Posts Tagged ‘marriage’

Court in Pakistan Orders Change in Legal Marriage Age

Lahore High Court. (MariyamAftab, Creative Commons) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – A high court in Pakistan last week ordered a provincial government to remove gender-based age distinction in its child marriage law, a move aimed at deterring forced conversions and forced marriages of girls, sources said. Lahore… Source

Ermold v. Davis case could overturn Supreme Court same-sex marriage ruling

(NaturalNews) The legal case against a former Kentucky county clerk who refused to sign the marriage licenses of same-sex couples in 2015 due to her religious… Source

Speaker Johnson on same-sex marriage: ‘I am a rule of law guy’

After receiving criticism for his previous comments on same-sex marriage, new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) said he wanted to be clear on his stance: he is “a rule of law guy.” “I made a career defending the rule of law, I respect the rule of law,” Johnson said on Sean Hannity’s show… […]

India’s Supreme Court Refuses To Legalize Same-Sex Marriage, Saying It’s Up To Parliament

The ruling disappointed campaigners for LGBTQ+ rights in the world’s most populous country. Source

Only 1 in 4 Say Parenthood, Marriage Are Crucial for Fulfilling Life

Only roughly a quarter of U.S. adults say having children or being married are extremely or very important for living a fulfilling life, a Pew Research Center survey found. Source

Forced Conversion/Marriage of Minority Girls Targeted in Pakistan

Supreme Court of Pakistan in Islamabad. (, Creative Commons) LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Tuesday (Aug. 29) ordered the government to respond to a petition to stop courts from allowing forced conversion and marriage of minority girls in verdicts that act as covers for child rape, sources said. Justice […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Murder of Marriage

Scott Lively declares that “the grooming of children is a long-term process, as was the murder of marriage. Obergefell wasn’t a knife stabbed through the heart in a back-alley surprise attack – it was a decades-long poisoning of God’s institution of marriage.” Steven Franssen thinks that “it’s stupid when women aren’t pregnant at age 18.” […]

Estonia votes to legalise same-sex marriage

Prime Minister Kaja Kallas says the new legislation will take effect next year. Source

Marriage Put To Ultimate Test As Couple Hangs Curtains Together

DRAPER, UT — A local couple put their relationship to the test after agreeing to hang a set of new curtains up in their spare bedroom over the weekend. “We’ve always enjoyed a strong relationship,” Amy Jensen explained as she watched her husband David balance precariously on the top rung of a step ladder. “I’m […]

Preacher faces arrest for citing Bible verses on same-sex ‘marriage’

The Rutherford Institute is challenging a five-year restraining order issued against a street preacher who has been threatened with jail if he offends someone by citing Bible verses that oppose the ideology of same-sex marriage. The Rutherford Institute has reported that this action is an attempt by the courts to silence individuals whose religious views […]

UN Calls for Legalization of Marriage between Adults and Minors Worldwide

The United Nations discreetly issued a report in March encouraging members of the UN to decriminalize sex between minors and adults. The report is titled “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.” On page 22 of the report, […]

Despina Vandi reacts to the possibility of marriage

From last night’s J2US, once again there was no lack of teasing from Nikos Koklonis, this time directed at Despina Vandi. The presenter was inspired by the song “Zilevo Poli” (I’m very jealous), whose lyrics he falsified, making a dedication to Vandi. “Miss, I live bride to see you here at J2US. I may not… […]

Actor Penn Badgley Asked for ‘Zero’ Sex Scenes in Netflix’s ‘You’ Out of Respect for His Marriage

Actor Penn Badgley revealed on Friday that he asked for “zero” sex scenes in Season 4 of Netflix’s You, out of respect for his marriage. “Fidelity in every relationship, and especially in a marriage, is important to me,” he said. Source

Jesuit Father James Martin Says Gay Marriage Is Marriage

Jesuit Father James Martin, an LGBT advocate, affirmed Saturday his belief that two men can enter into a real marriage that must be recognized as such. Source

Marriage Rules in Minoan Crete Revealed by Ancient DNA Analysis

A new stu found that marriage partners in Bronze-Age Minoan Crete and Mycenaean Greece were determined by kinship. The researchers were able to genetically reconstruct an ancient family tree for the first time in the Mediterranean region, as prior attempts failed due to the region’s climate causing poor preservation. They found that the sons still… […]

Biden signs Respect for Marriage Act into law, granting federal protections to same-sex marriage

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) President Joe Biden on Tuesday, December 13, signed into law the Respect for Marriage Act – a bill granting federal protections to same-sex marriage. Critics say this law doesn’t show any respect at all for how most people around the world view marriage.According to Biden, the law recognizes that “everyone should have … […]

Scenes from a celebration of the same-sex marriage law — at Mar-a-Lago

PALM BEACH, Fla. — Hundreds of guests in tuxedos of all styles — sequined, quilted, velvet — and colorful gowns sipped on Trump-branded champagne and martinis. Between courses of steak and bite-sized Key lime pie, they danced to “YMCA” and “Macho Man,” the disco anthems at Trump rallies. Thursday night’s Log Cabin Republicans’ “Spirit of […]

Congresswoman wept, pled with her colleagues to vote against a same-sex marriage bill

[embedded content] (The Kansas City Star) — Before Rep. Vicky Hartzler became a member of Congress, she was the face of the movement in Missouri to ban gay marriage. She traveled across the state in 2004, urging Missourians to add an amendment to the state constitution defining marriage as between a man and a woman. […]

Capitol Report: Arkansas City Elects 18-Year-Old Mayor; Same-Sex Marriage Codified, Concerns Over Religious Liberty

Landmark legislation codifying same-sex marriage passes the House, and now it’s off to the White House. Concerns linger over protections for religious liberty. President Joe Biden hailed the release of American basketball player Brittney Griner. But controversies arise as some Republicans question the deal made with Russia. The House Ethics Committee is investigating Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Respect for Marriage

Alex Bollinger @ LGBTQ Nation: Respect for Marriage Act passes House & heads to Joe Biden’s desk. David Badash @ The New Civil Rights Movement: ‘Biblical Conservative’ Republican Likens Bestiality and Polygamy to Same-Sex Marriage in Angry Speech Against Bill. Michael Luciano @ Mediaite: Republican Congresswoman Cries While Urging Colleagues to Vote Against Same-Sex Marriage […]

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