia Zúniga Cáceres, congresswoman of the Libre Party, talks about the violence, hate and intimidation suffered by […]

12 Years After Coup, Honduran Resistance Fights For Fair Election

Above Photo: LIBRE Party candidate Xiomara Castro at a protest against the Honduran government’s planned Employment and Development Zones (ZEDES). Twelve years have passed since the fateful 2009 coup in Honduras by the oligarchy, private companies and the leaders of the Catholic and evangelical churches. How can you forget Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez supporting the […]

Honduran Campesino Leader Explains The ZEDEs

Above photo: La Via Campesina Honduras leader and Partido Libre candidate for congress, Rafael Alegría. A wide range of sectors in Honduras are continuing to mobilize against the Economic Development and Employment Zones (ZEDEs) with the general election now one month away. Campesino, indigenous and Afro-descendant movements and communities say the large scale territorial concessions amount to a flagrant […]

United States Struggles To Pick A Side In Upcoming Honduran Elections

Above photo: A banner promoting Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez burns after being set on fire. Rodrigo Abd/AP. For Biden, backing a candidate for the November elections in Honduras is a choice between protecting U.S. business interests and condemning the corruption, drug trafficking, and violence that increase migration. Of the countries in Central America’s “northern […]

US prosecutors target Honduran president in drugs probe after accusing him of being cocaine lynchpin bribed by traffickers

American prosecutors have launched an investigation into Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, according to a new court document filed after the US accused him of playing a major role in the international narcotics trade. The document was filed on Friday in the Southern District of New York as part of the case of alleged drug […]

Honduran Lawmakers Vote to Lock in Bans on Abortion, Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

Photo Credit: Jarin Dominguez/Unsplash TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) — Members of the Honduran Congress voted on Thursday to amend the Constitution, making it much harder to reverse existing hard-line bans on abortion and same-sex “marriage,” as lawmakers double down on socially conservative priorities. Lawmakers voted to require a three-quarters super-majority to change a constitutional article that gives an […]

Honduran ex-president stopped with bag containing $18,000 in cash at airport

Former Honduran president Manuel Zelaya said on Friday that he had been “unjustly” detained at the airport for carrying a bag with $18,000 in cash that he said was not his. “I don’t know the origin of that money. Obviously, someone must have put it in my belongings,” Mr Zelaya told local media. “I have […]

Berta Cáceres Murder: Ex-Honduran Military Intelligence Officer Arrested

Berta Cáceres Murder: Ex-Honduran Military Intelligence Officer Arrested Above Photo: A man holds a poster during a protest in demand of justice for Berta Cáceres on the second anniversary of her death at the public ministry headquarters in Tegucigalpa on Friday. Photograph: Orlando Sierra/AFP/Getty Images Note: It is strange this occurred on the anniversary of her […]

Hernandez Declared Honduran President-Elect in Scandal-Plagued Election

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Honduras or TSE has officially declared that lawyer and incumbent President Juan Orlando Hernandez has won the country’s scandal-plagued presidential elections which resulted in weeks of unrest and accusations of fraud by the country’s broad leftist popular forces who united behind contender Salvador Nasralla. According to the TSE’s official ballot count, […]

Investigation Links Berta Cáceres’s Assassination To Honduran Capitalists

Above Photo: LargeMarge/ Flickr We look at shocking revelations released Tuesday that link the assassination of renowned Honduran indigenous environmental leader Berta Cáceres to the highest levels of the company whose hydroelectric dam project she and her indigenous Lenca community were protesting. We speak with New York Times reporter Elisabeth Malkin, who has read the new report […]

Action Alert: NYT Claims US Opposed Honduran Coup It Actually Supported

Five Years Later, US Admits It Lied About DEA Role In Deadly Honduran Shooting

Honduran soldiers stand next to a plane in Brus Laguna , Honduras. A joint Honduran-U.S DEA drug raid targeted civilians in the remote jungle area, killing four riverboat passengers and injuring four others. (AP/Rodrigo Abd) A Justice and State Department review reveals that top Drug Enforcement Administration officials lied repeatedly to Justice and to Congress […]

Public Banks As The Antithesis Of Neoliberalism

Print Friendly Above Photo: I’m for public banks because people have a right to share in sustainable abundance, such abundance is relatively easy to achieve structurally and democratically, and neoliberalism’s reliance on the private sector to get us there is foolish. The Commission on Social Development is a sub-body of the United Nations Economic and […]

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Microsoft back EU "hate speech" censorship rules

Facebook, Twitter, Google’s YouTube and Microsoft on Tuesday agreed to an EU code of conduct to tackle online hate speech within 24 hours in Europe. EU governments have been trying in recent months to get social platforms to crack down on rising online racism following the refugee crisis and terror attacks, with some even threatening […]

Louisiana Democrat Claims Declaration of Independence is Racist

by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple Contrary to what political correctness and social justice advocates would have you believe, their ideas are not about protecting minorities. They serve only one purpose in our society, and that is to hamstring free speech and hobble the cultural cornerstones of our rights. On the surface these ideas […]

The Soldiers’ Song

Lili Marlene, the soldiers’ song, crossed the trenches and won the hearts of both Allied and Axis servicemen during World War Two. The ballad’s wistful lyrics were composed in 1918 by Hans Leip (1893~1983). The 25-year old was a German infantryman during The Great War. Hans Leip The ballad started life as a poignant poem. […]

Ken O’Keefe on Central Banks, Banksters, and the Rothschilds

Youtube link In typical brilliant Ken O’Keefe style, he goes on about on Central Banks, Banksters, The Rothschilds, and how we are debt slaves to them. He also says that these criminals need to hang! Source Article from

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